愛恩台福教會同工訓練 EFCI Co-worker Training


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Presentation transcript:

2017-2 愛恩台福教會同工訓練 EFCI Co-worker Training 6/3/2017

今日計畫Plan for Today 9:00-9:20 歡迎Welcome & Announcement 9:20-9:50 Video 做好這件事 “Choosing a Life That Matters” by John Maxwell 10:00-10:30 新改變、新挑戰 New Changes & Challenge Starting August by Andy Chen 10:40-12:00 分組討論 X 6 Group Discussion 12:00-12:30 午餐Lunch 12:30-1:30 問題解答 Q & A 1:30 to 3:00 Friday night room arrangements

EFCI 1988 to 2018 30 Anniversary

一、EFCI 2017 Theme 台福年度主題 EFCGA Annual Theme:敬拜年 Year of Worship; 聖潔敬拜,榮耀歸主 Worship in Holiness, Glory to His Name (代上I Chronicles 16:29) 愛恩年度主題2017 Theme: 成為合神心意的人 Become A Person After God’s Own Heart (I Samuel 13:14, ) 大衛生平 Life of David 敬拜年 Year of Worship:謹守主日,投入敬拜 Everyone can join Sunday Service & Passion for God, 研讀詩篇、禱告小組 Read Psalm & Prayer team

大衛的敬拜 :榮耀, 恩典, 完全(3G) David’s worship, Glory, Grace, Great 耶和華啊,尊大、能力、榮耀、強勝、威嚴都是你的;凡天上地下的都是你的;國度也是你的,並且你為至高,為萬有之首 Yours, Lord, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the majesty and the splendor, for everything in heaven and earth is yours. Yours, Lord, is the kingdom; you are exalted as head over all. (1 Chronicles 歷代志上29:11)

二、EFCI 2020 Plan 100個小組(門徒、恩賜、宣教、興趣、服事),千人教會、100 small group leader & 1000 attendance in 2020 會眾Crowd→會員Member→門徒Disciple→核心同工Co-worker, intern small group leaders→事工負責人(小組長)Small group Leader→牧養者Shepherd, Zone Leader(屬靈領袖、區長) 更多元裝備與傳福音Provide more training class and outreach programs

2020 Vision 58+ 1000 會眾1000 Crowd 36+ 457 20+ 100牧養者 100 Shepherds 會員Members 門徒Disciple 核心同工 Core Co-workers 100牧養者 100 Shepherds 36+ 457 20+

三、同工服事哲學 Coworker Ministry Philosophy 1. 屬靈的(屬天) VS. 屬世的 Spiritual not Secular 2. 聖經指引的 VS. 靠知識、經驗的 Bible-based not knowledge, experience-based 3. 以人為中心 VS. 以節目、活動為中心的 people-based, not program-based 4. 助人成熟、發展(越像基督) VS. 淺薄、停滯 、衰老 growing like Christ not stagnant 5. 團隊的 VS. 個人的 team work not individuals 6. 有目標、能結果的,VS. 漫遊、不結果的 goal-oriented not aimless

好好做對這事 Choosing a Life That Matters, by John C. Maxwell, 1. 我每天都看重(加值)別人 I vale People 2. 我每天都想辦法,為人加值 I think the ways to vale People 3. 我每天都去尋找,為人加值的不同方法 I look for the ways to vale People 4. 我每天都為加值別人而付諸行動 I take action to vale People 5. 我每天都鼓勵別人,也為人加值 I encourage others to vale People

分組回應討論 Group Discussion 1. Response, needs, suggestion for August八月起時間更改後之配合、需要與建議 2. Set up your group 2017 goal, strategies, plan, action item擬定7-12月行動方案。(目標、策略、步驟、行動) 3. EFCI 30th Anniversary (2018) Suggestion 請各組書記將記錄交給牧師Please send your meeting note to your pastor before 6/25 12:30-1:30 Q & A 1:30 to 3:00 Friday night room arrangements