All who are saved through the Word


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Presentation transcript:

All who are saved through the Word [1/9] I Love the Family of GOD 大家都蒙主救拯 All who are saved through the Word

Joy in His service have we [2/9] 有相愛相助溫情 Joy in His service have we

[3/9] 福樂溢,一家春 In His Love always stay

Worship the Lord with our fear [4/9] 敬拜神以誠以靈 Worship the Lord with our fear

Let us determine to share [5/9] 讓我們立志遵行 Let us determine to share

[6/9] 福樂溢,一家春 In His Love always stay

[7/9] 獻財獻力獻時間 All on His altar today

Many lost people will win [8/9] 使主愛充滿人寰 Many lost people will win

[9/9] 福樂溢,一家春 In His Love always stay