(1) The Cross Is Not Greater Than His Grace 十架不會重逾祂恩典


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禱告聚會 Prayer Meeting 週三 Wed 7:00 pm

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因祂活著 神子耶穌,降生到世界, 醫治拯救世上罪人; 為贖我罪主釘死十架, 空的墳墓卻證明救主仍活著。
因祂活着 Because He Lives.
Presentation transcript:

(1) The Cross Is Not Greater Than His Grace 十架不會重逾祂恩典 The cross that He gave may be heavy, But it ne’er outweighs His grace; 祂賜的十架雖然沉重,不會重逾祂恩典;  The storm that I feared may surround me, But it ne’er excludes His face. 我怕的風波雖然洶湧,不致掩蔽祂榮臉. The Cross is not greater than His grace, 十架不會重逾祂恩典, The storm cannot hide His blessed face, 風波不會掩蔽祂榮臉; I am satisfied to know that with Jesus here below, I can conquer ev‘ry foe. 我心歡樂因我知,有主耶穌同在此, 我就勝過敵權勢. (1) The Cross Is Not Greater Than His Grace 十架不會重逾祂恩典

(2) The Cross Is Not Greater Than His Grace 十架不會重逾祂恩典 The thorns in my path are not sharper Than composed His crown for me; 我路上荊棘,並不會比祂頭上的荊冕利;  The cup that I drink not more bitter Than He drank in Gethsemane. 我喝的苦杯,還遠不及祂的在客西馬尼. The Cross is not greater than His grace, 十架不會重逾祂恩典, The storm cannot hide His blessed face, 風波不會掩蔽祂榮臉; I am satisfied to know that with Jesus here below, I can conquer ev‘ry foe. 我心歡樂因我知,有主耶穌同在此, 我就勝過敵權勢. (2) The Cross Is Not Greater Than His Grace 十架不會重逾祂恩典

(3) The Cross Is Not Greater Than His Grace 十架不會重逾祂恩典 The light of His love shineth brighter, As it falls on paths of woe; 祂光照耀得更加昭明, 在危難的道路中;  The toil of my work groweth lighter, As I stoop to raise the low. 我擔子變得更為輕省,當我為人來任重. The Cross is not greater than His grace, 十架不會重逾祂恩典, The storm cannot hide His blessed face, 風波不會掩蔽祂榮臉; I am satisfied to know that with Jesus here below, I can conquer ev‘ry foe. 我心歡樂因我知,有主耶穌同在此, 我就勝過敵權勢. (3) The Cross Is Not Greater Than His Grace 十架不會重逾祂恩典

(4) The Cross Is Not Greater Than His Grace 十架不會重逾祂恩典 His will I have joy in fulfilling, As I’m walking in His sight; 我今生活在祂的面前,歡然順服祂旨意;  My all to the blood I am bringing, It alone can keep me right. 我知我所受各種試煉,都是化裝的福庇. The Cross is not greater than His grace, 十架不會重逾祂恩典, The storm cannot hide His blessed face, 風波不會掩蔽祂榮臉; I am satisfied to know that with Jesus here below, I can conquer ev‘ry foe. 我心歡樂因我知,有主耶穌同在此, 我就勝過敵權勢. (4) The Cross Is Not Greater Than His Grace 十架不會重逾祂恩典