恩典有多奇异? What‘s so amazing about grace?


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Presentation transcript:

恩典有多奇异? What‘s so amazing about grace?

恩典是什么? What is GRACE?

是这份爱 Is this love

是这份爱,主你走向十架 Is this love, Oh Lord, you walk toward the cross 是这份情,主你甘愿舍命 Is this love, Oh Lord, you’re willing to give up your life 是这份爱,主你默然无怨 Is this love, Oh Lord, you remain silent without grudge 是这份情,主你爱我到底 Is this love, Oh Lord, you will love me till the end

主你爱拯救了我 Oh lord, your love has delivered me 救我脱离罪恶 Delivered me from evil 带领我进入光明中 Led me into the light 享受主丰盛的生命 So that I can enjoy the abundant life

是这份爱,你翻山越岭 Is this love, Oh Lord, you go across the mountains 是这份情,主你门外等候 Is this love, Oh Lord, you are waiting at the door 是这份爱,主你深情呼喊 Is this love, Oh Lord, you are calling affectionately 我的佳偶,起来与我同去 Oh my love, arise and go with me

冬天雨水已止住 The winter rain has stopped 地上百花开放 Flowers are in full bloom on ground 深愿我佳偶能相随 Wishing that my love will follow 天涯海角永不分离 We will never be separated

是你是你,轻轻耳边呼唤 Is you who calls softly in my ears 是你是你,擦干脸庞泪水 Is you who wipes away my tears 是你是你,医治破碎心灵 Is you who heals my broken soul 是你的爱,我愿奉献一生 Is your love, I would like to dedicate to my life

主你爱温暖我心 Oh lord, your love has warmed my heart 恩典一生相随 Your grace follows my whole life 惟愿我紧跟主脚步 Wishing that I will follow closely your footsteps 天涯海角永不分离 We will never be separated

撒下9:1-13 2 Sam 9:1-13

「扫罗的儿子约拿单有一个儿子名叫米非波设,是瘸腿的。扫罗和约拿单死亡的消息从耶斯列传到的时候,他才五岁。他乳母抱着他逃跑。因为跑得太急,孩子掉在地上,腿就瘸了。」 撒下4:4 Now Jonathan, Saul’s son, had a son crippled in his feet. He was five years old when the report of Saul and Jonathan came from Jezreel, and his nurse took him up and fled. And it happened that in her hurry to flee, he fell and became lame. And his name was Mephibosheth. 2 Sam 4:4

「王因为曾与扫罗的儿子约拿单指着耶和华起誓结盟,就爱惜扫罗的孙子,约拿单的儿子米非波设,不交出来 。」 「王因为曾与扫罗的儿子约拿单指着耶和华起誓结盟,就爱惜扫罗的孙子,约拿单的儿子米非波设,不交出来 。」 撒下21:7 But the king spared Mephibosheth, the son of Jonathan the son of Saul, because of the oath of the Lord which was between them, between David and Saul’s son Jonathan. 2 Sam 21:7

「你要照耶和华的慈爱恩待我,不但我活着的时候免我死亡, 就是我死后,耶和华从地上剪除你仇敌的时候,你也永不可向我家绝了恩惠。」 「你要照耶和华的慈爱恩待我,不但我活着的时候免我死亡, 就是我死后,耶和华从地上剪除你仇敌的时候,你也永不可向我家绝了恩惠。」 撒上 20:14-15 If I am still alive, will you not show me the lovingkindness of the Lord, that I may not die? “You shall not cut off your lovingkindness from my house forever, not even when the Lord cuts off every one of the enemies of David from the face of the earth . 1 Sam 20:14-15

「 大卫问说,扫罗家还有剩下的人没有。我要因约拿单的缘故向他施恩。」v1 Then David said, “Is there yet anyone left of the house of Saul, that I may show him kindness for Jonathan’s sake?” v 1

「 大卫问说,扫罗家还有剩下的人没有。我要因约拿单的缘故向他施恩。」v1 Then David said, “Is there yet anyone left of the house of Saul, that I may show him kindness for Jonathan’s sake?” v 1

「大卫说,你不要惧怕,我必因你父亲约拿单的缘故施恩与你,」 「大卫说,你不要惧怕,我必因你父亲约拿单的缘故施恩与你,」 v7a David said to him, “Do not fear, for I will surely show kindness to you for the sake of your father Jonathan,” v7a

「将你祖父扫罗的一切田地都归还你。」 v7b and will restore to you all the land of your grandfather Saul v7b

「 王召了扫罗的仆人洗巴来,对他说,我已将属扫罗和他的一切家产都赐给你主人的儿子了。你和你的众子,仆人要为你主人的儿子米非波设耕种田地,把所产的拿来供他食用。 」 v9-10a Then the king called Saul’s servant Ziba and said to him, “All that belonged to Saul and to all his house I have given to your master’s grandson. You and your sons and your servants shall cultivate the land for him, and you shall bring in the produce so that your master’s grandson may have food; v9-10a

「于是米非波设住在耶路撒冷。。。」 v13a So Mephibosheth lived in Jerusalem … v13a

「7 大卫说…你也可以常与我同席吃饭 …10…他却要常与我同席吃饭…11…王又说,米非波设必与我同席吃饭,如王的儿子一样 …13 于是米非波设住在耶路撒冷,常与王同席吃饭。 」 7 David said to him … you shall eat at my table regularly.” 9 Then the king called Saul’s servant Ziba … nevertheless Mephibosheth your master’s grandson shall eat at my table regularly. 11 … So Mephibosheth ate at David’s table as one of the king’s sons. 13 So Mephibosheth lived in Jerusalem, for he ate at the king’s table regularly

「王又说,米非波设必与我同席吃饭, 如王的儿子一样。」 「王又说,米非波设必与我同席吃饭, 如王的儿子一样。」 v11b So Mephibosheth ate at David’s table as one of king’s sons. v11b

「米非波设又叩拜,说,仆人算什么,不过如死狗一般,竟蒙王这样眷顾。」v8 Again he prostrated himself and said, “What is your servant, that you should regard a dead dog like me?” v8

Hesed (v 1, 3, 7)

Hesed (v 1, 3, 7) 「怜悯、慈爱、忠心、施恩、慈爱」 kindness, loyalty, loyal love, lovingkindness, steadfast love, devotion loyal acts

「我今日成了何等人,是蒙神的恩才成的。」. 林前15:10 But by the grace of God I am what I am, 「我今日成了何等人,是蒙神的恩才成的。」 林前15:10 But by the grace of God I am what I am, 1 Cor 15:10a

旧约叙述文的本质主要是让我们看见神一劳永逸为我们所成就的事,而不是神每天所做的事,更不是我们应该为神做的事。 旧约叙述文的本质主要是让我们看见神一劳永逸为我们所成就的事,而不是神每天所做的事,更不是我们应该为神做的事。 The nature of OT narrative concerns what God has done for us once for all, not what God does every day, still less what we are supposed to do for God. John Goldingay

1)认识 to know

1)认识 to know 2)感谢 to give thank

1)认识 to know 2)感谢 to give thank 3)珍惜 to cherish

1)认识 to know 2)感谢 to give thank 3)珍惜 to cherish 4)接受 to accept

恩典有多奇异? What‘s so amazing about grace?

是这份爱 Is this love

是这份爱,主你走向十架 Is this love, Oh Lord, you walk toward the cross 是这份情,主你甘愿舍命 Is this love, Oh Lord, you’re willing to give up your life 是这份爱,主你默然无怨 Is this love, Oh Lord, you remain silent without grudge 是这份情,主你爱我到底 Is this love, Oh Lord, you will love me till the end

主你爱拯救了我 Oh lord, your love has delivered me 救我脱离罪恶 Delivered me from evil 带领我进入光明中 Led me into the light 享受主丰盛的生命 So that I can enjoy the abundant life

是这份爱,你翻山越岭 Is this love, Oh Lord, you go across the mountains 是这份情,主你门外等候 Is this love, Oh Lord, you are waiting at the door 是这份爱,主你深情呼喊 Is this love, Oh Lord, you are calling affectionately 我的佳偶,起来与我同去 Oh my love, arise and go with me

冬天雨水已止住 The winter rain has stopped 地上百花开放 Flowers are in full bloom on ground 深愿我佳偶能相随 Wishing that my love will follow 天涯海角永不分离 We will never be separated

是你是你,轻轻耳边呼唤 Is you who calls softly in my ears 是你是你,擦干脸庞泪水 Is you who wipes away my tears 是你是你,医治破碎心灵 Is you who heals my broken soul 是你的爱,我愿奉献一生 Is your love, I would like to dedicate to my life

主你爱温暖我心 Oh lord, your love has warmed my heart 恩典一生相随 Your grace follows my whole life 惟愿我紧跟主脚步 Wishing that I will follow closely your footsteps 天涯海角永不分离 We will never be separated

主你爱拯救了我 Oh lord, your love has delivered me 救我脱离罪恶 Delivered me from evil 带领我进入光明中 Led me into the light 享受主丰盛的生命 So that I can enjoy the abundant life