營運不中斷的最佳提案Non-stop solution


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Presentation transcript:

營運不中斷的最佳提案Non-stop solution 與其他解決方案不同的是”停機預防”軟體,能夠保持 Windows®和 Linux® 應用程式持續運行,確保業務的連續性和資料的完整性並獲得類似大型機的可用性。而且它還具有全面的監控和通報功能。 使用業內標準的 x86 伺服器,因此可以利用企業內的現有能力。可以運行Windows 和 Linux OS,並具有容錯功能,無需改變您的應用程式。 此預防性應用程式的可用性領先企業,已經超過三十年。

最高可用性 作業不中斷 簡化備援機制 Open硬體 (intel based x86) 導入成本經濟實惠 Non-Stop Solution Feature 最高可用性 作業不中斷 簡化備援機制 Open硬體 (intel based x86) 導入成本經濟實惠 防止本地的應用程式停機 確保業務連續性和合規性 確保沒有業務中斷或者運行中資料的丟失 使用行業標準伺服器 無需修改應用程式 可在虛擬和雲環境中運行 保護虛擬機器、應用程式和資料 為對稱多處理器(SMP)和多核心工作負載提供容錯功能或高可用性防護

現行軟體不需任何調整, 不需裝Agent everRun Software Support 項目 名稱 說明 OS Linux Suse Linux 11 / RHEL 6 after Windows Windows 7 / Server 2003 after AP Java Development Kit 各版本 .Net Framework DB Oracle Database MS SQL Database MySQL / PostgreSQL / ... Service FTP Server AP Server (IIS/Jboss/Weblogic/...) Virtual Desktop Server

支援Intel Based CPU everRun Hardware Support 項目 名稱 CPU Xeon Gold 6XXX/5XXX, Silver 4XXX, Bronze 3XXX Xeon E3-1XXX~E3-1XXXv6 Xeon E5-1XXX~E5-1XXXv4, E5-2XXX~E5-2XXXv4 Item Min Max Notes CPU Sockets 1 2 No core limit Physical memory 8G 384G Internal disk count 24 Disk capacity 150G 9.4TB no pratical limit Business Ethernet ports 20 for business service port Link ports 8 10GB or higher ethernet 只要是近五六年買的主機差不多都可支援.

everRun Enterprise 軟體容錯方案 一個應用程式運行在兩台虛擬機器上。如果其中一台虛擬機器發生故障,該應用程式會在另外一台虛擬機器上繼續運行,不會發生中斷或者資料丟失。 如果一個元件發生故障,它會被第二個系統的健康元件代替。 I/O 自動鏡像到冗餘伺服器上。記憶體檢查點設置確保記憶體和緩存中所有正在進行的會話以及資料被保存 — 無需重啟機器。

Traditional HA - Application佈署繁雜 Vendor List: RedHat Clusterware -OS Veritas Clusterware -Storage Oracle Clusterware -DB Cost Analysis: L4 Switch Clusterware Ent. Middleware License Session break Configuration Application Revision

Traditional HA - Database價格昂貴 Vendor List: RedHat Clusterware Veritas Clusterware Oracle Clusterware Cost Analysis: Shared Storage Clusterware Ent. Database License Configuration Downtime Oracle DB Ent. License fee by core; Std. license fee by socket. Ent. is about 6 times expensive than Std. .

Always-On連續可用性需求影響著我們生活的每一個層面 製造生產 製造MES系統 資料獲取資料庫系統 保全監控 門禁系統 IP Camera 公共安全 電子輔助調度系統 交通監控設備 Always-on has become a global requirement that touches every part of our lives. It impacts your critical business applications and your business can’t run without them. In manufacturing environments – it’s about maintaining productivity and quality Retailers – need to ensure transaction processing systems are up and running to maintain sales targets In Building Security – premises and individuals need to be protected from internal and external threats In Public safety – lives are on the line In Financial Services – the impact of system downtime is huge when you’re managing thousands of transactions per second And in Healthcare, accessibility of patient records and compliance is crucial 零售物流 零售電子轉帳 電子商務 醫療衛生 電子門診病歷系統 PACS 影像系統 電子病歷系統 金融服務 銀行關聯 支付認證系統 交易系統 報盤系統 保險管理 不該讓應用服務的停機時間變成一種威脅

everRun SplitSite 保持您的metro-wide廣域站點於災難發生時可以正常運行 Site B Site A FT– 2ms Quorum Service Synchronous Here’s how SplitSite works:    Split-site configurations are limited to 10ms round trip A-Link latency for HA VMs and 2ms round trip A-Link latency for FT VMs.  Separation of up to 10km (using 1000BASE-LX) is a common A-Link network topology that can meet the latency requirements for most deployments. Use of quorum is required for SplitSite configurations to protect against data loss (due to split brain) and to safely enable VMs to start up automatically if a second everRun physical machine (node) or site has failed.  Quorum availability is improved if quorum is placed at a third location and an appropriate quorum networking design is implemented. Refer to our Knowledge Base for additional details . Specific training or professional services assistance is necessary to deploy SplitSite correctly and a SplitSite license is required to receive technical support on a SplitSite configuration. Site A Site failure Site B The intact server seamlessly takes over all tasks Round trip A-Link latency: FT– 2ms HA – 10ms

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