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As we gather  As we gather may Your Spirit work within us 當我們聚集時你聖靈運行 As we gather may we glorify Your name 當我們聚集願能榮耀你名 Knowing well that as our hearts.

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Presentation on theme: "As we gather  As we gather may Your Spirit work within us 當我們聚集時你聖靈運行 As we gather may we glorify Your name 當我們聚集願能榮耀你名 Knowing well that as our hearts."— Presentation transcript:

1 As we gather  As we gather may Your Spirit work within us 當我們聚集時你聖靈運行 As we gather may we glorify Your name 當我們聚集願能榮耀你名 Knowing well that as our hearts begin to worship 當我們來到你面前同心敬拜 We‘ll be blessed because we came 深知將蒙你祝福 (2x)

2 The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, 主的慈愛堅定不止息 His mercies never come to an end, 祂的憐憫也永不斷絕

3 They are new every morning, new every morning 每早晨都是新的,更新的早晨 Great is Thy faithfulness (Oh Lord) 主啊!你的信實廣大 Great is Thy faithfulness 你的信實廣大

4 Let us cleanse our hearts as we begin to worship 讓我們潔淨心來敬拜我主 Let us fill our hearts with love for You and sing 讓我們的心被祢愛來充滿 Open up our eyes so we may come to know You 開我們眼睛使我們更認識祢 And unto us the Spirit bring 願聖靈在此運行(2x)

5 Our God  Water You turned into wine 祢將水變為美酒 opened the eyes of the blind 使盲眼重見光明 There's no one like You, none like You 無人能像祢 無人像祢

6 Into the darkness You shine 祢榮光驅走黑暗 out of the ashes we rise 賜華冠代替灰塵 There's no one like You, none like You 無人能像祢 無人像祢

7 Our God is greater, our God is stronger 我神最偉大 我神最剛強 God You are higher than any other 遠超過世上一切的君王 Our God is Healer, awesome in power 祂醫治我們 祂滿有權能 Our God! Our God! Our God! Our God!

8 And if our God is for us, 若上帝幫助我們 then who could ever stop us 有誰能攔阻我們 And if our God is with us 若上帝與我同行 then what could stand against 誰還能抵擋我(們)

9 Worthy is the Lamb  Thank you for the cross, Lord 感謝你的十字架 Thank you for the price You paid 感謝你付上代價 Bearing all my sin and shame 擔當我罪和羞愧 In love You came and gave amazing grace 使我完全, 賜下奇妙恩典

10 Thank you for this love, Lord 感謝你無比大愛 Thank you for the nail pierced hands 感謝你釘痕雙手 Washed me in Your cleansing flow 寶血洗淨我污穢 Now all I know Your forgiveness and embrace 使我瞭解, 你完全包容赦免

11 Worthy is the Lamb, seated on the throne 神羔羊配得 坐在寶座上 Crown You now with many crowns 頭戴著尊貴冠冕 You reign victorious 你做王到永遠

12 High and lifted up, Jesus Son of God 來尊崇讚美 耶穌神兒子 The Darling of Heaven crucified 從天降下被釘十架 Worthy is the Lamb 神羔羊配得 Worthy is the Lamb 神羔羊配得

13 You are worthy of it all 你配得全所有 You are worthy of it all 你配得全所有 For from You are all things 你是萬物源頭 And to You are all things 一切都歸於你 You deserve the glory 配得所有榮耀

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