聖詠第廿三篇 上主是善牧 新解 Explained.


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Presentation transcript:

聖詠第廿三篇 上主是善牧 新解 Explained

但你可能不曾想過,也不曾以這種方式來看這篇聖詠 即使你一再用聖詠第廿三篇來祈禱 但你可能不曾想過,也不曾以這種方式來看這篇聖詠 You may have never thought nor looked at this Psalm in this way; even though you say it again and again.

The Lord is my Shepherd 上主是我的牧者 That’s Relationship!那是關係

I shall not want. 我實在一無所缺 That’s Supply!那是供應

He maketh me to lie down in green pastures. 祂使我臥在青綠的草場上 That’s Rest!那是休息

He leadeth me beside the still waters. 祂領我走進幽靜的水旁 That’s Refreshment!那是精力的恢復

He restoreth my soul 祂使我的心靈得到舒暢 That’s Healing!那是治癒

He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness, 祂領我踏上正義的坦途 That’s Guidance!那是領導

For His name sake. 祂為了自己名號的緣由 That’s Purpose!那是目的

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, 縱使我走過陰森的幽谷 That's Testing! 那是試探

I will fear no evil, 我不怕凶險 That’s Protection!那是保護

For Thou art with me. 因你與我同住 That’s Faithfulness!那是忠實

Thy rod and Thy staff they comfort me. 你的牧仗和短棒是我的安慰舒暢 That’s Discipline!那是訓練

Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of my enemies That’s Hope!那是希望

Thou anointest my head with oil. 在我的頭上傅油 That’s Consecration!那是聖化

My cup runneth over. 使我的杯爵滿溢 That’s Abundance!那是豐裕

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life That’s Blessing!那是祝福

And I will dwell in the house of the Lord… 我將住在上主的殿裡 That’s Security! 那是安全

Forever. 直至悠遠的時日 That’s Eternity!那是永恆

註解 (1)作者以善牧和盛筵的譬喻,描寫天主怎樣照顧敬愛他的人。 (2)見創48:15、49:24依40:11若10:11 (3)猶太牧人常帶著兩根木棍;較長的一根持在手中,用以走路或指揮羊群;較短的一根繫在腰間,用以自衛或保護羊群。 (4)這節的『筵席』和2節的『草場』、『水旁』都預示聖體聖事。 (5)這是近東宴客入座前習行的風俗。見亞6:6路7:46
