Happy Holiday Season Auto to advance
We travel together 我們一路同行
every day in the web 每天在網路上
and even if our PC is only a cold electronic machine, 只是一個冷酷的電子計算機
it is our communication link with the world 它卻是我們聯繫世界的媒介
enriching our knowledge just for the pleasure of sharing: 起初只為了分享樂趣 卻豐富了我們的知識:
a sweet melody 有甜蜜的旋律
the latest discoveries and novelties 有最新的發現和新鮮事物
a love of nature 熱愛大自然
customs, traditions, beliefs and values of people in foreign countries 其他國家人民的習俗, 傳統,信仰和價值觀
understanding for our small and big problems, sometimes finding an unexpected answer in a PPS – as if the author may have known how to strike the right chord at the right moment 理解我們大小的問題,有時候還會在投影片中找到一個意想不到的答案, 就好像作者似乎早已知道 在適當的時機才觸動正確的和弦
還有更多:單純的日常習慣,複雜的情感,季節的變化 There’s more: simple everyday habits, mixed feelings, the changing of seasons, 還有更多:單純的日常習慣,複雜的情感,季節的變化
非比尋常的事件和平凡生活的插曲,都成為我們大家共同的體驗 extraordinary events and commonplace episodes, experiences that are common to us all. 非比尋常的事件和平凡生活的插曲,都成為我們大家共同的體驗
We have thus come to realize that everywhere in the world people live and suffer and enjoy things exactly as we do. 我們終於意識到,世界各地人民所過的生活,所蒙受的苦難 以及所享受美好的事物和我們是完全相同的。
So, comforted by a common feeling of fellowship, 因此,請接受來自人類共通的慰藉
我們祝福您 有幸福的家庭,親密的朋友和心中的寧靜 we wish you happyness at home, the closeness of friends and peace in your hearts, 我們祝福您 有幸福的家庭,親密的朋友和心中的寧靜
wherever you are, 無論您身在何處
entering the spirit of Christmas 都能溶入聖誕的精神
or looking up to the bright Star of Hope that will light our way, 或者拜訪那照亮我們道路的 光明的希望之星
或者隨著合唱團的歌聲哼唱,讓我們覺得彼此更加親近 or singing along with the human choir which makes us feel closer to each other. 或者隨著合唱團的歌聲哼唱,讓我們覺得彼此更加親近
Looking forward to establish strong ties even if we are so far away, 即使我們相距那麼的遙遠,期望未來建立強固的聯繫
在即將到來的新年裏 創造一個交流力量,勇氣和希望的世界之環 creating a world embrace to exchange strength, courage and hope for the years to come 在即將到來的新年裏 創造一個交流力量,勇氣和希望的世界之環
walking together through the web, so none of us may feel alone again. 通過網路我們走在一起,因此不再有人感覺孤單
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 聖誕快樂! 新年如意!