神是聖潔 Holy Is the Lord CCLI #1133585.


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進入你的同在 Into Your Presence
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耶穌!噢!耶穌! 來充滿我的心! Jesus, O Jesus Come and fill Your lambs Jesus, O Jesus Come and fill Your lambs.
Shout to the Lord (1-1) 向主歡呼
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聖潔全能主 Holy Is the Lord 詩集:讚美之泉10 - 單單只為你,25.
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將榮耀歸主, 神的兒女 將能力歸主, 神的兒女 將榮耀歸主, 他名當得榮耀 來敬拜主 用聖潔妝飾來敬拜他 齊來唱讚美 歸那萬古的磐石
和撒那, 和撒那 Hosanna Hosanna.
Presentation transcript:

神是聖潔 Holy Is the Lord CCLI #1133585

我們站立舉起手 主的喜樂是我們的力量 我們俯伏向他敬拜 他偉大又有威嚴 We stand and lift up our hands 主的喜樂是我們的力量 For the joy of the Lord is our strength 我們俯伏向他敬拜 We bow down and worship Him now 他偉大又有威嚴 How great how awesome is He

我們一同歌唱,每個人都唱: 我主全能的神是聖潔 這世界充滿他的榮耀 And together we sing, everyone sing: 我主全能的神是聖潔 Holy is the Lord God Almighty 這世界充滿他的榮耀 The earth is filled with His glory (重複上兩行 / Repeat the last two lines)

And it’s rising up all around It’s the anthem of the Lord renoun 我們全都站立歌唱 And it’s rising up all around 一同歌唱我主的聖歌 It’s the anthem of the Lord renoun