(1) I Can Do All Things 我凡事都能做


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Presentation transcript:

(1) I Can Do All Things 我凡事都能做 all things in Christ who gives me power. His promises are faithful; His Word a mighty tower. 我靠著那加給我力量的基督, 凡事都能做, 祂的應許信實, 祂的話是有大能的高臺 (1) I Can Do All Things 我凡事都能做

(2) I Can Do All Things 我凡事都能做 all things through Christ, who is my Lord. His Spirit is my armor; His truth my shield and sword. 我靠著基督我主, 凡事都能做 祂的靈是我的軍裝 祂的真理是我的盾牌和寶劍 (2) I Can Do All Things 我凡事都能做

(3) I Can Do All Things 我凡事都能做 When I walk through valleys deep, His voice will bring me peace. His grace is all sufficient. His love is all I need! 當我行過深谷, 祂的聲音帶給我平安 祂的恩典充足, 祂的愛是我一切所需 (3) I Can Do All Things 我凡事都能做

(4) I Can Do All Things 我凡事都能做 I can do all things through Christ. 我靠著基督, 凡事都能做 (4) I Can Do All Things 我凡事都能做

(5) I Can Do All Things 我凡事都能做 The Lord has plans for His people, a future filled with peace and hope. Their days will all break forth with joyful promise. The Word of God will make it so! 主為祂的子民安排道路, 前途充滿平安與盼望 他們的日子都必滿有喜樂的應許 神的話要如此成就 (5) I Can Do All Things 我凡事都能做

(6) I Can Do All Things 我凡事都能做 all things in Christ who gives me power. His promises are faithful; His Word a mighty tower. all things through Christ, who is my Lord. His Spirit is my armor; His truth my shield and sword. 我靠著那加給我力量的基督, 凡事都能做 祂的應許信實, 祂的話是有大能的高臺 我靠著基督我主, 凡事都能做 祂的靈是我的軍裝 祂的真理是我的盾牌和寶劍 (6) I Can Do All Things 我凡事都能做

(7) I Can Do All Things 我凡事都能做 I can do all things through Christ. 我靠著基督, 凡事都能做 (7) I Can Do All Things 我凡事都能做