Buyer Yearly Work MDSE. Work Plan 商品部工作计划 2005.01.05.


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Buyer Yearly Work MDSE. Work Plan 商品部工作计划 2005.01.05

1. MDSE. Yearly Work Plan 商品部年度工作计划 2. MDSE. Daily,weekly,monthly work plan 商品部日、周、月工作计划

1. MDSE. Yearly Work Plan 商品部年度工作计划

Buyer Yearly Work 1. Data preparation & line review 年度数据准备和供应商及其商品的表现分析 2. Yearly Sales&GP and Other Income target setting and following up 年度销售额、毛利及营业外收入的指标的确定、跟踪及执行 3. Vendor performance evaluation & negotiation planning 年度供应商年度表现评估与谈判计划 4. Schematic (seasonal) Change, Item Maintenance & Replenishment Process 年度商品陈列(季节性)调整、商品维护及补货过程 5. Exit plan package(after major change) 年度退出计划(Major Change 后) 6. Marketing program and promotion plan analyzing, proposing and execution 年度市场部、商品部促销计划的分析、制定与执行 7. New store plan 新店计划 8. Company activities 公司活动

Buyer Yearly Work 1. Data preparation & line review (twice a year, one is 6 wks after CNY, the other one is July every year ) 年度数据准备和供应商及其商品的表现分析 (每年两次: 一次在过年后6周后; 一次在每年7月初至7月中) Information Resources Include: 商品信息来源: 1)Industry information: AC Neilsen /GFK/CTR 外部信息的收集:.AC Neilsen ,GFK,CTR 2)Competitor information: identify the opportunity item and class 外部竟争对手方面信息分析:找出有机会的商品与分类 3)Performance review of existing vendors(include consignment vendors) to identify opportunity vendors: YTD Sales(best&worst)/GP/ Sales/Inventory Turnover/Order filling/RTV) 回顾目前供应商(包括联销商)的表现(YTD供应商表现(最佳&最差供应商)/毛利,销售, 库存周转,送货率,退货)找出有机会的供应商

Buyer Yearly Work - categories/vendors/brands/items that need to keep 4)Line review (include consignment item)by brand to identify opportunity item (Sales/Price point/GP/Space analysis in BJ/GZ/SH, include reviewing slow movement and non movement items) 按品牌的商品(包括联销商品)结构分析(北京、广州、上海三地销售&毛利/价格点/空间分析,并且对周转慢或无销售商品进行回顾) 5 )Review Lotus Housebrand item 回顾易初莲花定牌商品 6 )Review Lotus GZ Sourcing, Thai Sourcing Item 回顾易初莲花广州商品、泰国进口商品 Analyze and review to make action plan on: 通过分析制定行动计划: - categories/vendors/brands/items that need to keep 需保留的分类,供应商,品牌,商品 - categories/vendors/brands/items that need to delete (vendor deletion need to get approval from Alex to prevent misconduct of buyers. do less consignment vendors and ensure one bar code is only for one specific item) 需删除的分类,供应商,品牌,商品(取消供应商要经过Alex批准,防止采购不正当操作,要尽量少做 销供应商,并且保证一个条码对应一个商品) - categories/vendors/brands/items that need to expand 需扩充的分类,供应商,品牌,商品

Electronic consignment Automotive Home decorative & furniture GO 最重要的5个部门 Meat Liquor HBA Men’ Wear Paper Small Appliance 最有机会5个部门 Dairy & Daily Snack HHC Bedding Shoes 发展部门 Electronic consignment Automotive Home decorative & furniture Houseware Seafood Frozen Dried Vegetable & Fruit

1)F/A, Operation and MDSE review LY Sales, GP and Other Income Buyer Yearly Work 2. Yearly Sales&GP and Other Income Target Setting and Following Up (once a year) 年度销售额、毛利及营业外收入指标的分析,确定及执行(每年一次) 1)F/A, Operation and MDSE review LY Sales, GP and Other Income 财务部、营运部、采购部一起分析上一年度销售,毛利及营业外收入 2)F/A, Operation and MDSE set target for the next year 财务部、营运部、采购部一起制定下一年度销售,毛利及营业外收入 3)Allocate appropriate target to each dept. 把年度指标合理分配到各个部门去执行 4)Each department make action plan accordingly:we should focus on high sales, margin and high ticket item; buyers should allocate the target to each vendor. (buyers need to review last year performance of their vendors before allocating sales and margin target to each vendor.) 各部门制定相应行动计划,要关注销量高, 毛利高和买单量高的商品。采购也要为每个供应 商制定下一年度的销售目标,毛利目标. (采购在做每个供应商的年度销售目标及毛利目标前先 要对部门里的每个供应商做上一年的表现回顾)

Buyer Yearly Work 3. Vendor Negotiation 年度供应商谈判 1)Notice: (几点注意事项) Division head and MDSE manager should coach buyers in negotiation skills 采购经理要培训采购员谈判技巧和方法 Negotiation with vendors should be face to face; assistant buyers should help buyers in arranging negotiation schedule; 采购员应该跟供应商面对面谈判, 采购助理应该帮助采购员安排供应商谈判的时间表 Both vendors and buyers need to sign Business Ethic Agreement before negotiation starts. 采购员和供应商在开始谈判之前要签订商业道德协议; For vendors also do business with our competitors, buyers need to know relevant information, such as item style, cost etc. If a vendor provide good merchandise to our competitors but not to us, buyers should punish the vendor. For instance, give less promotion support to them. 若该供应商的商品在竞争对手那里有销售,采购必须了解其在竞争对手那里销售商品 的品种,成本等.如果发现供应商提供好的商品给竞争对手而不给我们,采购员要对其 采取惩罚措施,如:在促销位置方面对其不予支持等.

Buyer Yearly Work 2)Objectives of Negotiate (include new and existing vendors) 谈判内容(包括新,老供应商) a) Vendor Performance Review 根据上一年度供应商合同的表现,谈判下一年度合同并按合同谈判标准更新老合同 -Sales Review 销售回顾 -GP Amt. Review 毛利率回顾 -D&A Review 营业外收入的回顾 D&A -Inventory review 库存回顾 -Rebate Review 年返的目标回顾与达标 b) By vendor item review to decide items remaining for next year and discuss new item plan of vendors 根据上一年度供应商商品的表现, 定下一年要做的商品.包括来年新品上市计划 c) negotiate for next year’s promotion plan based on analysis of this year 根据上年度供应商促销情况, 谈下年度的促销计划 d) final merchandise structure and promotion plan 最终确定供应商商品结构及促销计划

Buyer Yearly Work 4. Seasonal Schematic Major Change, Item Maintenance & Replenishment process 年度季节性商品陈列调整、商品维护及补货过程 -Emphasize(强调) Each dept should finish the schematic change before sales peak time 所有季节性商品陈列调整必须在销售高峰来临前完成 The principle of schematic is make fully use of our shelf space 商品陈列的标准是要充分利用货架空间 we should evaluate the space performance of each time, namely ROI by space, to ensure the space is well organized. 我们要衡量每个商品货架空间回报率, 即考核所占空间和它的销售比例,确保合理的陈列空间 We can request vendors to do major change for us (seasonal department) (ie ask top 5 vendors of each department to help us do major change schematic) 季节性大调整, 我们可以要求供应商跟我们一起完成(季节性部门) (如:我们可要求部门前5供应商来帮他们做季节大调整的货架)

Buyer Yearly Work - Process of Major Change 季节性大调整的流程 1)Analyze item performance to determine final layout(Schematic Dept ) 根据商品表现分析确认商场布局(陈列部) 2)Sample collection after merchandise structure is approved(Merchandise) 根据最终确认的商品结构开始样品收集(采购部) 3)Set up schematic in sample room (Merchandise) 按陈列部门的季节性调整的时间表按排每个部门在样品室建立陈列(采购部) 4)Sample schematic approval (merchandise head) 进行样品房摸板陈列的批准(商品部头) 5)Schematic drafting and matching (Merchandise/SPT) 陈列批准后制作草图并核对(商品部/陈列部) 6)Final schematic drawing in system and approval(Schematic Dept. ) 最终系统陈列图纸的制作及批准(陈列部)

7) Item maintenance & New item creation(IM) Buyer Yearly Work 7) Item maintenance & New item creation(IM) 最终图纸批准后的商品信息的维护&新品的生成(信息维护部) 8) Order Placing(AR) 开始进行订货(自动补货部) 9) Delivering & receiving (DC & Stores, AR, Merchandise) 催货及收货(大仓, 门店,自动补货部,采购) 10)Display execution in store(Stores) 门店收到正式图纸后执行陈列(门店) 11)Inspection of actual in-store schematic(Merchandise) (div.head and mdse.head should do spot check) 采购到门店进行陈列检查(采购经理和商品部负责人要抽查)

Buyer Yearly Work 1)Review and analyze inventory after major changes 5. Exit plan package(after major change) 年度退出计划(每年大调整后) 1)Review and analyze inventory after major changes 对每年两次季节性陈列调整后的库存进行回顾分析 2)List out to- exit item 列出准备退出的商品清单 3)Negotiate for non RTV Allowance to compensate destroy&markdown 跟供应商谈不退货津贴来抵消销毁和降价损失 4)Make exit plan in RAMS 在系统中做出退出计划 5)Send exit plan to stores and inform vendors to collect their merchandise 发送退出计划到门店,并通知供应商将货退清

Buyer Yearly Work 6. Yearly marketing promotion analysing, planning and exection (once a year, each month update plan of the coming 2 months) 年度市场部、商品部促销计划的分析、制定与执行 (每年度一次,每月更新下两个月计划) Al’s requirements Mr Al的几点要求: Mdse. & maketing plan should link together, both heads should capture the good plan from the buyers and details 商品部和市场部应该联系在一起, 两个部门的经理都应该从采购员和细节中获取好的计划 tab selection must be centralized; 150 items maximum for each tab, 95 of them should provided by national vendors and the rest 55 from local vendors. 海报商品的选择必须中央集中化; 每期海报最多150个商品, 其中95个来自全国供应商, 剩余的55来自地方供应商 we should control national vendors by national tab, 我们要用全国海报来控制全国供应商, 非全国供应商不能上全国海报

Buyer Yearly Work Detailed procedures are: 具体的流程: 1)Merchandise together with Marketing and Operation review last year performance of marketing program, tab and in store promotion. 采购部和市场部一起分析上一年度的市场部活动、海报和店内促销情况 2)The above 3 parties set plan on marketing program, tab and in store promotion (special purchase item) for the next year. 采购部和市场部部一起制订下一年度的市场部活动、海报和店内促销(特殊采购商品) 计划 3)Merchandise schedule negotiation with vendors and integrate vendor promotion plan with marketing/promotion program plan. 商品部门根据计划合理按排谈判时间,将供应商的全年促销活动与易初莲花的市场部 计划整合一致 4)Determine tab item selection, order placing and arriving schedule 最终制定出全年海报的选择时间表、海报订货及到货的时间表 5)Marketing make store feature and display execution plan 市场部制定门店年度堆头及陈列的执行计划

Buyer Yearly Work 7. New store plan 新店计划 1)New store open master plan 开店计划 -Lotus Expansion Plan 扩张计划 8 2 6 18 GZ 81 40 41 Total 21 13 28 BJ 52 25 27 04,15 SH 2005 2004 Region Co. Code

Buyer Yearly Work - When a new store is opened in the city with existing store, buyers can’t copy the merchandise structure of that existing store, but need to do line review to determine the new store’s merchandise structure. And irrational aspects of existing store’s structure has to be adjusted at the same time to ensure all stores in same city has similar merchandise structure. 采购在旧城开新店时不能完全拷贝该城老店的商品结构,而要做完整的line review来确定新店的商品结构。并且要将老店不合理的地方一起调整, 确保一个城市商品结构基本保持一致。 - If a new store G.O. is between seasonal transition, buyers have to complete seasonal item entry process in advance. 新店开业时候正好遇到是季节过度期时,采购要考虑季节性商品在新店开业前就进入. - New store G.O. time has to be in accordance with Tab period. 新店开业的时间尽量要与海报开始的时间保持一致

Buyer Yearly Work 2)Merchandise set up plan 商品筹建计划 ie. New city new store 新城新店 Start: 5 month before G.O. ) - Market Survey ( 1 month.) 市场调查 - Survey result Presentation (2weeks.) 商品调查结果汇报 - Vendor Negotiation and Identify MDSE Assortment(2 month) 供应商谈判,确定商品 - Schematic (1 month) 商品陈列 - Item Information (2 weeks) 商品信息 - Issue P.O. (2 weeks) 发送订单 - Promotion selection (tab & feature item) 促销商品的选择(海报和堆头商品的制定) - Merchandise receiving (2 weeks) 收货

Buyer Yearly Work 8. Company activities 公司活动 1) Seasonal Merchandise Show 年度季节性商品陈列展示会 Twice a year, such as before CNY, we should have a merchandise show which may take 2.5 days (Apparel will have apparel show). Selected vendors will take their merchandise and display them professionally on the show, like in department store. Meanwhile, Mdse and Operation heads should participate in the show to discuss and learn. The purpose of doing this is to teach our Operation team on how to display. 每年两次, 例如中国新年前, 我们应该举办为期约2.5天的商品展示会(服装将有服装展示), 要求供应商提供样品并在会上陈列, 要像百货店一样专业的陈列. 届时全国商品部,营运部负责人都要来参加, 并互相讨论&学习.目的:让我们的营运部门知道应该怎样做陈列。. 2) Company conference 公司会议 3) Buyer conference 采购员大会 4) Vendor meeting 供应商会议

2. MDSE. Daily,weekly,monthly work plan 商品部日、周、月工作计划 GO

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