Floral Formulas & Floral Diagrams 花式及花式圖 Floral Formulas & Floral Diagrams
花式 floral formula 以英文的簡寫符號及數字,將花的結構自外圍向內寫成類似分子式的表示法
Key to Floral Formulas Ca (K) =花萼calyx: or whorl of sepals Co (C) =花冠 corolla; or whorl of petals CaCo (P) =花被 perianth; if sepals and petals are alike termed 'tepals'. A (S) =雄花器 Androecium; or whorl of stamens. G =雌花器 Gynoecium; or ovary bearing carpels.
Symbols for the parts of a flower: K = calyx C = corolla A = androecium (* = a staminode, sterile stamen) G = gynoecium a straight line below the G indicates a superior ovary, a straight line above the G indicates an inferior ovary, -G- indicates half inferior & are used to designate male and female flowers _
Tradescantia 鴨跖草 水竹草
superior ovary half inferior inferior ovary -G- G G
Penstemon 鐘鈴花
Oenothera 月見草 柳葉菜科
Liriodendron 鵝掌楸屬
Crassula 肉葉草屬
Geranium 天竺葵
Asarum 細辛屬
Citrullus 西瓜屬
Lamium 寶蓋草
Oenothera 月見草
花式圖 floral diagram ○ 以圖形符號將花的構造依相關位置排列於一平面圖形 Ca3 Co3 A5 G 3 Pistil Stamen Petal Sepal Ca3 Co3 A5 G 3 ○ K3 C3 A5 G(3)
Tulipa gesneriana (tulip) Ca3 Co3 A3+3 G(3) P3+3 A3+3 G(3)
Papaver (Papaveraceae) 罌粟屬 K2C2+2A∞G(2)
Silene (Caryophyllaceae) 蠅子草屬
Oenothera月見草 (Onagraceae) K4C4A8G(4)
Euphorbia lathyris (Euphorbiaceae) 續隨子 大戟屬(大戟科)
Poaceae 禾本科 (formerly Graminae) K2~3C2~3A3~6G1
Lilium (Liliaceae)