Administrative Elements 管理因素


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Presentation transcript:

Administrative Elements 管理因素

Administrative Elements 管理因素 Broadest sense – management involvement in the training of employees, rotation of employees, air or biological monitoring, medical surveillance or housekeeping 广义-员工培训、员工轮换、大气监测或生物监测、医疗监督或内务整理等管理事项 Narrower sense – meaning to reduce the dose of a hazardous agent by limiting duration ie more time in lower or no exposure 狭义-意为通过限制持续时间以减少有害物质的剂量,即延长少接触或无接触时间

Administrative Elements (cont) 管理因素(续) Can also be considered as: 也可以认作是: Changes in work procedures (written safety policies, rules, supervision, schedules) & training with the goal of reducing: 更改工作程序(包括书面的安全政策、规则、监管和计划安排),并进行培训,以达到减少以下各项的目的 Duration 持续时间 Frequency 频率 Severity of exposure to hazardous substances or situations 接触有害物质或暴露于危险场所的严重程度

Legislative Requirements 立法要求 OH&S Acts & Regulations, Codes of Practices, Industry Standards etc in all countries 所有国家的职业安全与健康法案和条例、操作规程、行业标准等 Control of Hazardous Substances 有害物质控制 COSHH 危险物质控制规程 REACH 化学品注册、评估、授权和限制制度 Others 其它法规制度

Reducing Periods of Exposure 减少接触时间 Worker rotation 工人轮换 Team of welders 焊工小组 Multi skilling 多面手 Worker replacement 工人更换 Biological monitoring 生物监测 Lead levels 含铅等级 Maximum radiation dose in a time period 时间段内的最大辐射剂量 5

Scheduling of Work 作业计划安排 It may be possible to reschedule high risk work: 有可能重新安排高风险作业: Spray isocyanate based paints on N/Shift not D/S 夜班而不是日班期间喷涂异氰酸盐原料油漆 Remove asbestos on weekend not during the week 周末而不是工作日期间清除石棉 Pour foundry metal on N/S rather than D/S 夜班而不是日班期间浇铸含铅金属 Fumigate the building with pesticides on the weekend 周末用杀虫剂烟熏消毒建筑物 Perform maintenance out of hours 上班以外的时间进行维护作业

Maintenance & Housekeeping 维护和内务管理 Insufficient maintenance can result in catastrophic releases from ruptured ductwork systems 维护不足会引起管道破裂,从而导致系统发生灾难性泄漏 Fugitive releases from slowly increasing rates of leaks from flanges, joints & access doors 在法兰、接头和进出通道处缓慢增加的泄漏,会演变成巨大的泄漏 Poor maintenance work practices may results in release & escape of material when emission control plant is being serviced 排放控制装置在维护期间,不良维护作业会导致原料泄漏和逸出

Maintenance & Housekeeping (cont) 维护和内务管理(续) Maintenance itself can cause the generation & release of excessive amounts of accumulated dust. 维护本身也会引起过量积尘的产生和释放 Compressed air must NOT be used to blow down & clean dusty surfaces 决不能使用压缩空气来吹扫和清洁布满粉尘的表面 Escaped dust will settle & become a source secondary exposure from wind or traffic 逸出的粉尘会飞落,并成为在空中或道路中二次污染的源头 Where dust accumulates regular clean up is required 对粉尘集聚的地方需要定期清洁干净

Maintenance & Housekeeping (cont) 维护和内务管理(续) Liquid spills must be cleaned up promptly before evapouration occurs 液体溅漏必须在汽化前迅速清洁干净 Solvent laden rags & absorbents should be placed in sealed bins 沾满溶剂的抹布和吸收剂应放置于密封的垃圾箱内 Importance of maintaining high standards of housekeeping: 维持高水平的内务管理的重要性 Secondary sources of exposure 这是二次污染的源头 Promotes the wrong message that poor work habits are acceptable 会成为传播错误信息的场所,即在此不良的工作习惯是可接受的

Eating, Smoking & Drinking 进食、吸烟和饮水 In work area poor personal hygiene potential: 工作区域不良的个人卫生可能引起: Inhalation exposure 吸入接触 Lead 铅 Pesticides 杀虫剂 Accidental ingestion 意外摄入 Dirty hands 脏手 Drinking from contaminated sources 饮入受污染水源

Change Facilities & Laundering 更衣设施和洗烫 Miners have a clean & dirty side of the change room 矿工们的更衣室分为净衣间和污衣间 Similarly in lead & nuclear industries 铅和核工业的情况差不多 Dirty clothes need to be washed 脏衣服要清洗 At site or taken away under controlled circumstances 在工作场所清洗,或在可控的环境下取走 Cases of asbestos & beryllium related diseases from washing at home 在家清洗会引起源于石棉和铍相关的疾病

Showers & Hand-basins 淋浴器和洗手盆 Personal hygiene important in controlling accidental exposures: 在控制意外接触中个人卫生尤为重要: Contaminated hands – secondary exposures by inhalation if smoking or ingestion if eating without first washing their hands 受污染的手--吸烟者吸入,或未洗手就进食,均导致二次接触污染 After work employees should shower effectively with special attention paid to their hair 下班后员工应进行彻底淋浴,要特别注意头发的清洁 Adequate facilities need to be provided 需提供足够的设施

Use of Creams & Lotions 护手乳液的使用 As alternative to use of gloves !! 作为替代使用手套的方法!! Intended for use materials with irritant or low dermal toxicity BUT often misused 护手液在对付具有刺激性,或低皮肤毒性的原料时特别适用,但是经常会被滥用 Water repellant barrier creams for protection against water or water soluble agents 防水护手液的作用是避免手接触水或水溶剂 Solvent resistant barrier creams for protection against oils & solvents 耐溶剂护手液的作用是避免手接触油脂和溶剂 13

Use of Creams & Lotions (cont) 护手乳液的使用(续) Both rely on regular & periodic reapplication 都依赖于定期及周期性的重复使用 Must be applied evenly over entire exposed skin surface 必须均匀涂在全部外露的皮肤表面 Do not use on damaged skin 不能用于受损的皮肤 If used check with manufacturer to ensure suitability for type of chemical 如果已使用,要联系生产商进行检查,以确保化学类型的适合性 Not generally considered as effective replacement for correctly selected & properly worn gloves 一般说来,采用护手液护手,并非能有效地替代正确选择和佩戴手套 14

Control of Access to Hazardous Areas 有害区域进出的控制 Sign posting 设置标志牌 Entry log book 实行进出登记 Swipe or access card system 设置门卫和出入打卡体系 Security personnel 任命安全人员 15

Initiating Control Measures 启动控制办法 Role of: 作用: Assessment 评估 Measurement 测量 Monitoring 监控 Health Surveillance 健康监控 All play a part because a thorough knowledge of the hazard is required 由于需要对危害作全面了解,因此每项控制办法都可采用 16

Initiating Control Measures (cont) 启动控制办法(续) How the hazardous situation arises 危险状态是如何引起的 What the exposed people are doing when they are exposed 接触者在发生接触时正在做什么 What are the intended outcomes of the control 控制的期望结果是什么 What the impacts on other nearby people are 对附近的其它人影响如何 What are the consequences if the controls are not adequate or fail to protect the worker 如果控制不力或未能保护员工,后果会如何 17

Initiating Control Measures (cont) 启动控制办法(续) These are ALL elements of an effective Occupational Hygiene Program 这些是有效的职业卫生规程的所有要素 For each area, process or occupation a workplace assessment is carried out 对每个区域、每种工艺或每种职业都要进行工作环境评估 18

Initiating Control Measures (cont) 启动控制办法(续) Identifies potential chemical, physical & biological hazards 标示出潜在的化学、物理和生物危害 Workplace exposure monitoring should contain information describing conditions that relate to: 工作场所外露监控事项应包含描述下列条件的信息: Intensity 强度 Duration 持续时间 Likely exposure routes 可能的接触途径 19

Initiating Control Measures (cont) 启动控制办法(续) Evaluate this information & recommendations may: 评估这些信息和建议,应当: Require further monitoring 进行进一步监控 Biological monitoring 进行生物监测 Initiation of a health surveillance program 启动健康监控程序 Introduction of control measures 引入控制办法 20

Role of Written Procedures 书面程序的作用 Ways of instituting exposure reducing work practices: 制定降低接触实际做法的措施 Operating procedures 制定操作规程 Job method statements 起草工作方法说明 Permits to work 实施工作许可 If written down its clear to all personnel the hazards associated with the task & what controls are needed 如果形成书面文件,所有员工都会清楚与任务相关的危害,及所需的控制方法 21

Safe Working Practices 安全工作规程 Are administrative requirements & procedures to ensure employees work in a safe manner 是确保员工安全工作的管理要求和程序 Should become an integral part of the process 应成为整个过程的一部分 What are some examples in your work area? 在您的工作区域有什么范例呢? 22

Role of Occupational Hygiene Programs 职业卫生规程的作用 Once introduced Control systems need to be maintained: 一旦采用,即应维护控制体系 Ventilation systems 通风系统 Are routine occ hyg, biological monitoring or medical surveillance programs required 是指所需的日常职业卫生、生物监控或医疗监控规程 Where RPE is used, check maintenance of SCBA, establish & audit cleaning procedures & respirator filter change schedules 在使用个人防护用品时,检查自备空气呼吸器的维护状态,制定并核查清洁程序和防毒面具的更换计划 Where CPC & gloves required check their use and adequacy 如需使用CPC和手套,检查其使用方法和使用是否充分 23

Education, Instruction & Training 教育、指导和培训 To use administrative elements workers need to know: 使用管理要素,员工应了解: Why the control is needed 为什么需要控制 How the control is to be achieved 如何实现控制 The limitations of such procedures 控制程序有什么局限 The consequences of not adhering to the controls 不遵循控制方法的后果 24

Emergency Procedures & First Aid 应急程序和急救 PPE is important in dealing with emergencies & provision of first aid in high risk areas 在处理紧急情况和在高风险区域提供急救时,个人防护用品是非常重要的 If stored it must be: 如有储备,必须: Readily available 易于获取 Not “borrowed” to be returned later !! 借后一定要尽快归还!! In date - Shelf life, deterioration 在保质期之内,没有变质 Batteries go flat 及时更换电池 SCBA is complex & requires training in its use 自备空气呼吸器比较复杂,因此需进行使用方法培训 Refresher training 进行更新培训 25

Worker Participation 员工参与 Critical in implementation of controls 在实施控制过程中员工参与是非常关键的 Promotes consultation 加强交流 Provides a sense of ownership & empowerment of decisions that have been involved with 激发主人翁意识,并给予他们在所参与的工作中的决策权 Job satisfaction – their opinions valued 工作满足感——重视他们的意见 Their experience tells if the controls are practical & useful 从他们的经验可得知控制方法是否可行、是否有用 26