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供应商的选择与评估:减少风险,使投资回报率最大化 Vendor Selection and Evaluation – reducing risks and maximising ROI 供应商的选择与评估:减少风险,使投资回报率最大化 Jim Longwood, Research Director, Sourcing APAC China - July 2002 Abstract: The IT products and services market in China is growing rapidly and many users are in acquisition and implementation mode. This session addresses best practices and processes for acquiring IT products (hardware, software or packages) and services to minimise risk and maximise return on investment. Entire contents © 2002 by Gartner, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction of this publication in any form without prior written permission is forbidden. The information contained herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable. Gartner disclaims all warranties as to the accuracy, completeness or adequacy of such information. Gartner shall have no liability for errors, omissions or inadequacies in the information contained herein or for interpretations thereof. The reader assumes sole responsibility for the selection of these materials to achieve its intended results. The opinions expressed herein are subject to change without notice. These materials can be reproduced only with Gartner’s official approval. Such approvals may be requested via e-mail — quote.requests@gartner.com.

目录 讨论主题 供应商选择的挑战 选择方法 评估方法 总结 内部需求评估 供应商分析 谈判和选择 Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) 总结 附件 例举ERP选择标准 研究记录列表 Source: Gartner Research Project teams that are selecting products, prepackaged software or services must examine their own requirements and then sort through vendor offerings. Enterprises must separate vendor promises from vendor deliverables, and they must judge whether the products / packaged software can withstand the anticipated user and data workloads. Project teams cannot afford to risk individual reputations or careers by relying on sophisticated, yet standardized, vendor presentations. Selection teams must also struggle with making strategic decisions in a marketplace fraught with the risk of vendor failure or acquisition. Asking the right questions as part of a structured selection methodology is a complex task that involves evaluating thousands of criteria spanning application functionality, technical architecture, cost, vendor service and support capabilities, viability, management team quality, and vision. This presentation will follow through a best practice framework for evaluating and selecting a hardware or software product / package and associated implementation services required for installation and implementation. An example of an ERP evaluation and selection will be used throughout the presentation.

供应商选择 “环境之挑战” 结构和方法的欠缺 浪费时间和精力“重造车轮” 政治议程和预定的结果 破坏客观性,选择了不甚理想的方案 无效的分析 花费太多的时间,没有结论和决策 有效信息的缺乏 实施的失败和成本的失控 Source: Gartner Research Prepackaged ERP applications are often an enterprise’s first step toward automating enterprisewide transaction processing. However, these applications can require a commitment to business process discipline, tools and an architecture dictated by the vendor (which often conflicts with the enterprise’s strategic goals). A successful packaged-application evaluation must expose these conflicts and examine their tactical and strategic impact. Too often, enterprises abdicate the enterprise architectural choice to the packaged application vendor, only to find that the vendor’s architectural design took an application approach rather than an enterprise approach. Even in the best of circumstances, an enterprise must make compromises, introducing inconsistency and the need for interfaces and a transition strategy. Beyond the architectural and technical decisions, the business hazards of initiating an IT marriage with a vendor in an evolving market are daunting at best. The road of application evaluation is littered with failed tactical selection methodologies that focused mainly on functionality and cost. Balancing accurate functional and technical requirements with business drivers is vital in successful application selection.

供应商选择 “组织之挑战” 挑选并不是核心能力 不切实际的时间安排和预期 分散的注意力和集中点 不确定的范围 战术替代策略 政治议程 供应商选择 “组织之挑战” 挑选并不是核心能力 不切实际的时间安排和预期 分散的注意力和集中点 不确定的范围 战术替代策略 政治议程 Source: Gartner Research Why the difficulty? Organizational challenges abound, but at the top of the list is the fact that IT evaluation and selection isn’t most enterprises’ core competency. Project teams are led and consist of individuals with other duties, who are shouldering extra responsibility by taking on an IT selection project. Given a relative lack of experience in making major IT selections, time frames and expectations are often unrealistic. In many cases, a project team tasked with an apparently straightforward selection is asked to turn its attention to a range of other issues and needs that only become obvious once the evaluation is well under way. Project teams feel most comfortable with the feature-functional and cost-related aspects of an IT selection. However, management is often more concerned with more-strategic (and harder to assess) issues such as time to market and return on investment (ROI).

供应商选择 “执行之挑战” 确认正确的区分标准 在过程中建构标准 在建构中分配相关的重要性 收集和验证目标供应商信息 供应商选择 “执行之挑战” 确认正确的区分标准 在过程中建构标准 在建构中分配相关的重要性 收集和验证目标供应商信息 在组织中证明选择是正确的 Source: Gartner Research Project teams themselves report a number of tactical hurdles. This first challenge is common to nearly all IT decisions and refers to the process of identifying the key differentiating criteria between vendors. People are basically looking for meaningful differences — a way to cut down the entire population to a short list. Once you’ve figured out the key differentiators, questions remain: How do you give these criteria appropriate context? How do you first structure and place them appropriately and then assign appropriate priority or importance to disparate criteria? Also, how do you determine the real capabilities of vendors? In relying upon the vendors themselves, teams constantly face the worry that the vendors are a less than objective source of data. Clients have reported that justifying the project team’s decision can take up to 60 percent of the time involved in the overall selection process. This requires packaging the assumptions, analysis and conclusions of the evaluation in a way that will convince others of the validity of the selection — and it is often a major hurdle.

传统方法的无效性 传统组织在选择过程中花费近25%的软件获取成本和 近30%实施时间 成功选择 无效的分析 执行指导 传统组织在选择过程中花费近25%的软件获取成本和 近30%实施时间 成功选择 无效的分析 执行指导 X@ 25.7Y=367.34P 232Z!/34*V*357K 班机中的杂志 开始点 Source: Gartner Research One of the most important points in the application selection process is identifying mandatory requirements and strong preferences to focus the evaluation on the most meaningful vendors/products. Given that there are many vendors vendors selling ERP application solutions, a failure to identify enough mandatory requirements and strong preferences can lead to having a list of vendors/products that is too long (ideally, the list should be no more than five to six candidates). However, being too stringent on functionality requirements can lead to eliminating what may prove to be the best overall technology when factors such as cost, service and support, vision, and ability to execute are factored in. Moreover, all too often we see mandatory criteria that are so stringent that no vendor can meet the requirements. Start out with truly mandatory requirements — e.g., must run in Windows with DB2 databases as well as in a Unix environment using Motif and Oracle databases, but support for OS/2 and other types of databases is a “nice-to-have.” If more than nine vendors still remain, you may want to shorten the list of candidates by applying the strongest preferences until a more manageable number is reached.

最佳实践 供应商选择方法 1 2 3 供应商的选择分为三个阶段: 内部需求分析 供应商选择 谈判和选择 Source: Gartner Research IT procurement decisions typically take place in an atmosphere filled with vendor hype, internal political agendas and unmet expectations. Due to time constraints, inadequate resources and competitive pressures, many decision processes are based on rules of thumb, executive mandate or rudimentary spreadsheet analysis. Each of these methods of vendor selection is incomplete at best. To ensure the successful implementation and use of a given product, evaluation teams must employ an effective selection methodology. The goal of this presentation is to offer a foundation to discuss each step of a best-practices approach to product selection, and to describe how project teams might simultaneously reduce the time and cost of vendor selection while ensuring that the decision is more objective.

阶段 I:内部需求评估 最佳实践怎样保证一个有效、客观、经济的选择过程? 确认业务需求 用户需求确认 市场检索以产生潜在供应商列表 需求定义 生成供应商列表 RFP 发布 竞标者会议 RFP 附录 最佳实践怎样保证一个有效、客观、经济的选择过程? 确认业务需求 用户需求确认 市场检索以产生潜在供应商列表 准备和发布建议书需求 (RFP) 为投标人举办会议 发表RFP附录与补充 Source: Gartner Research The first phase of the overall selection process is an internal needs assessment. The fundamental success of the decision is grounded in this initial phase, in which the project team is selected, the selection processes and methodologies are chosen, and requirements are defined. An inconsistent approach or inattention to detail within any one of these critical tasks can irreparably mar an otherwise flawless selection process. The six components within Phase 1 are needs identification, requirements definition, long list creation, request for proposal (RFP) issuance, bidder conference and RFP addendum.

阶段 II:供应商分析 内部需求和组织要求与市场上相关供应商的能力相对照 列表最能符合功能、技术和业务需求的供应商已进入第三阶段——谈判和最终选择 供应商回应时间架构 收到供应商的回答 最佳候选人的列表(名单) 供应商演讲 / 演示 执行战术评估 执行策略评估 Source: Gartner Research Phase 1 focused on the internal needs and requirements of the organization. In Phase 2, those needs are mapped to the capabilities of vendors in the marketplace. Ultimately, Phase 2 results in enterprises entering into negotiations with the vendors left on the short list. Typically, two vendors that best match the appropriate functional, technical and business needs are asked to move into Phase 3, negotiation and final selection. However, when none of the vendors evaluated are able to adequately support the business requirements of the enterprise, there are cases in which the vendor analysis phase leads to no vendor of choice, but to: 1) a re-evaluation of internal mandatory requirements, 2) election to modify current systems or 3) inclusion of additional vendors in the evaluation process.

阶段 III:谈判和最终选择 准备谈判策略 确定合同重要条款 协商供应商之选择 准备和进行谈判 做出最终选择的决定 协商最终条款 采购 – 实施/ 安装最终产品 合同和支持并进 Source: Gartner Research After the demonstration phase and the ensuing analysis, project teams enter into negotiation with their vendor of choice. There are four key elements to the negotiation phase: preparation, contract development, negotiation and pricing. While preparing for the negotiation, project leaders must implement a team strategy that includes members of the purchasing, legal, IS and end-user sections of the enterprise. When all negotiations are handled by an integrated team that has negotiation powers delegated from senior management, it is more difficult for a vendor to “slip through” other sections of the enterprise. In addition, clients should know each vendor’s product price and pricing model prior to vendor negotiation, and make sure to allocate sufficient time for the negotiation process to avoid a hasty decision in the face of financial deadlines. Other key recommendations within the preparation stage include: maintain the flexibility and leverage of (if possible) multiple products or product sources, negotiate the contract before the vendor learns that it is the clear leader, and limit vendors to a single point of contact within the user’s own enterprise.

阶段总结 三阶段方法 内部需求评估: 建立项目小组 需求确认 需求定义 市场检索 – 建立供应商名单 发布RFI/RFP 详细的供应商分析: 必要的 有价值的 有了会更好的 需求定义 市场检索 – 建立供应商名单 发布RFI/RFP 详细的供应商分析: 评估供应商的回应 分析必要的需求 建立最佳候选名单 详细的供应商分析和RFP分析 演示 确认最终名单 谈判和终选: 合同条款之确认 谈判策略 合同谈判 选择最后赢家 合同处理 安装/实施所选产品 Source: Gartner Research Project teams seeking a structured approach for ERP should seek to organize their efforts into a structured selection methodology. First, implement an internal needs assessment during which a cross-functional project team is created, requirements are defined and prioritized, a long list of appropriate vendor candidates is identified, and an RFP is created and issued. In the second phase of the process, vendor RFP responses are analyzed and the vendor long list is narrowed down to a short list of viable options. Scripted demonstrations may be held, and site visits or reference checks are conducted; from these activities, a finalist list is determined. Finally, develop terms and contracts, and create of a negotiation strategy. Project teams complete contract negotiations, and having selected a winner, place the contract.

最佳实践 – 采用供应商评估模式 (以ERP为例) 选择提供产品和服务的供应商的主要标准 评估和建设标准的最佳实践 Source: Gartner Research The first step in a structured selection methodology for product and services selection is the identification and weighting of the key differentiating criteria that are involved in the vendor selection process. This requires structuring the decision much like an organization chart, where the top position in this organization chart is represented by the “goal” of selecting the best solution for your enterprise — this is, of course, the overall decision. Immediately below the goal is the first branch or level of criteria — the “parent criteria.” Each of these parent criteria represents a percentage of the overall decision. In the case of the ERP decision, research has shown that there are six of these high-level, parent criteria. Each parent criteria then has several levels of additional sub-criteria below it, which increase in detail at each lower level. The array of criteria and sub-criteria categories works much like a pyramid. That is, all the categories of criteria at a given level support the broader criteria categories at the next-highest level, and eventually the entire decision itself. At the foundation, or lowest level of criteria categories, actual vendor or product performance data is evaluated. This example is consistent with following a best practice Analytic Hierarchic Process (AHP).

最佳实践评估方法 Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) 评估之挑战 1) 企业对评估供应商不熟悉 2) 如何确定什么是评估标准最重要的因素 3) 评估和执行选择决定 4) 保证“拇指原则”不会影响选择决策 5) 平衡用户和管理层的选择优先级 为什么使用 AHP? 1) 利用已建立的模式,降低组织决策的复杂度 2) 确保同类事物的特征可比性 3) 为检查决策的合理性、一致性提供一个框架 4) 提供合理比较方案,摒弃政治议程 5) 帮助用户和管理层和选择过程紧密结合 Source: Gartner Research By applying hierarchical decomposition to a problem with hundreds of variables, enterprises can identify and isolate the importance of a particular variable relative to the entire decision. Traditional decision processes provide clustering capabilities that are crude at best. After such groups are created, validating the structure of a 1,000-cell spreadsheet is nearly impossible. By grouping criteria in homogenous clusters under a common parent criterion using an advanced hierarchic process (AHP) methodology facilitates “face validity” justification. Analyzing how optimizing each criteria could change the final goal is a critical element in decision making. Frequently, the user finds that changing one element’s weight in the hierarchy has little or no effect on the ultimate decision. Therefore, users can avoid long and arduous discussions about weighting criteria that will ultimately be inconsequential. The AHP gives planners an intuitive structure with rational mathematical underpinnings, while managers have an easily conceptualized, dynamic hierarchy that outlines and exposes the decision-making process. The AHP was developed in the late 1970s by Thomas Saaty while he was teaching at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School of Business. The AHP is recognized as the leading theory in multi-criteria decision making. The AHP was designed to promote improved decision making for complex, multi-criteria problems where both qualitative and quantitative aspects need to be considered. The goal is to arrive at the best decision, with clear documented rationale for the choice. The AHP has been validated in numerous corporate and government settings, including Boeing, the U.S. Department of Defense and the U.S. Department of Energy. Of particular interest is IBM, which used the AHP to determine the features and functions for the AS/400, for which it won the Malcolm Baldrige Award for excellence in manufacturing.

最佳实践评估方法 使用可视化工具比较供应商的产品和服务 Imperative: Vendor Evaluation Models should provide visual tools to support the comparison of respective vendor offerings. 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 建议质量 交付能力 管理能力 业务利益 灵活性 SP1 SP2 SP3 供应商比较样板: 一个服务供应商的选择流程 使用柱状图给一个总体评级 使用网状图来确认强项和弱项 This foil provides sample vendor comparisons from a service provider evaluation process. It highlights how to speed up the evaluation process by using simple graphical tools e.g.: Use Bar charts for comparing overall ratings Use spider diagrams to identify strengths & weaknesses of respective solutions.

加速总体过程并减少风险 三阶段方法 内部需求评估: 谈判和最后选择: 详细的供应商分析: 聘用独立公正的产业专家帮助此溜程 使用独立公正参考源的对比性的研究,如,Gartner Magic Quadrants 使用RFI来验证供应商的方案 RFP模板 详细的供应商分析: 使用供应商评估模型,比如,Gartner的Decision Driver工具 通过独立公正的参考源以验证供应商的承诺与声明,如,DBS & Hoovers的财政检验 及早评估合同条款 采用第三方(参考方)的检验 谈判和最后选择: 尽早制定谈判策略 -- 至少两个供应商的谈判方案 聘用谈判专家 Obtain independent value for money assessment. 在签订合同之前使用正确的流程 Source: Gartner Research This foil summarises some of the best practices for speeding up the overall evaluation process and reducing the subsequent business and technical risks for installing / implementing the final solution selected. Some steps may initially slow down the process e.g. the Request for Information (RFI) is used to short list a small number of vendors and speed up the subsequent RFP evaluation process. The use of independent industry and negotiation specialists can significantly speed up the overall process, reduce risks and result in better terms and conditions. Many organisations leave the checking of contractual terms and conditions to the last step - this results in longer negotiation processes and loss of leverage in negotiating better terms and conditions. Independent organisations like Gartner have a range of specialist staff, tools and best practice research notes to assist clients adopt best practices, optimise the overall selectionand implementation process, compare respective vendor offerings / capability, identify key risks and select an “optimal” solution for the businesses needs.

RFP 评估及供应商选择的几点建议 了解 AHP模式 和RFP 流程 从经验中学习 确认 RFP 包括了 重要的需求 采用一个正式的供应商评估模型和流程 使用标准确立RFP 使用可视化工具 加速评估流程 为每一个阶段 设立实际的时间表 Source: Gartner Research

供应商的选择与评估:减少风险,使投资回报率最大化 Vendor Selection and Evaluation – reducing risks and maximising ROI 供应商的选择与评估:减少风险,使投资回报率最大化 Jim Longwood, Research Director, Sourcing APAC China - July 2002 Abstract: The IT products and services market in China is growing rapidly and many users are in acquisition and implementation mode. This session addresses best practices and processes for acquiring IT products (hardware, software or packages) and services to minimise risk and maximise return on investment. Entire contents © 2002 by Gartner, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction of this publication in any form without prior written permission is forbidden. The information contained herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable. Gartner disclaims all warranties as to the accuracy, completeness or adequacy of such information. Gartner shall have no liability for errors, omissions or inadequacies in the information contained herein or for interpretations thereof. The reader assumes sole responsibility for the selection of these materials to achieve its intended results. The opinions expressed herein are subject to change without notice. These materials can be reproduced only with Gartner’s official approval. Such approvals may be requested via e-mail — quote.requests@gartner.com.