Music: W. A. Mozart, Clarinet Trio in E Flat Major, K. 498, Allegro


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Presentation transcript:

Music: W. A. Mozart, Clarinet Trio in E Flat Major, K. 498, Allegro Czech Republic 捷克共和國 Music: W. A. Mozart, Clarinet Trio in E Flat Major, K. 498, Allegro Autoplay

歷史悠久有紀念性的布拉格:從古老城市的市政大廳遠眺古城的廣場 Historical monumental Prague: The Old Town square as observed from the Old Town Hall tower

古城的市政廳位於歷史悠久、羅曼蒂克的希拉格市中心 Old Town Hall, the very heart of historical romantic Prague

古老的市政廳:擁擠的觀光客正在等待古老的天文時鐘每小時的報時秀 Old Town Hall, a crowd of tourists await the hourly “show” of the old astronomical clock

西班牙式的猶太教堂是因其美麗的摩爾文化風格而得名。教堂內展出猶太人在奧地利帝國及獨立的捷克斯拉夫時期於波希米亞及摩拉維亞兩地方的故事。展出內容呈現出猶太人對文化、科學及國家的貢獻及納粹時期的命運。 The Spanish Synagogue is named for its beautiful Moorish style. It has an Synagogue exhibition about the Jews in Bohemia and Moravia, both under the Austrian Empire and in the independent Czechoslovakia. The exhibition shows the Jews’ contributions to the general culture, the science, and the state, and their fate under the Nazis.

The Jewish quarter: Just an apartment building 猶太人社區,只 是一個公寓建築

古舊密密麻麻的猶太人墓地是16世紀學者兼哲學家拉比勒夫最後的安息地,他創造了傳奇的布拉格泥人,無所不能但啞巴的泥人擁有預測猶太社區遭受大屠殺的能力,希伯來人對泥人的術語與見解繁衍了歐洲的文化,以現代工藝技術而言,它代表有能力不會說話的人造機械-機器人與電腦。 The old dense Jewish cemetery, the final resting place of the 16th century scholar and philosopher Rabbi Loew (“Maharal”), who created the legendary Golem of Prague. The mighty (but dumb) Golem was presumably capable of defending the Jewish community from a pogrom. The Hebrew term and the notion of “Golem” propagated to European cultures and in modern technology it stands for powerful but dumb man-created mechanisms -- Robots and Computers.

布拉格的城堡區與下城區 Prague: The Castle District and the Lower Town

中世紀查理斯橋與古老城鎮 The medieval Charles Bridge and the Old Town

永遠川流不息的觀光客群聚擁向中世紀的查理斯橋 A permanent stream of tourists flock across the medieval Charles Bridge

最古老的巴洛克雕像十字架,裝飾在中世紀的查理斯橋上,黃金在西伯來語代表神聖、神聖的主 This Crucifix is the oldest of the many Baroque statues decorating the medieval Charles Bridge. The Hebrew words in gold mean “Holy, Holy, Holy Lord”

這個城門可經由查理斯橋通往下城 The gate to the Lower Town from the Charles Bridge

城門上的小號手正在吹奏歡迎觀光客到下城一遊 Trumpeters on the gate to the Lower Town welcoming the tourists

聖維特大教堂位於布拉格城堡區 Prague, the Castle District: St. Vitus’s Cathedral

圖畫般美麗的黃金巷位於城堡區,原建是為了提供給布拉格城堡的護衛隊,後來成為藝術家與作家的家園,法蘭茲·卡夫卡(20世紀德語小說家)也住在這裡 Castle District: The picturesque “Golden Lane” was built originally for the guards of the Prague Castle and became home to artists and writers, Franz Kafka among them.

卡羅維瓦利(Karlovy Vary )有悠久歷史,是雅緻的按摩休閒小鎮 Karlovy Vary (Karlsbad), the historic elegant spa resort town

中世紀的古鎮洛蓋特(Loket ) The medieval town of Loket

布達喬維治(Ceske Budejovice ) 圍繞在城鎮廣場的一座美麗建築 Ceske Budejovice (Budweis): One of the beautiful buildings surrounding the town square

布達喬維治(Ceske Budejovice)鎮廣場的市政大廳(捷克境內最大的廣場) Ceske Budejovice: Town Hall on the town square (the biggest square in the country)

圖畫般美麗生動有趣的城堡城市克鲁姆洛夫(Cesky Krumlov )保有這個地區其他城市所沒有的中世紀特性,已被聯合國教科文組織列入世界文化遺產 The picturesque and “juicy” castle city of Cesky Krumlov has preserved its medieval identity as no other town in the region. It is on the UNESCO list of world heritage.

中世紀古鎮帖爾契(Telč) The medieval town of Telč

歐洛慕奇 (Olomouc)是摩拉維亞的首府,也 是該區最古老的城鎮 位於主廣場之神聖三位一體的巴洛克紀念柱碑己被聯合國教科文組織列入世界文化遺產。 Olomouc is the capital of Moravia and its oldest town. The Holy Trinity Column Baroque monument on the main square is on the UNESCO list of World Heritage Sites.

位於歐洛慕奇的聖母雪瑪麗亞教堂 Olomouc: The Church of the Virgin Mary of the Snow

位於歐洛慕奇的羅馬主教宮殿 (Přemyslid Palace) Olomouc: The Romanesque Bishop’s Palace (Přemyslid Palace)

The End 位於歐洛慕奇的聖瓦茨拉夫大教堂 Olomouc: St. Wenceslas cathedral