我們有偉大奇妙真神 We’ve Got A Great Big Wonderful God.


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Presentation transcript:

我們有偉大奇妙真神 We’ve Got A Great Big Wonderful God

有偉大奇妙真神 We’ve got a great big wonderful God A great big wonderful God! 我們有偉大奇妙真神 有偉大奇妙真神 We’ve got a great big wonderful God A great big wonderful God!

A God who’s always victorious always watching over us, 這真神 時常凱旋得勝 常保護看顧我們 偉大奇妙真神 A God who’s always victorious always watching over us, Great big wonderful God,

有偉大奇妙真神 We’ve got a great big wonderful God A great big wonderful God! 我們有偉大奇妙真神 有偉大奇妙真神 We’ve got a great big wonderful God A great big wonderful God!

A God who loves every one of us done so much for all of us, 這真神 喜愛世上眾人 厚賜萬物給我們 偉大奇妙真神 A God who loves every one of us done so much for all of us, Great big wonderful God.

He never, never, never leaves us, He’s always standing by, 他永遠永遠 站我身旁 絕不離棄我們 He never, never, never leaves us, He’s always standing by,

如保護眼中瞳人 To pick us up if we stumble, We’re the apple of His eye! 若跌倒 祂必拉起我 如保護眼中瞳人 To pick us up if we stumble, We’re the apple of His eye!

有偉大奇妙真神 We’ve got a great big wonderful God A great big wonderful God! 我們有偉大奇妙真神 有偉大奇妙真神 We’ve got a great big wonderful God A great big wonderful God!

偉大奇妙真神 Oh, what a glory it is to sing praises to our coming King, 齊頌讚 榮耀歸至高神 復活主再來君王 偉大奇妙真神 Oh, what a glory it is to sing praises to our coming King, Great big wonderful God.

He never, never, never leaves us, He’s always standing by, 他永遠永遠 站我身旁 絕不離棄我們 He never, never, never leaves us, He’s always standing by,

如保護眼中瞳人 To pick us up if we stumble, We’re the apple of His eye! 若跌倒 祂必拉起我 如保護眼中瞳人 To pick us up if we stumble, We’re the apple of His eye!

有偉大奇妙真神 We’ve got a great big wonderful God A great big wonderful God! 我們有偉大奇妙真神 有偉大奇妙真神 We’ve got a great big wonderful God A great big wonderful God!

是偉大奇妙真神 Oh, what a glory it is to sing praises to our coming King, 齊頌讚 榮耀歸至高神 復活主再來君王 是偉大奇妙真神 Oh, what a glory it is to sing praises to our coming King, Our great big wonderful God.

是偉大奇妙真神 Our great big wonderful God.

我要跟隨 I will Follow 主!請差遣我 Here I Am, Lord

我是天與海之主 我聽見百姓哀求 多多人沉淪罪惡 我欲拯救 I, the Lord of sea and sky, I have heard My people cry. All who dwell in dark and sin, My hand will save.

我創造暗冥星辰 我欲光照黑暗冥 啥人欲帶光給伊 差遣啥人? I who made the stars of night, I will make their darkness bright. Who will bear My light to them? Whom shall I send?

Here I am Lord, Is it I Lord? I have heard You calling in the night. 我在此 主 可差遣我 我聽見祢 呼召在暗冥 Here I am Lord, Is it I Lord? I have heard You calling in the night.

I will go Lord, if You lead me. I will hold Your people in my heart. 我欲去 主 祢若導我 心中數念 祢所有百姓 I will go Lord, if You lead me. I will hold Your people in my heart.

我是雨與雪之主 百姓憂傷我擔當 為疼伊我流眼淚 伊卻轉頭 I, the Lord of snow and rain, I have born my peoples pain. I have wept for love of them, They turn away.

我欲破碎硬之心 賜給伊愛疼之心 我欲傳道理給伊 差遣啥人? I will break their hearts of stone, Give them hearts for love alone. I will speak My word to them, Whom shall I send?

Here I am Lord, Is it I Lord? I have heard You calling in the night. 我在此 主 可差遣我 我聽見祢 呼召在暗冥 Here I am Lord, Is it I Lord? I have heard You calling in the night.

I will go Lord, if You lead me. I will hold Your people in my heart. 我欲去 主 祢若導我 心中數念 祢所有百姓 I will go Lord, if You lead me. I will hold Your people in my heart.

Lead me Lord, I will follow; Lead me Lord, I will go; 主導我 我要跟隨 主導我 我要去 Lead me Lord, I will follow; Lead me Lord, I will go;

I will answer; Lead me, Lord, I will go. 你若呼召 我欲應答 主導我 我要去 You have called me, I will answer; Lead me, Lord, I will go.

Lead me Lord, I will follow; Lead me Lord, I will go; 主導我 我要跟隨 主導我 我要去 Lead me Lord, I will follow; Lead me Lord, I will go;

I will answer; Lead me, Lord, I will go. 你若呼召 我欲應答 主導我 我要去 You have called me, I will answer; Lead me, Lord, I will go.

主導我 我要去 Lead me, Lord, I will go.