乐景彭 Le Jingpeng 上海市经济委员会副主任 Vice Director Shanghai Economic Commission


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Presentation transcript:

乐景彭 Le Jingpeng 上海市经济委员会副主任 Vice Director Shanghai Economic Commission 省级和各地项目实施所面临的挑战 Challenges for Provincial Governments for Project Implementation 乐景彭 Le Jingpeng 上海市经济委员会副主任 Vice Director Shanghai Economic Commission

演讲有两个内容 Two Topics 一、能源基金会在上 海开展项目情况 二、项目在地方层面上 实施所面临的挑战 I. Review of EF projects in Shanghai II. Challenges at Local Level

一、能源基金会在上海开展项目情况 Review of EF projects in Shanghai 1、提出上海市长期能源战略和政策构想 2、开展电力需求侧管理,建立长效节电机制 3、制定建筑节能标准,加强建筑节能实施力度 4、提出快速公交系统和高新机动车辆技术政策 1. Long-term energy stratagem and policy suggestion for the city of Shanghai 2 . Develop electricity-saving mechanisms based on DSM 3 . Strengthen implementation of building energy-efficiency standards 4 . Technology policy proposal for BRT and clean-energy vehicles

1、上海市长期能源战略和政策构想 Energy stratagem and policy suggestion 提高能效 利用西气和西电 发展可再生能源 建立低碳能源的战略储备 Increase energy efficiency Use electricity and gas from western China Develop renewable energy Maintain low-carbon energy reserves 标志性项目:上海建立了绿色电力机制 Symbolic project: Shanghai’s “green electricity” plan

2、电力需求侧管理 Electricity-saving mechanism based on DSM 研究针对削峰的电力需求侧管理措施 今年夏季错避峰390万千瓦 提出建立提高家用电器市场准入门槛的长效节电机制的设想 DSM measures of peak load shaving This summer, reduce peak load by 3900 MW Raise the energy-saving requirements of household appliances entering the marketplace

3、建筑节能 Building Energy Efficiency 加快了对居住建筑和公共建筑实施节能50%的节能标准的步伐 对分布式供能系统的提供优惠政策 颁布《分布式供能系统工程技术规程》 Accelerate implementation of energy-efficiency standards for residential and public buildings (decrease energy consumption by 50%) Incentive policy for DES/CHP Issue technical specification for DES/CHP

4、交通节能 Transportation Energy Efficiency 提出快速公交系统的解决方案 两轮车和步行的出行模式应受到鼓励和保护 燃料电池汽车超越系列已经已经开发出第3系列 Propose BRT as a solution Two-wheelers and walking should be encouraged and protected as modes of transportation No. 3 series fuel cell cars have been developed in Shanghai

二、项目在地方层面上实施所面临的挑战 Challenges at the Local Level Advanced energy efficiency regulations and standards are currently restricted by national management standards Implementation of DSM requires support of national financial policy VA need to be supported by national incentives, methodology and monitoring tool To strengthen the inspection of energy conservation it is needed to modify the law and regulations 1、 地方制定超前的能效规章和标准受到国家现有管理规范的制约 2、 实施电力需求侧管理,急需国家有关财政政策的支持 3、 企业节能自愿协议,需要更加进一步的激励政策和统一的评价方法和工具 4、 节能执法力度的加强要求进一步完善现有的节能法律和规章

1、提高上海家用电器能效市场的准入门槛. Raise minimum energy-efficiency requirements 1、提高上海家用电器能效市场的准入门槛 Raise minimum energy-efficiency requirements for household appliances entering the marketplace Learn from international experience; first implement standards in some developed provinces then use these examples to help improve national energy efficiency. Technical feasibility Economically feasible The City of Shanghai hopes that, in light of differences between provinces in energy efficiency implementation, to bring forth new ideas and to blaze new trails 国际经验表明,在一些发达地区率先实施一些超前的能效标准,将有助于带动整个国家能效水平的提高 。 技术上是可行的 经济上也是可行 上海希望在节能标准领域实施地区化差别方面有所创新和突破

2、实施电力需求侧管理,建立能效电厂 Implement DSM, Set up EPPs 根据上海的项目设计方案,建立能效电厂的投资为3500元/千瓦 实施DSM项目,首先需要政府实施电价公益收费的政策 Shanghai’s EPP project cost is 3500RMB/KW Implementing DSM first requires government implementation of a public electric tariff policy

3、企业节能自愿协议 Enterprise Energy Efficiency Voluntary Agreement (VA) 需要长效的激励政策 Require long-term incentives 制定统一的评价方法和工具 Use uniform evaluation methods and tools

4、加强节能执法力度面临的挑战 The Challenges in Inspection of EE Lack of legal resources Enforcement efforts of laws sometimes overlap; concomitantly, there exist law enforcement vacuums Together with each sector’s administration work on energy efficiency enforcement Capacity building for those responsible for energy efficiency enforcement 法律资源不足 交叉执法和执法真空现象共存 与各行业行政管理及其它执法队伍的磨合 节能执法队伍的能力建设

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