第五章 銷售自動化 Chapter 5 Sales Automation


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Presentation transcript:

第五章 銷售自動化 Chapter 5 Sales Automation 5.1 銷售自動化之功能與發展 5.1 The functions and development of sales automation 5.2 銷售管理過程 5.2 Sales workflow/process management 5.3 銷售機會追蹤、預測與管理 5.3 Sales tracking, forecasting and management 作者:張力元、姚銀河、侯建良、何佩勳、許芙瑲 總編審:張瑞芬

5.1 The sales automation The purpose of sales automation is to improve the productivity of sales force and encourage the information and document sharing between sales staffs. It provides a more efficient way to assist sales personnel in accessing information and selling products. Customers can receive more complete sales services. This also increases the customer satisfaction and customer royalty (for future purchases). 目的在於改善銷售之生產力、鼓勵銷售人員能增強彼此間之資訊與文件交流,並提供銷售人員一更有效率的方式取得銷售所需資訊與協助,以提供顧客更完善之銷售服務,增加顧客滿意度及持續購買的忠誠度。 作者:張力元、姚銀河、侯建良、何佩勳、許芙瑲 總編審:張瑞芬

5.1 The sales automation Due to the IT improvement, software and hardware are developed rapidly. Thus, sales staffs have more IT applications to support their efforts in sales and customer services. 由於資訊科技不斷的進步,軟體環境與硬體架構皆持續快速發展,因此提供了銷售人員更豐富的應用程式與支援 作者:張力元、姚銀河、侯建良、何佩勳、許芙瑲 總編審:張瑞芬

The functionality and development of sales automation Sales automation (SA) applications started in 1990’s. SA applications continue to improve for the fulfillment of different sales requirement. 銷售自動化於西元1990年代初期逐漸受到重視,同性質軟體也依不同顧客銷售需求陸續出現於市面。 作者:張力元、姚銀河、侯建良、何佩勳、許芙瑲 總編審:張瑞芬

The functionality and development of sales automation The functions of sales automation Increase individual productivity. Improve capability of communication and coordination among sales force. Capability of transactional processes and assistances. 銷售自動化之功能 增加個人生產力。 促進溝通與協調能力。 提升交易協助與處理能力。 作者:張力元、姚銀河、侯建良、何佩勳、許芙瑲 總編審:張瑞芬

Increase the productivity of each individual Sales automation emphasizes the assistance of sales staffs in improving productivity and having a good utilization of related information. 此功能強調銷售自動化能輔助銷售人員,使之增加其生產力與資料掌控能力。 作者:張力元、姚銀河、侯建良、何佩勳、許芙瑲 總編審:張瑞芬

Increase the productivity of each individual Detailed functions Contact management Sales information management Calendar management Automatic sales planning, as well as strategy and historical data acquisition World wide webs 細分功能 通訊錄管理 銷售資料處理 行事曆管理 自動銷售計畫、策略與歷史銷售紀錄查詢 全球資訊系統 作者:張力元、姚銀河、侯建良、何佩勳、許芙瑲 總編審:張瑞芬

Contact Management Assist sales people get in touch. Manage the contact information of clients’ representatives. 協助銷售人員與業務代表管理各客戶公司負責人員與業務代表的聯絡資料。 This function is not only to provide the sales automatic process but also use in customer services as the data source for quick query in multi-channel contact center. 本功能不只提供銷售自動化作業的進行,在多管道客服中心運作時,這些聯繫資料也將提供客服人員快速查詢之用。 作者:張力元、姚銀河、侯建良、何佩勳、許芙瑲 總編審:張瑞芬

Contact Management The data fields should be set flexibly depending on the company’s needs. 隨著各公司屬性與需求不同,可彈性設定欄位。 A contact management provides the real time customer information for customer services and sales divisions. 通訊錄管理功能提供客服與銷售人員即時客戶資訊,並可依產業別或客戶分類提供客製化服務。 作者:張力元、姚銀河、侯建良、何佩勳、許芙瑲 總編審:張瑞芬

Sales Data Management Interactive contacts with customers via multi-channels. 配合通訊錄管理,此功能提供銷售客服人員與客戶互動之機制,除電話與傳真的聯絡外,透過傳統之信件行銷或電子郵件的傳遞亦為不容忽視之一環 。 When each transaction is completed, the system can mail the thank-you letters listing the product or service details automatically. It even assists customer services tracking the customers and their usages. It promotes the image of company and helps future sales. 當每項交易完成時,能即時透過系統自動發出感謝信,並詳列該產品服務內容與未來保固須知,甚至能協助客服銷售人員定時針對客戶使用情況予以調查,將可提升該公司形象,並協助銷售人員未來銷售業務之推展。 作者:張力元、姚銀河、侯建良、何佩勳、許芙瑲 總編審:張瑞芬

Sales Data Management Sales people can search customer contact and sales data quickly. 提供銷售人員快速搜尋客戶個人聯絡資料 。 Use the automatic dialing function to check customers feedback about the product they purchased to increase the satisfaction of selling process. 透過已建立之銷售資料,自動透過電話調查某消費者對已消費過產品之意見,以此增加銷售滿意度。 作者:張力元、姚銀河、侯建良、何佩勳、許芙瑲 總編審:張瑞芬

Calendar Management Calendar management provides the business schedule planning, management and control. Calendar management assists the sales staffs schedule and/or synchronize plans effectively. 行事曆管理提供相關人員掌控日常時程,藉由資訊科技的進步,銷售自動化協助銷售人員有效同步化彼此行事曆,以確保銷售人員能有效規劃與控管時程。 作者:張力元、姚銀河、侯建良、何佩勳、許芙瑲 總編審:張瑞芬

Calendar Management Calendar management must connect with contact management. Schedule to call-out Schedule to receiving calls Schedule for client visits Schedule for customer services … 行事曆管理需能與各公司之聯絡資訊做連結,相關銷售業務工作安排亦需能規劃聯絡人,以此與銷售系統或客服系統串接進行,並訂出特定客戶之工作優序,以強化行事曆管理之能力。 作者:張力元、姚銀河、侯建良、何佩勳、許芙瑲 總編審:張瑞芬

Automatic sales plan, strategy, and historical data query In selling process, many general selling workflows can organize as standard processes. Avoid the careless sales practices. Avoid unfamiliar processes that cause the potential lose of business opportunities. 在銷售過程中,許多一般性之銷售流程可將之整理成標準流程,藉由此種標準化的過程中可避免銷售人員的疏忽或不熟悉銷售流程而導致潛在銷售機會之流失。 作者:張力元、姚銀河、侯建良、何佩勳、許芙瑲 總編審:張瑞芬

Automatic sales plan, strategy, and history records query After a successful selling process, the planned working tasks will be triggered automatically (integrated with the calendar management). If the task owner does not complete the job on time, the system will notify the owner or his/her supervisor. 整合相關行事曆功能,在每項銷售成功後,自動觸發已規劃之工作項目,並且在相關負責人未能即時完成此項工作之情況下,能通知負責人或銷售經理。 作者:張力元、姚銀河、侯建良、何佩勳、許芙瑲 總編審:張瑞芬

World Wide Web System International customer contact management Electronic maps WWW access 針對國際化之公司,銷售或客服人員可能需處理不同國籍之客戶,由此增加銷售人員的挑戰,當公司需處理來自世界各地不同之訂單時,此項功能提供各地資訊之查詢,結合通訊錄,銷售人員可透過電子地圖規劃今日需拜訪之客戶之途程,以此做出最佳決策以節省時間與成本。 作者:張力元、姚銀河、侯建良、何佩勳、許芙瑲 總編審:張瑞芬

5.1.2 Improve the communication and coordination capability A sales automation system should have multi-channel the coordination capability: E-Mail Fax Short messages Online chatting Video conference (wire/wireless) 作者:張力元、姚銀河、侯建良、何佩勳、許芙瑲 總編審:張瑞芬

E Mail E-mail provides a convenient way to connect with customer and maintain the relationship. One of the e-mail applications is electronic news services published regularly by company providing the latest product and promotional information. 電子郵件提供銷售人員一方便管道維繫客戶關係,電子郵件的應用之一為各公司定期發行的電子報服務。電子報可提供有興趣的客戶透過主動訂閱之方式得知最新產品與促銷資訊 。 作者:張力元、姚銀河、侯建良、何佩勳、許芙瑲 總編審:張瑞芬

E-Mail Construction of auto-reply email system 電子郵件自動回覆系統之建置,銷售或客服人員可針對某些常問問題設定關鍵字,當消費者詢問到該關鍵字時,系統將自動回覆資訊予以客戶,並讓客戶選擇是否滿意此次服務,若其需要進階服務可直接聯絡銷售與業務負責人員。 作者:張力元、姚銀河、侯建良、何佩勳、許芙瑲 總編審:張瑞芬

Fax The selling channel selection, besides the telephone, fax also play an important role. It can send and receive customer orders. Fax messages can be sent and received via fax machine and/or computers (computer-fax-integration). CFI enables electronic files repository. 銷售管道的選擇,除了電話溝通外,傳真也扮演重要角色。傳真提供客戶傳遞與接收訂單之管道,以往傳真需客戶具備傳真機才能傳遞與收發傳真,電腦傳真的整合使得銷售人員可在旅途或公司外也具備收發傳真的能力。 作者:張力元、姚銀河、侯建良、何佩勳、許芙瑲 總編審:張瑞芬

Short Message Services Almost everyone uses mobile phone. Short message services (SMS) provided by mobile phones become an important communication method. Fully utilize the SMS to provide confirmations and/or notifications to customers. It also can send the message to a large number of customers. 行動電話於近幾年來益加普遍,幾乎已達人手一機的地步,也因此行動電話所具備之簡訊功能在銷售或促銷活動中也扮演一重要角色。充分利用簡訊服務將能提供顧客確認與通知之能力,並可針對大量客戶進行訊息傳遞 。 作者:張力元、姚銀河、侯建良、何佩勳、許芙瑲 總編審:張瑞芬

Online chatting Video conferencing Efficient Effective Cheap Multi-contacts International 網際網路的發展,改變了人際溝通的方式,開創嶄新的交易模式,也因此產生許多新的商業型態。線上交易的便利改變了銷售服務人員與顧客間的溝通方式,網路上的線上對談不僅操作方便,亦能節省成本。網路視訊會議亦提供客服人員能與其它偏遠或國際客戶直接溝通銷售或進行服務的管道。 作者:張力元、姚銀河、侯建良、何佩勳、許芙瑲 總編審:張瑞芬

5.1.3 Improve The Capability of Transaction Assistance and Handling The biggest goal of construction of sales automation system is improving the security of transaction and satisfy the customer’s requirements. Through the computer system’s help, sales people can query the quantities of products in inventory, a customer’s purchase history data, and quotas of current customers. 銷售自動化系統之最大目的在於提升交易之安全性與滿足客戶之需求,透過電腦系統的輔助,銷售人員可以輕易的查詢到目前的存貨數量。某客戶歷史的訂購資訊,並檢查該客戶所擁有的銷售額度。 作者:張力元、姚銀河、侯建良、何佩勳、許芙瑲 總編審:張瑞芬

5.2 Selling process management Accurate customer data and sales records. 隨著資訊傳遞之複雜性提昇,在銷售的過程中,企業組織更需要精確的掌握客戶資料與服務紀錄。 Back-end system integration for sales forecast and inventory control. 銷售自動化的引入需要企業後端系統的整合,透過此項整合也有助於管理階層的銷售預測與存貨控管。 作者:張力元、姚銀河、侯建良、何佩勳、許芙瑲 總編審:張瑞芬

5.2 Selling process management Real-time support of selling information. Ensure accuracy of forecasts. 透過即時化的銷售資訊,管理者可更快速的掌握銷售資訊,藉此增加需求預測之精準度。從製造部門到經營階層皆可由此銷售自動化系統中受惠,並持續地接收與分析銷售資訊。 作者:張力元、姚銀河、侯建良、何佩勳、許芙瑲 總編審:張瑞芬

5.2 Selling process management Selling manage workflows are determined based on the policy and practice of each company. In another point of view, the sales automation can be regarded as “automation of sales workflow management”. 銷售管理流程乃依各公司銷售政策與程序而不同。由另一角度觀之,銷售自動化可被視為銷售流程管理的自動化,透過銷售自動化的過程,將銷售流程切割成不同區塊 。 作者:張力元、姚銀河、侯建良、何佩勳、許芙瑲 總編審:張瑞芬

銷售作業流程 作者:張力元、姚銀河、侯建良、何佩勳、許芙瑲 總編審:張瑞芬

Selling operation workflow Product sales database Generate sales opportunities Pro-active sales process Target customer sales Confirm purchase intent Confirm purchase details Finalize purchase order 作者:張力元、姚銀河、侯建良、何佩勳、許芙瑲 總編審:張瑞芬

客服中心銷售作業流程 作者:張力元、姚銀河、侯建良、何佩勳、許芙瑲 總編審:張瑞芬

Customer service center selling operation workflow Product selling database Potential customer list Provide product information and confirm the willingness of purchasing Active response Customer service calls out after a week Whether customer answer the call Whether purchase immediately Confirm the transaction type Whether willing to purchase Check the correctness of the phone no Confirm the customer data and mail the purchase order Confirm the contact type and address then make appoint for interview. Confirm the reason and investigate the possibility of purchase date \Schedule the next notification Record this contact A 作者:張力元、姚銀河、侯建良、何佩勳、許芙瑲 B C 總編審:張瑞芬

Customer service center selling operation workflow B C Confirm the transaction complete Record this contact Record this contact Contact customer Arrange the field sales person Confirm the payment Mail the shipping order Transfer to other unit 作者:張力元、姚銀河、侯建良、何佩勳、許芙瑲 總編審:張瑞芬

5.3 銷售機會追蹤、預測與管理 銷售機會的創造與追蹤為銷售自動化的一項重要過程。所謂的機會管理(Opportunity Management)所指的即是在銷售流程中,提供銷售人員銷售策略,並針對銷售作業,提供銷售文件範本及與客戶溝通之技巧。 提供一套完整的方案,減少銷售管理可能出現之漏洞,以導引銷售人員遵循一套標準,由規範完整的銷售過程,將所有可能的銷售機會轉化成為訂單。 作者:張力元、姚銀河、侯建良、何佩勳、許芙瑲 總編審:張瑞芬

5.3 The sales opportunity tracking, forecast and management The creation of business opportunity and tracking is an important process of sales automation. The opportunity management means that in the selling process the system will provide sales strategy, document templates and communication skills to the sales staffs. 銷售機會的創造與追蹤為銷售自動化的一項重要過程。所謂的機會管理(Opportunity Management)所指的即是在銷售流程中,提供銷售人員銷售策略,並針對銷售作業,提供銷售文件範本及與客戶溝通之技巧。 作者:張力元、姚銀河、侯建良、何佩勳、許芙瑲 總編審:張瑞芬

銷售機會追蹤與監控 作者:張力元、姚銀河、侯建良、何佩勳、許芙瑲 總編審:張瑞芬

The Sales Opportunity Tracking and Monitoring Sales unit proposes the plan Customer service unit provides data about customer queries Marketing unit analyzes Sales data Sales opportunity Data collection Analysis report Target customer list Sales and marketing unit make the sales strategy Sales toolkit Produce Feed back Sales target and methodology Sales opportunity tracking and monitor Selling operation 作者:張力元、姚銀河、侯建良、何佩勳、許芙瑲 總編審:張瑞芬

The Benefit of Sales Automation To know the customer’s preference and response. The system will analyze the attributes corresponding to customer credits, historical purchase data, and competitors’ products in the market. Then, marketing, sales and customer service units will collect and integrate the data and identify the potential business opportunities. 針對某幾項屬性進行查詢與分析,可得知顧客對某幾項產品的喜好程度與反應,搭配客戶銷售配額、歷史採購資料與市場上同性質競爭對手產品分析資料,經由行銷、銷售與客服單位彙整,可為公司產生出潛在銷售機會列表 作者:張力元、姚銀河、侯建良、何佩勳、許芙瑲 總編審:張瑞芬

The Benefit of Sales Automation It provides a more accurate and systematic way to deliver the products and services. Compare with intuitive approach, sales automation saves human resource and time spent in sales efforts. 提供銷售人員更精準方式來進行產品與服務提供,與傳統「亂槍打鳥式」憑直覺的銷售比較,將更能減少無謂的人力與時間上之浪費。 作者:張力元、姚銀河、侯建良、何佩勳、許芙瑲 總編審:張瑞芬

The Benefit of Sales Automation The sales report is very important for the decision maker to fine-tune marketing and sales strategies. Correct information feedback provides a chance to modify the strategy for the real situation. Maintain an effective system of sales automation in a changing market place. 銷售結果的回報對制訂策略的行銷與管理決策人員也極為重要,正確的資訊回饋提供了修正模式的機會,也由此回饋的機制可使得銷售自動化的作業能在變化不斷的環境下維持一定之績效。 作者:張力元、姚銀河、侯建良、何佩勳、許芙瑲 總編審:張瑞芬