The return of Dinosaurs?


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Presentation transcript:

The return of Dinosaurs?

剑龙 stegosaurs 霸王龙 tyrannosaurus 雷龙 brontosaurus 翼龙pterodactyl

Why did dinosaurs die out? 1气候环境使恐龙灭绝 植食恐龙喜欢吃的植物(厥类植物)适应不了四季分明的气候,纷纷灭绝了。很多植物恐龙被饿死,植食恐龙的减少,使肉食恐龙的数量也大大减少。于是,恐龙慢慢地绝灭了。 2小行星asteroid撞击地球使恐龙灭绝 3恐龙蛋壳变厚使恐龙灭绝 我国的河南湖北等省发现了大批的恐龙蛋化石,湖北的恐龙蛋大而长,光露在地表的就有1000多枚。考古学家从这儿发现了一个有趣的现象:恐龙蛋化石几乎都是白垩纪的,那么三叠纪的和侏罗纪的恐龙蛋化石到哪儿去了呢?答案只有一个:孵化成小恐龙了。那白垩纪晚期的恐龙蛋为什么孵化不出小恐龙呢?考古学家经过反复研究,发现因为外界环境刺激恐龙蛋,使壳变厚,结果恐龙就这样断子绝孙了。

What are the films or novels based on dinosaurs? Jurassic Park I: dinosaurs were cloned Jurassic Park II: army & dinosaurs Jurassic Park III: scientists and dinosaurs 话说阿伦博士拟进行一项史前动物研究,但苦于缺乏经费,这时富商保罗与前妻阿曼达不期而至,提出如果阿伦陪他们去一次索拿岛(第一、二集中的恐龙岛),就出资赞助他的研究。“健忘”的阿伦博士鬼使神差地跟着他们上了飞机,尽管阿伦提出飞机不能直接降落在小岛上,然而一切都太晚了,由于机械故障,飞机一头撞进了岛上的丛林,就在机上人员惊魂甫定之际,一群不知名的恐龙包围了飞机……

Read the text Find out (1) the writer’s attitude. (underline the supporting sentences) (2) Ex. 1 Page 16 Why shouldn't you clone an extinct animal unless there is enough diversity in the group? Why is it wrong to clone an extinct animal if it would have to live in a zoo?

the writer’s attitude Pay attention to the following phrases: (Part.1) But in fact we are a long way from… (Part.3) Unfortunately, with what we know now, this is either impossible and unsuitable. (Part 4) All efforts of cloning …. will be in vain it would be unfair to …is merely a dream. The writer is against animal cloning. The writer doesn't’ support the idea that we should clone animals. The writer objects to animal cloning.

Reading -- II Detail reading Ex. 1 Page 16 Why should’t you clone an extinct animal unless there is enough diversity in the group? Why is it wrong to clone an extinct animal if it would have to live in a zoo?

Why should’t you clone an extinct animal unless there is enough diversity in the group? (Part 4) All efforts of cloning an animal will be in vain if there is not enough diversity in the group to overcome illnesses. The great drawback to cloning a group of animals is that they would all have the same arrangement of genes and so might die of the same illness.  There will not be enough genetic variation in the group to be able to resist new illnesses.

2. Why is it wrong to clone an extinct animal if it would have to live in a zoo? A suitable habitat would be needed for them to lead a natural life.

Persuasive Speech May the best animal win! Suppose you are the last extinct animal mentioned in the table. You want to persuade scientists to believe that you are the best animal so as to let them clone your fellows. Make a speech (using first person point of view) 1 self-introduction 2 the reasons why scientists should clone your fellows Persuasive Speech

Dodo bird (1755) Auroch 原牛 (1627) Great Auk大海雀 (1844) Quagga 斑驴(1883)