陪我走过春夏秋冬 風風雨雨的時候, 才知道祢的溫柔 多年前, 幾年後, 仍然相信祢恩手 一年年的長大, 一次次的切慕


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Copyright : Stream of Praise
Presentation transcript:

陪我走过春夏秋冬 風風雨雨的時候, 才知道祢的溫柔 多年前, 幾年後, 仍然相信祢恩手 一年年的長大, 一次次的切慕 祢都陪我, 安慰我, 憐憫我 It's through times of wind and rain That I learn Your gentle touch; Every time, come what may, In Your grace I'll place my trust. Every year I travel through, Always I'll seek after You; Comforting and gracious, You Walk with me!

祢說會陪我走過春夏秋冬 疼我, 引導我, 保護我 倚靠耶和華的人什麼也不怕 倚靠耶和華 一個不撇下 I know You'll walk with me through all of my days, Loving and guiding, shielding me! Yes, those who trust in Him, they need not be afraid; Those trusting in Him He won't cast away!

風風雨雨的時候, 才知道祢的溫柔 多年前, 幾年後, 仍然相信祢恩手 一年年的長大, 一次次的切慕 祢都陪我, 安慰我, 憐憫我 It's through times of wind and rain That I learn Your gentle touch; Every time, come what may, In Your grace I'll place my trust. Every year I travel through, Always I'll seek after You; Comforting and gracious, You Walk with me!

祢說會陪我走過春夏秋冬 疼我, 引導我, 保護我 倚靠耶和華的人什麼也不怕 倚靠耶和華 一個不撇下 I know You'll walk with me through all of my days, Loving and guiding, shielding me! Yes, those who trust in Him, they need not be afraid; Those trusting in Him He won't cast away!

祢說會陪我走過春夏秋冬 疼我, 引導我, 保護我 倚靠耶和華的人什麼也不怕 倚靠耶和華 一個不撇下 I know You'll walk with me through all of my days, Loving and guiding, shielding me! Yes, those who trust in Him, they need not be afraid; Those trusting in Him He won't cast away!

祢總不撇下我, 永遠不離開我 晨昏夜晚陪我度過, 我的日子如何, 祢的恩典更多 在這一切事上,靠祢勝過 I know You'll always be Walking that path with me Both day and night, till the journey's done. The most exhausting days Cannot exhaust Your grace; By trusting in You I overcome!

祢總不撇下我, 永遠不離開我 晨昏夜晚陪我度過, 我的日子如何, 祢的恩典更多 在這一切事上,靠祢勝過 I know You'll always be Walking that path with me Both day and night, till the journey's done. The most exhausting days Cannot exhaust Your grace; By trusting in You I overcome!

祢說會陪我走過春夏秋冬 疼我, 引導我, 保護我 倚靠耶和華的人什麼也不怕 倚靠耶和華 一個不撇下 I know You'll walk with me through all of my days, Loving and guiding, shielding me! Yes, those who trust in Him, they need not be afraid; Those trusting in Him He won't cast away!

I know You'll walk with me through all of my days, 祢說會陪我走過春夏秋冬 倚靠耶和華 一個不撇下 I know You'll walk with me through all of my days, Those trusting in Him He won't cast away!