Mobile Multimedia Broadcast Service Standardization Activities in CCSA


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Presentation transcript:

Mobile Multimedia Broadcast Service Standardization Activities in CCSA DOCUMENT #: GSC13-GRSC6-17 FOR: Presentation SOURCE: CCSA AGENDA ITEM: GRSC; 4.3 CONTACT(S): Mobile Multimedia Broadcast Service Standardization Activities in CCSA CCSA Submission Date: July 1, 2008

Current Activities In CCSA, TC5 is responsible for the Mobile Multimedia Broadcast Service (MMBS) standardization activities in CCSA. Research and conclude the strategy of Mobile Multimedia Broadcast Service standardization Application Industry Standards have been approved. Technical Specifications Test Specifications CCSA High Level Architecture for Mobile Multimedia Broadcast Service The Service Protection Radio Bearer Candidate technical specification have been submitted to National Standard Committee Frequency Frequency resources investigation report for Mobile Multimedia Broadcast Service system have been published

Current Activities (2) Application part Developing standards to specify an access-agnostic interoperable Mobile Multimedia Broadcast Service Recently completed work: Technical Report completed Providing proposed solutions and recommendation for Mobile Multimedia Broadcast Service standardization Technical Specifications, providing The general requirement, The service protection requirement The service guide technical requirement The service platform equipment specification The terminal equipment specification Interfaces Technical Specification Service Interactive Technical Requirement Test Specifications The service platform equipment test specification The terminal equipment test specification

Strategic Direction The CCSA MMBS standards development has been defined in three phases: Phase 1: Requirement and Technical research Phase 2: Requirement and Technical specifications Phase 3: Test specifications Convergence The High Level Architecture to connect the different industry (The business cooperation between telecommunication industry and broadcast) Service protection: Smartcard profile Key exchange interface Service Guide Service Interactive The CCSA MMBS standards align with the work of other SDOs: OMA, 3GPP, 3GPP2 The CCSA MMBS standards mainly focus on the service and application domain.

Challenges Application Gaps between telecommunication operation and broadcast operation Service Protection interface be accept by both role Service protection solution for Non-communication terminal Significant discussion on the connection between telecommunication operation and broadcast operation Architecture Service protection Service guide

Next Steps/Actions Application Test Instruct the business cooperation between telecommunication industry and broadcast Service protection solution for Non-communication terminal Content Protection

Supplemental Slides

Supplemental Slides The industry standard series The service architecture to converge the mobile network and the broadcast network The solution to provide the service protection for Mobile Multimedia Broadcast Service subscribes with mobile network

Standard Series General Technical Requirement Service Protection Technical Specification Service Guide Technical Specification Service Platform Equipment Technical Specification Terminal and Smartcard Technical Specification Interfaces Technical Specification Service Interactive Technical Requirement Service Platform Equipment Test Specification Terminal and Smartcard Test Specification

Architecture 用户的认证包括对通信终端的用户认证和非通信终端的用户认证,即不同的CA系统。

Smartcard profile for 3GPP MBMS Smartcard profile for 3GPP2 BCMCS Service Protection Key Smartcard profile for 3GPP MBMS Smartcard profile for 3GPP2 BCMCS Registration Key MRK RK User Key MUK TK Service Key MSK BAK Content Key MTK(=MBK) SK (BCMCS Content Key) MBK (Broadcast Content Key) 第三层:节目流密钥管理 在3GPP体系下,使用节目流密钥加密节目流。将使用业务密钥加密后的节目流密钥在广播网络上传输。终端对节目流密钥解密时将使用业务密钥。节目流密钥消息采用MIKEY格式; 在3GPP2体系下,节目流密钥分为两个子层:移动网络节目流密钥SK和广播网络节目流密钥MBK。 广播网络节目流密钥:广播网络节目流密钥(MBK)用于加密节目流。MBK经移动网络节目流密钥(SK)加密后在广播网络上广播;终端将使用SK和加密后的MBK 通过f(SK, MBK)进行解密运算,生成广播网络节目流密钥MBK。 移动网络节目流密钥:移动网络节目流密钥(SK)用于对MBK的加密。为了实现终端正确解密MBK,需要首先生成SK。因此,网络需要将移动网络节目流密钥的相关信息(包括随机数SK_RAND、BAK ID、以及BCMCS_FLOW_ID)在广播网络上广播。终端将使用对应的BAK和移动网络节目流密钥随机数SK_RAND生成移动网络节目流密钥SK。 Thanks!