認識咖啡豆 Coffee Beans 李玄媛老師.


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認識咖啡豆 Coffee Beans 李玄媛老師

The Origin of Coffee 15th Century, Middle East(中東) An Ethiopian(伊索匹亞) shepherd called Kaldi. He found the goats gathered around at shiny, dark-leaved trees bearing red berries (槳果). Kaldi tasted the berries himself. Kaldi then knew what made the goats’ different behaviors. Kaldi shared his discovery with a nearby monastery(修道院). By drinking the beverage(飲料), the monks(修士) found they could stay awake during evening prayers(禱告).

Coffee Beans 1 From the Tree to the Cup

Coffee Trees

Beans on the Tree

Coffee Beans before roasted2

Coffee Roaster3 Machines

The Styles4 of Roast 1 American 美式 2 Cinnamon淺紅褐色 3 Medium 中等 4 Dark 黑 5 Espresso 6 French 法式 7 Full Dark

Roasted Coffee Beans

Kinds of Coffee Beans  藍 山 Blue Mountain 牙 買 加 (西 印 度 群 島) 弱 強  名 稱 產 地 酸 甘 苦 醇 香  藍 山 Blue Mountain 牙 買 加 (西 印 度 群 島) 弱 強    哥 倫 比 亞 Colombia 哥 倫 比 亞 中  曼 特 寧 Mandeling 印 尼  摩 卡 Mocha 衣 索 匹 亞  巴 西 聖 多 士 Brazilian Santos 巴 西 亞 買 加 瓜 地 馬 拉 新 幾 內 亞 爪 哇 尼 加 拉 瓜

There are 6 factors that make a good cup: How to Brew5 Coffee There are 6 factors that make a good cup:  Quality of the Water filtered or bottled, distilled water  Quality of the Beans  Time Since Roasting two days after roasting to about two weeks  Time Since Grinding A half pound. Brew it all at once. Drink it down to the last drop.  Good Measurement Measure your water at room temperature at six ounces per cup of coffee and use two tablespoons of grounds for each six ounce cup.  Clean Equipment wash everything using hot soapy water every time you use it

Coffee Maker6 Auto-Drip 7 vacuum 8 brewer Espresso

Espresso 9﹝濃縮咖啡﹞(E-SPRE‘-SO) 濃縮咖啡通常用一只小型咖啡杯盛裝,而且 常常被用以調和出其他獨特的咖啡飲料。 濃縮咖啡用語 Espresso 9﹝濃縮咖啡﹞(E-SPRE‘-SO) 濃縮咖啡通常用一只小型咖啡杯盛裝,而且 常常被用以調和出其他獨特的咖啡飲料。

Caffe Latte (KA-FAY’ LA‘-TAY) ﹝那堤﹞ 一種三階段製作而成,口感滑順的飲料:一份新鮮的濃縮咖啡,加上熱牛奶至滿杯後,表層再鋪上一層細緻的薄奶泡10 (foam),創造令人驚喜的口感。 香草那堤 Vanilla 11 Latte

焦糖瑪奇朵 Caramel Macchiato Espresso Macchiato (E-SPRE’-SO MA-KEE-AH‘-TOE) ﹝濃縮瑪奇朵﹞ 濃縮咖啡輕柔的用奶泡做上記號。 製作方法與那提大同小異,唯一的分別是瑪奇朵必須先加牛奶,再加入咖啡在其上“做記號”,讓口感更加滑順﹝Macchiato﹞是義大利文“做記號”的意思。 焦糖瑪奇朵 Caramel Macchiato

Caffe Mocha (KA-FAY‘ MO’-KAH) ﹝摩卡﹞ 醇厚的濃縮咖啡與高品質巧克力的經典組合, 並用新鮮的熱牛奶做調和, 頂端覆以柔滑的鮮奶油 12 (whip)。 低脂摩卡 Low-fat 13 Mocha

Cappuccino (KA-PU-CHEE‘-NO) ﹝卡布其諾﹞ 一種典型義大利式的早餐飲料,它的牛奶量比Latte少,奶泡的量卻比較多。一般而言,“dry”﹝乾的﹞指的是奶泡比較多的卡布其諾,而“wet”﹝濕的﹞指的是牛奶較多的卡布其諾。 卡布奇諾

Caffe Americano (KA-FAY’ A-MER-I-CAH‘-NO) ﹝美式咖啡﹞ 香醇濃縮咖啡與熱水的結合,創造出風味十足,並帶有濃縮咖啡深沉口感的飲料。

Review 1. bean 豆子 9. Espresso 濃縮咖啡 2. roast 烘烤 10. foam 鮮奶泡 3. roaster 烘烤機 11. vanilla 香草 4. style 樣式 12. whip 鮮奶油 5. brew 調泡 13. low-fat 低脂的 6. maker 製造者 14. instant 即溶的 7. drip 滴漏 15. fresh 新鮮的 8. vacuum 真空

Worksheet Questions with Coffee Beans According to the colors, there are 7 of roasted coffee beans. 2. Coffee Basis used for adding other flavors on it to make different coffees. 3. To b a good cup of coffee, we have to know 6 factors. 4. Where was the area about origin coffee story supposed to be? 5. Who found that they could stay awake longer during evening prayers? 6. If you want to drink a quick coffee, you can make it with coffee.

Worksheet Questions with Coffee Beans 7. When you drink a cup of coffee, you had better get it while it is still . 8. Before we grind (研磨) the coffee beans, we have to it first. 9. Give one of your favorite coffee drinks. 10. Give one of the coffee beans you’ve learned today. 11. A v brewer is one of the most popular coffee machines.

Answers 1. styles 2. Espresso 3. brew 4. Middle East 5. monks 6. instant 7. fresh 8. roast 9. choose one: Latte, Espresso, Macchiato, Mocha, Cappuccino, Americano 10.choose one: Blue Mountain, Colombia, Mandeling, Mocha, Brazilian Santos 11. vacuum

Get it fresh15 or forget it.