Syngenta Seed Treatment


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Presentation transcript:

Syngenta Seed Treatment Application of Seed reatment Tech. in China Mr.Ma Jiguang,Ma Zhiqiang National Agro-Tech. Extension and Service Centre,MOA,Beijing July 02.2008

Competitive Strengths Environmental Compatibility(friendly) The Economic Development Challenge in Agriculture in Developing Countries 发展中国家农业面临的挑战 What Needs in Developing Countries ? 什么是发展中国家的需求? What appropriate Technologies ? 什么是适宜的技术? Technology adoption by Farmers ? 农民接受的技术是哪些? Role of Seed Treatment: 种子处理的作用 What Needs in Developing Countries ? 什么是发展中国家的需求? What appropriate Technologies ? 什么是适宜的技术? Technology adoption by Farmers ? 农民接受的技术是哪些? Role of Seed Treatment: 种子处理的作用 Innovation 创新 Creating Buying Power 创造够买力 Tailor New Technologies into Local Solutions 适应当地需求的新技术 Sustainable Grower Success and Income 确保种植者的成功和收入 Grower Competitive Strengths 种植者的竞争优势 Environmental Compatibility(friendly) 环境兼容性

Seed Protect and seed Value 种子保护和种子价值 Added Technology 采用的技术 Seed Value 种子价值 Additional control额外控制 - Air born diseases气传病害 - Insecticide 杀虫剂 - Nutrients/rizobium 微肥/根瘤菌 Control of soil & seed born diseases 控制土传和种传病害 Control of seed born diseases 控制种传病害 No Seed Treatment 未处理种子

Need to realize the full potential in Developing Countries 需要认识到发展中国家的潜力 Huge progress made with improved varieties, hybridization, GM technologies 在育种、杂交和基因技术方面取得了巨大的成功 but 但 ……… ……. yield often far below genetic potential 产量经常远低于遗传潜力 Important losses from uncontrolled diseases and pests 重要的损失来自于未对病虫害加以控制 E. g. out of limiting diseases ca 30% estimated from seed-borne pathogens 例如:有限的病害 估计大约30%来自于种传病害 often “hidden” yield reducers 减产的潜在风险 reduced germination 降低发芽率 poor seedling vigour / abnormal growth 苗势差/不能成苗 low yield / low quality 产量低/品质低 storage losses 储藏的浪费

Content 1 Past and Present for seed treatment in China Specific Needs of Seed Treatment in Developing Countries ? 发展中国家对种子处理的特殊需求 In 1976,It is the beginning to seed treatment Tech. with sugarbeet in institute of China. The well-processed seeds in the grain production can increase the yield by 5-10%,and save the amount of seeds sown by 10-20%. 包衣的意义 Seed Treatment Tech. Dev. in Beijing Agriculture University by Pro. Li Jinyu in 1980 as a seed treatment formulations, 中国农业大学开发种子包衣技术和种衣剂 New Trends of seed treatment Technology , “Nine five”plan, The ministry of agriculture carried out the seed programme. Up to now, the amount of the processed seeds applied in agriculture has accounted for 1/3 of the total. 创新的种子处理技术 成效显著

QUEST--Quality evaluation in Seed Treatment 种子处理质量评估设备 size regularity 大小规则 Shape 形状 surface area 表面积 treatment uniformity 处理均匀度 “loading analysis” 附着率测试

contents The Seed Law of the PRC. came into effect on Dec.1,2000.It is greatly boosting the development of China seed treatment industry.The seed coating amount for agro-use in China is expected to reach to 30 million Hector for areas of sowing coated seed nationwide in 2000.种子法实施促进包衣技术的发展。

Content 2 Achievement (from: MOA, PRC, 2002) kha Area of sowing for being treated seed Area of sowing for being treated maize seed

1)Different requirement for different crop and areas.不同地区、作物需求不同 Content 3 Issue The Main Issue They Met When Promoting the Tech.推广包衣技术中的问题 1)Different requirement for different crop and areas.不同地区、作物需求不同 2)Safe 安全 3)Regular Operation for Chemical, Machines and Seed. 规范操作 4) Habbit of trans-plate for seedling, for example, the rice seed 水稻种子包衣后育苗移栽

Content 4 Measure The central government took measures to manage agrochemical, promoting safety formulation to protect environment and seed coating tech. in China. 中国政府促进环境保护工作,积极推广种子包衣技术。

Contents . From 1993-2000, the trail about 700 times for different varieties of corn, wheat, cotton, soybean and others. and recommended the suitable style of the Agrochemical to the farmers. 7年间为不同作物安排700多次包衣试验,并向农民推荐适当种衣剂剂型。

Content 5 Outlook The high biological activity,low toxic agrochemical will play more and more important role in China Nowadays. 高效低毒农药在今后农业生产中担当主要角色。 Enlarging the region of technical applications, and increasing the sorts of crops for dressing or pelletizing to rape, vegetable, flower and forage grass seed . 扩大包衣技术应用地区和作物范围
