Friendship Bouquet 友谊之花 Music: Nightengale Serenade


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Presentation transcript:

Friendship Bouquet 友谊之花 Music: Nightengale Serenade

You may not realize this – but the following is 100% true. Think about some part of it daily. 你也许没有意识到,但以下都是100%真实的.每天思考一下吧.

There are at least 2 people in this world who you would die for. And…….at least 15 people in this world who you love in some way. 在这个世界上,至少有2个人是你所渴望见到的…至少有15个人是你有不同程度喜爱的.

The only reason that anyone would ever hate you, Is because they want to be just like you. 如果有人恨你,唯一的原因是他们希望像你一样.

A smile from you can bring happiness to anyone, even if they do not like you. 你的微笑会带给别人快乐,即使那些不喜欢你的人.

Every night, SOMEONE thinks about you. You mean the world to someone. 每个夜晚,都会有人想起你. 对某些人而言,你就意味着世界.

You are special and unique. Someone you don’t even know – loves you. 你是独特,独一无二的.所以正有人在你不知道的时候-爱着你.

When you make the biggest mistake ever, something good comes from it. 即使当你犯下大错,也许好的事情也随之而来.

When you think the World has turned it’s back on you…… take another look. 当觉得世界背叛了你…换个角度来看.

Always remember the compliments that you received. Forget about the rude remarks. 记住你得到的赞美.忘记别人不友善的议论.

Always remember…when life hands you a lemon – always ask for sugar! 记住…当生活给了你酸柠- 再要点糖!

Good friends are like stars, you don’t always see them – but you know they are there. 好朋友就象星星,不用总看到他们- 但你知道他们一直在那里.

我宁愿生时拥有玫瑰和朋友温馨的话语-也不愿死时只有成堆的金钱. I would rather have one rose and a kind word from a Friend while I am here – than a whole truckload when I am gone. 我宁愿生时拥有玫瑰和朋友温馨的话语-也不愿死时只有成堆的金钱.

Happiness keeps you sweet, Trials keep you strong. Sorrows keep you Human, Life keeps you humble. 幸福让我们惬意, 磨难让我们强壮. 悲伤让我们通情达理,生活让我们谦虚.

Success keeps you glowing, 成功让我们兴奋,燃烧, But, only Friends keep you going. 但,只有朋友让我们持续向前.

Don’t you know the phrase – ‘stop and smell the flowers’? Forward this to your friends, and don’t tell me that you are too busy!! Don’t you know the phrase – ‘stop and smell the flowers’? 转给你的朋友们吧,不要说太忙没时间!! -停下来,闻闻花香吧.

To my friends – I was not too busy to make it and send it to you. 给我的好朋友-我可没有忙得顾不上欣赏,顾不上发给你哦 Sapphire Productions