禱告聚會 Prayer Meeting 週三 Wed 7:00 pm


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禱告聚會 Prayer Meeting 週三 Wed 7:00 pm
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Presentation transcript:

禱告聚會 Prayer Meeting 週三 Wed 7:00 pm 青年聚會 Youth Meeting 週五 Fri 6:30 pm 週六小組 Saturday Group 週六 Sat 7:00 pm 主日崇拜 Sunday Worship 主日 Sun 10:00 am

Please turn off your cell phones, thank you! 請將您的手機關閉,謝謝! Please turn off your cell phones, thank you!

that Your kingdom be here We believe we believe it is now 當我們求你的國度降臨 我深信是此刻是現在 Lord as we pray that Your kingdom be here We believe we believe it is now

You are King, You are Lord 當我們唱你是主我君王 高舉你在寶座為我王 Come be enthroned In our midst as we sing You are King, You are Lord You are crowned

Marching into battleground 就像那強大精兵 同心向前到戰場 Just like a mighty army Marching into battleground

As we declare that Jesus 我們高聲唱耶穌 祂是主 我王 As we declare that Jesus He is Lord…Aloud

There’s nothing that will stop us When we come in His power 靠你能力而來 我們決不受阻礙 There’s nothing that will stop us When we come in His power

We want to see a breakthrough We believe we believe it is now 我們要看到突破 我深信是此刻是現在 We want to see a breakthrough We believe we believe it is now

We are the living stones we’re built into His spiritual house 來到主的面前 我們如活石 一塊一塊建造成為主靈宮 Come before the Lord We are the living stones One by one we’re built into His spiritual house

God’s hand’s are mightily Holy fire aflame, come revive us 主的手在我們當中運行 聖靈火要點燃復興我 God’s hand’s are mightily moving among us Holy fire aflame, come revive us

We are a royal priesthood A chosen people belonging to God 我們是君尊的祭司 聖潔的國度 神所揀選被贖的子民 We are a royal priesthood A holy nation A chosen people belonging to God

基督是磐石 我們是教會 在這地發光宣揚主 Jesus is the Rock We are the Church In this place Proclaiming the Lord

Though we are many, we are one body We are one body in Christ 我們雖許多 卻是一個身體 在基督裡合而為一 Though we are many, we are one body We are one body in Christ

One faith in the Lord Jesus Christ Binding us together in one cause 一主 一信 一洗 一神 我們在主裡面相連結 同有一個盼望 在基督裡合一 One faith in the Lord Jesus Christ Binding us together in one cause One hope in the one God One Father over all

Love is patient, love is kind Love does not boast, it is not proud 愛是恆久忍耐 又有恩慈 愛是不嫉妒 愛是不自誇不張狂 不作害羞的事 Love is patient, love is kind Love does not envy Love does not boast, it is not proud It is not rude

不求自己的益處 不輕易發怒 不計算人家的惡 不喜歡不義只喜歡真理 It is not self-seeking It is not easily angered it keeps no record of wrongs Love does not delight in evil but truth

It always protects, always trusts 凡事包容 凡事相信 凡事盼望 凡事忍耐 凡事要忍耐 愛是永不止息 It always protects, always trusts Always hopes Always perseveres Love never fails

你醫治破碎心靈 你醫治受傷者 統管宇宙父神 我獻上我自己 You bind the broken hearted 你醫治受傷者 You heal the wounded soul 統管宇宙父神 Father of all heaven 我獻上我自己 We give You full control 祂醫治破碎心靈 (1)

Come have Your way in us, O Lord Come set our spirits free 求你在我生命掌權 Come have Your way in us, O Lord 來使我靈自由 Come set our spirits free 父神賜下復興 O Father send revival 從我生命開始 And start the work in me 祂醫治破碎心靈 (2)

用你聖靈充滿我 我要見你榮面 每天在你面前 認識你榮耀恩典 Fill me with Your Spirit 我要見你榮面 I want to see Your face 每天在你面前 To live in Your presence 認識你榮耀恩典 Know Your glory and Your grace 祂醫治破碎心靈 (3)

It’s not my will but Yours I choose So mold me, yes, and make me 我回轉選擇你道路 It’s not my will but Yours I choose 一生跟隨到底 To follow to the end 來磨練塑造我 So mold me, yes, and make me 每一天被你更新 Let a new day begin 祂醫治破碎心靈 (4)

For Your righteousness Come and fill me once again 主我渴慕你 Lord, I hunger, thirst 尋求你公義 For Your righteousness 父神(聖靈.耶穌) Father (Spirit. Jesus) 求你再來充滿我 Come and fill me once again 祂醫治破碎心靈 (C1)

For Your righteousness Fill me with Your oil and Your wine 主我渴慕你 Lord, I hunger, thirst 尋求你公義 For Your righteousness 用新酒和油充滿我 Fill me with Your oil and Your wine 祂醫治破碎心靈 (C2)

Holy Spirit touch my heart Through me, the living water flows 圣灵触摸饥渴心灵 来充满恩膏我 从腹中流出活水的江河 Holy Spirit touch my heart Come anoint and fill me Through me, the living water flows

哦 圣灵我的主 让我再次更新 蒙祝福 Oh! Holy Spirit Lord Refresh me once again

求恩膏我 使我心灵 胜过世上一切诱惑 单单渴望学像我的主 求恩膏我 使我心灵 胜过世上一切诱惑 单单渴望学像我的主 Please anoint me to overcome all temptation in the world My desire is to be like You

求恩膏我 使我心灵 胜过世上一切诱惑 单单盼望彰显主的爱 求恩膏我 使我心灵 胜过世上一切诱惑 单单盼望彰显主的爱 Please anoint me to overcome All temptation in the world My desire is to show Your love

爱使我们相聚一起 神的爱使我们合而为一 It is love, brings us together (x2) God’s love, unites us together It is love, brings us together