扶輪與和平 Rotary and Peace
通往戰爭之路是條鋪得很好 的公路,然而通往和平的路 仍是一片荒蕪。 “The way to war is a well-paved highway, and the way to peace is still a wilderness.” —保羅哈里斯Paul Harris
在蘇格蘭愛丁堡1921年國際年會中扶輪社員全體一致決議將調解併入扶輪的章程與細則中。 從扶輪早期至今, 世界暸解與和平的追尋業已是扶輪的基石。 在蘇格蘭愛丁堡1921年國際年會中扶輪社員全體一致決議將調解併入扶輪的章程與細則中。 THE QUEST FOR WORLD UNDERSTANDING AND PEACE HAS BEEN A CORNERSTONE OF ROTARY SINCE ITS EARLY DAYS. At the 1921 convention in Edinburgh, Scotland, Rotarians unanimously agreed to incorporate peacemaking into Rotary’s constitution and bylaws.
1931年美國和加拿大扶輪社員的親善會議導致第一座國際和平公園的創建─美國蒙大拿州和加拿大薩克斯其萬省的Waterton-Glacier國際和平公園—借以慶祝世界最長的未設防邊境。 A 1931 goodwill meeting of U.S. and Canadian Rotarians led to the creation of the first international peace park — the Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park in Montana, USA, and Saskatchewan, Canada — to celebrate the world’s longest unfortified border.
在三十年代期間歐洲扶輪社員組織了petits comités 以進行扶輪社訪問交流來增進國際暸解。現今稱為國家間委員會,這些訪問團在歐洲和非洲完成卓越的服務計劃。 European Rotarians organized petits comités during the 1930s to exchange club visits and promote international understanding. Now called intercountry committees, these groups carry out ambitious service projects in Europe and Africa.
1940年古巴哈瓦那國際年會 扶輪社員正式通過〝尊重人權決議案〞(respect for human rights resolution):〝只要自由、正義、誠實、誓言之神聖性和人權之尊重不存在的地方,那扶輪就不可能生存,同時它的理想亦不可能彰顯盛行〞成為聯合國人權宣言的架構。 At the 1940 convention in Havana, Cuba, Rotarians adopted a resolution calling for “freedom, justice, truth, sanctity of the pledged word, and respect for human rights” that became the framework for the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
在 1942 年,英國扶輪社員召開規劃世界和平的會議。出席者是世界各地的教育部長和觀察員們,而由國際扶輪前社長Sydney W 在 1942 年,英國扶輪社員召開規劃世界和平的會議。出席者是世界各地的教育部長和觀察員們,而由國際扶輪前社長Sydney W. Pascall擔任主委,該會議導致在 1946 年〝聯合國教育科學文化組織〞UNESCO 的成立。 In 1942, British Rotarians convened a conference to plan a world at peace. Attended by ministers of education and observers from around the world, and chaired by Past RI President Sydney W. Pascall, the conference led to the establishment of UNESCO in 1946.
於1945年, In 1945, 49位扶輪社員擔任29會員國代表出席舊金山聯合國成立會議。 49 Rotary members served in 29 delegations to the United Nations Charter Conference.
至今,扶輪仍與許多的聯合國代辦處保持著緊密關係。國際扶輪的代表們至紐約聯合國主持每年一次的聯合國扶輪日以慶祝這種和平夥伴關係。 Today, Rotary maintains close relationships with many UN agencies. RI’s representatives to the UN in New York host an annual Rotary Day at the United Nations to celebrate this partnership for peace.
許多國際扶輪和扶輪基金計劃是設計於不同國家和文化的人們間去促進暸解。 Many RI and Rotary Foundation programs are designed to promote understanding among people of different countries and cultures.
Since 1947, 至從1947年以來, 大使獎學金學生散佈了扶輪親善的訊息到許多其所研讀的國家。 Ambassadorial Scholars have spread the Rotary message of goodwill to the many countries where they have studied.
In 1965, 於1965年, 團體研究交換計劃開始派遣年青專家們到國外與他們專業領域的其他人分享想法。 the Group Study Exchange program began sending teams of young professionals abroad to share ideas with others in their field.
青少年交換,開始於1927年丹麥哥本哈根扶輪社和美國學生之間的交換,並於1974年成為一個正式的國際扶輪計劃。 Youth Exchange, which had begun with a 1927 exchange between the Rotary Club of Copenhagen, Denmark, and American students, became an official RI program in 1974.
並於2002年, And in 2002, 國際研究扶輪中心 核准第一屆70位學生 承諾從事於調解與解決衝突。 the Rotary Centers for International Studies admitted the first class of 70 students committed to careers in peacemaking and conflict resolution.
扶輪社與地區也開始 從事並支持和平努力的成果 2004年和平生活營,由瑞士Muttenz - Wartenberg扶輪社所主辦,讓以色列和巴勒史丹的年輕人生活在一起產生友誼並克服彼此緊張的關係。 ROTARY CLUBS AND DISTRICTS ALSO INITIATE AND SUPPORT PEACE EFFORTS. Peace Camp ‘04, sponsored by the Rotary Club of Muttenz-Wartenberg, Switzerland, brought Israeli and Palestinian young people together to develop friendships and overcome tensions.
扶輪社主辦的北愛爾蘭計劃把新教徒和天主教的青少年從北方愛爾蘭帶到美國以增進彼此信任、寬容與和諧。 The Rotary club-sponsored Ulster Project brings Protestant and Catholic teenagers from Northern Ireland to the United States to promote trust, tolerance, and reconciliation.
在許多國家和不同文化的扶輪社員齊聚慶祝服務和情誼的同時,也培養了國際暸解的精神。 扶輪的國際會議 在許多國家和不同文化的扶輪社員齊聚慶祝服務和情誼的同時,也培養了國際暸解的精神。 Rotary’s international meetings foster the spirit of international understanding when Rotarians of many countries and cultures gather to celebrate service and fellowship.
國際扶輪理事會指定二月為世界瞭解月及2月23 日為世界暸解與和平日時,業已進一步鼓勵扶輪社員調解運動 。 Rotarian peacemaking activities have been further encouraged by the RI Board, which designated February as World Understanding Month and 23 February as World Understanding and Peace Day.
欲了解更多有關扶輪世界暸解與和平的追尋, 請訂購一本 Learn more about Rotary’s quest for world understanding and peace by ordering a copy of 一個世紀的服務: 國際扶輪的故事 A Century of Service: The Story of Rotary International. Click here to order