Do You Teach Your Child to Fear? 你教導你孩子該怕的是誰?


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Presentation transcript:

Do You Teach Your Child to Fear? 你教導你孩子該怕的是誰? To Whom Do You Teach Your Child to Fear? 你教導你孩子該怕的是誰? “The One who can destroy both body and soul in the hell.” “能把身体和靈魂都滅在地獄裹的,正要怕他” Matthew 10. 28-33 馬太福音 Deuteronomy 6.1-9 申命記 Ecclesiastes 12.13 傳道書

1. Teach your child the Truth. 教導你的孩子真理 -- “We are to fear God.” (Matthew 10) 我們本當敬畏神 -- He may be strong/courageous in the Lord. 因此他得以靠主剛強

  Hebrews 2.14-15 希 伯 來 書 Since the children have flesh and blood, he too shared in their humanity so that by his death he might destroy him who holds the power of death—that is, the devil—and free those who all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of death. 兒 女 既 同 有 血 肉 之 體 、 他 也 照 樣 親 自 成 了 血 肉 之 體 .特 要 藉 著 死 、 敗 壞 那 掌 死 權 的 就 是 魔 鬼 . 並 要 釋 放 那 些 一 生 因 怕 死 而 為 奴 僕 的 人 。   

Perpetua, Felicity, Saturus

2. Teach your child the Way. 教導你的孩子道路 -- “We are commanded to fear God.” 我們受了命令當敬畏神 (Deuteronomy 6) -- He may experience God. 因此他得以經歷神

Spirituality has to do with the sense of the presence of God and living in the light of that presence. 靈命是關乎神就在眼前的直覺與活在那直覺的光中. The presence of God revealed in Jesus Christ through the Spirit. 神同在透過基督藉著聖靈而顯明出來 Two basic aspects 兩個基本層面: --Knowing and being known by God. 認識神和被神認識 --Responding with the whole of life. 以全人來回應

Teach your child the Life. 教導你的孩子生命 -- “We are meant to fear God.” 我們受造為著敬畏神 (Ecclesiastes 12) -- He may depend on God. 因此他懂得依靠神

Proverbs 14.26 箴 言 He who fears the Lord has a secure fortress, and for his children it will be a refuge. 敬 畏 耶 和 華 的 、 大 有 倚 靠 . 他 的 兒 女 、 也 有 避 難 所 。