管 理 學 Ch. 2 Constraints and Challenges for the Global Manager


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Presentation transcript:

管 理 學 Ch. 2 Constraints and Challenges for the Global Manager One does not plan and then try to make the circumstances fit those plans. One tries to make plans fill the circumstances. — General George Patton 交通大學 任維廉 教授

1. What is environment. What is stakeholders. 交大?政大?TSMC. 2 1. What is environment? What is stakeholders? 交大?政大?TSMC? 2. What is organizational culture? 3. How the environment affects managers? How culture affects managers? How employees learn culture?

綱要 1. 管理者:全能 (omnipotent) 或象徵 (symbolic) 2. 組織環境 (environment) 3. 組織文化 (culture) 4. Current organizational culture issues

1. The Manager: Omnipotent or Symbolic? 全能觀點 象徵觀點 綜合觀點 *真理在兩極端之間?

Omnipotent View of Management Managers are directly responsible for an organization’s success or failure. The quality of the organization is determined by the quality of its managers. 討論:切腹下台,提頭來見! 刻板印象,成功模式?

Symbolic View of Management Much of an organization’s success or failure is due to external forces outside of managers’ control. The economy, governmental policies, technology, and the actions of previous managers…… *Managers’ Constraints: organization’s internal and external environment.

Parameters of Managerial Discretion *面對交警, *英雄造時勢?順勢而為! Managerial Discretion Organizational Culture Organization’s Environment

2. 組織環境 1. 定義 2. 特定 (specific) 環境: CSCP 顧客,供應商,競爭者,壓力團體 (HMO) 3. 一般 (general) 環境: STEPGD 社會文化,科技 ,經濟,政治法律,全球,人口統計。 *Demographic changes: Hispanic, senior-citizen. valuing diversity! 嬰兒潮世代 (baby boomers, 1946~1964, 紀律)。 X世代 (generation X), Gen Y (Millennial, 1978~94, me now, 創意,行銷)。 Post-Millennial (iGeneration, technology, customize)

External Environment Those factors and forces outside the organization that affect the organization’s performance. Components Specific: external forces that have a direct and immediate impact on the organization. General: broad economic, socio-cultural, political/legal, demographic, technological, and global conditions that may affect the org.

The External Environment Global General Environment Suppliers Customers Economic Political The Organization Public Pressure Groups Competitors Demographic Sociocultural Specific Environment Technological

How the Environment Affects Managers Environmental Uncertainty Complexity of the environment: the number of components in an organization’s external environment. Degree of change in environmental components: how dynamic or stable the external environment is.

Exhibit 2-3 Environmental Uncertainty Matrix

Stakeholders Relationships Any constituencies in the organization’s environment that are affected by the organization’s decisions and actions Stockholders, Shareholders

Exhibit 2-4 Organizational Stakeholders

case:可成科技蘇州廠的利害關係人 天下,2011/11/16 *可成從台南縣鐵皮屋工廠,到蘇州設廠,到蛻變為世界最大鋁 鎂機殼廠,3萬員工,營收與獲利頻創新高,股價一度衝破 277元。 *2011 下半年居民開始抗議工廠排放的廢氣有味道。10/15 23:00, 兩位副總接連收到蘇州工業園區管委會急電:鳳凰城發生暴 動了,你們必須停工! *洪董下緊急令要兩百多位台幹在 1:00 前趕回工廠開會。決議: 1. 發簡訊給下屬明天不要進公司。 2. 部份產能遷到蘇北宿遷廠, 與宿遷市政府協調租下工業區內 標準廠房與宿舍,供數千位員工進駐,每天租大巴載數百位 員工去宿遷。 3. 業務團隊陪客戶從台灣飛蘇州,再搭五小時車去看宿遷廠。 4. 蘇州廠同步進行環污改善工程,希早日復工。 15

對照組:康師傅 *持續經營公司形象,創造當地民眾的好感度,已坐穩第一品牌。 *把中國市場分為七大區,同步進行通路經營、公益活動。各區 老董不太管日常營運例行事務,專心負責大區對內對外的企 業關懷。 *每一個廠區都 1. 重視工廠內的生產力、良率、公安、環保, 2. 做好與客戶與供應鏈的關係,3. 有專職公關負責經營在地 的社區、媒體、與政府關係: (1) 每天進出廠區的大卡車需先 停在臨時停車場,等到需裝卸貨時才駛入,減少對社區的干 擾。(2) 每月主動拜訪工廠周遭社區,把意見回饋給總部,作 為改善依據。(3) 出錢出力在成都與重慶捐學校,成立關懷留 守兒童的辦公室,訓練當地志工協助輔導課業。 16

Case study: a manager’s dilemma Identify and articulate business problems Gather and analyze information applicable Identify and apply an appropriate tool for solving problems.

Takeaway: important, and non-obvious, 喔!這個地方我原來沒想到! Unimportant Important Don’t waste your time Non-case teaching Obvious Obvious Cocktail chatter Takeaway Not obvious 18

Takeaways: Don’t 專橫跋扈,頑固閉塞。假定自己已掌握全部事實。 假定對方有偏見,動機可疑。簡單地拒絕對方要求。 未曾評估對手的觀感和反應,就採取行動。忽略自身行為對目前及未來的影響。

Takeaways: Do 外部顧客、內部顧客(上司,部屬,同事)之外,還有其他利害關係人,應清楚他們的需要,不可被說:你給的都不是我要的! 誰的觀點最重要?員工、客戶、股東、管理者、董事會?還是其他 Stakeholders? 若有一把槍一個子彈最想賞給誰? 哪個假設前提最有道理?1. 利潤最大化,2. 股東財富最大化,3. 市場佔有率最大,4. 顧客忠誠度最高,5. 員工滿意度最好?

Managing Stakeholder Relationships 1. Identify the organization’s external stakeholders. 2. Determine the particular interests and concerns of external stakeholders. 3. Decide how critical each external stakeholder is to the organization. 4. Determine how to manage each individual external stakeholder relationship.

Takeaways: Others 我想要的東西,有些自己可以掌控,有些掌握在別人手上。故要得到我想要的東西,必須先知道別人要什麼。別人的行為準則不見得和我一樣,有時必須順應情況,調整自己。 好的領導人應該是:1. 頭腦清楚,眼光快又準,能傾聽,胸襟格局大,肚量大,手腕高,能放下身段勤跑基層。 2. 對事持續改善,對人尊重 ,分工合作,做人做事。3. 能考慮情境,調整自己。 其他經驗分享:增強寬廣視野(由技入道),環境敏感度與適應能力,決策技巧,人際技巧,溝通能力。

3. 組織文化 1. 定義 (definition), 向度 (dimensions), 衡量 (measurement) 2. 起源,學習,影響 討論: 1. 人格特質 (personality) 之構面, big 5 (p.308): 情緒穩定,外向,開放,體諒,細心 2. OCA: organizational culture assessment, (Reigle, 2003)

The Organization’s Culture A system of shared meanings and common beliefs held by organizational members that determines, in a large degree, how they act towards each other. Implications: Culture is a perception, shared, descriptive (evaluation). 討論:人人都是無價之寶!

台積 (TSMC) 經營理念 堅持高度職業道德 專注於專業積體電路製造服務本業 放眼世界市場,國際化經營 注意長期策略,追求永續經營 客戶是我們的夥伴 品質,7.創新,8.工作環境,9.管理模式 10. 兼顧員工股東,回饋社會 25

Core Values of tsmc: ICIC Integrity(誠信正直) Customers are partners(客戶是夥伴) Innovation(製程創新) Commitment(對客戶承諾) *台積 DNA (天下): review, align…… 26

公司治理指標(里昂證券) *RD IS FAT, 蔡明介:勇氣深思, 誠信正直, 持續學習, 團隊合作, 信任尊重, 創新思維。 Discipline Transparence Independence Accountability Responsibility Fairness Social awareness *RD IS FAT, 蔡明介:勇氣深思, 誠信正直, 持續學習, 團隊合作, 信任尊重, 創新思維。 27

Exhibit 3–2 Dimensions of Organizational Culture

Exhibit 3–3 Contrasting Organizational Cultures Dimension Organization A Organization B Attention to Detail High Low Outcome Orientation People Orientation Team Orientation Aggressiveness Stability Innovation and Risk Taking

實做調查 1. 繪製貴公司組織文化雷達圖。 2. 分析貴公司之組織環境, 實例:新竹縣文化中心 比較:政大,交大。華航,長榮。IBM, Apple. 討論:裕隆汽車次文化。效忠公司 vs. 專業。 2. 分析貴公司之組織環境, 討論:走向有利或不利之方向? 30

A公司 Innovation 4 3 Stability Attention to detail 2 1 Aggressiveness Aggressiveness Outcome People Team 31

補習班 Innovation and risk taking B 補習班 4 C 補習班 3 Stability Attention to detail 2 1 Aggressiveness Outcome orientation Team orientation People orientation 32

Strong versus Weak Cultures Are cultures in which key values are deeply held and widely shared. Have a strong influence on organizational members. *The HP Way, The McKinsey Mind Factors Influencing the Strength of Culture Size, Age, Employee turnover rate

Sources, Continuation Sources Continuation The organization’s founder: Vision and mission Past practices of the organization The behavior of top management Continuation Recruitment of like-minded employees who “fit” Socialization - The process that helps employees adapt to the organization’s culture.

How Employees Learn Culture Stories Narratives of significant events or actions of people Rituals Repetitive sequences of activities that express Material Symbols Physical assets distinguishing the organization Language Acronyms and jargon of terms, phrases, and word

Stories 飲水思源 西南航空 Stay hungry, stay foolish. Be nice. Do your best, Keep it in perspectives.

Material Symbols:奧美廣告 皮質萬用盒 紅鉛筆(榮譽榜,講座) 紀念金幣 受邀參觀創辦人城堡 Bonus: 上網找經理人月刊, 2007.7, p.104

Benefits of a Strong Culture Creates a stronger employee commitment to the organization Aids in the recruitment and socialization of new employees Fosters higher organizational performance by instilling and promoting employee initiative

How an Organization’s Culture Is Established and Maintained

How Does Culture Affect Managers? Cultural Constraints on Managers Whatever managerial actions the organization recognizes as proper or improper on its behalf Whatever organizational activities the organization values and encourages The overall strength or weakness of the organizational culture

Exhibit 2-9: Managerial Decisions Affected by Culture

4. Organization Culture Issues 1. Creating an Innovative Culture Challenge and involvement Freedom Trust and openness Idea time Playfulness/humor Conflict resolution Debates Risk-taking

2. Creating a Customer-Responsive Culture Employees: hiring the right type of employees Job environment: without rigid rules and procedures Empowerment: listening skills, discretion Role clarity: continual training Consistent desire to satisfy and delight customers: commitment

3. Workplace Spirituality - a culture where organizational values promote a sense of purpose through meaningful work that takes place in the context of community Strong sense of purpose Focus on individual development Trust and openness Employee empowerment Toleration of employees’ expression *討論:威盛,長榮,杜俊元,游芳來。

Do your assignment: 1~5組 1. Case study: a manager’s dilemma (p.72) 2. Thinking critically about ethics (p.91) 3. Skill exercise: Environmental scanning skill (p.91) 4. Team exercise: Environments and stakeholders (p.92) 5. choose a student organization, evaluate its culture (p.92)

回顧 比較:1. 管理者之全能,象徵觀點 2.一般環境 VS. 特定環境 3.個人人格 VS. 組織文化

討論:未來學者如 J. Naisbitt, 可以預測環境? 1.全球經濟持續成長 6. 太平洋經濟重心 2. 藝術取代運動 7. 女性出頭 3. 走向資本主義 8. 生物科技及爭議 4. 流行文化 9. 宗教復甦 5. 解除管制 10. 重視個人貢獻 常用詞: change, greenwashing, Chinglish, Singlish… 新創詞: Linsanity, leisure sickness, cyberchondriac,   youthanasia…

Terms to Know omnipotent view symbolic view organizational culture strong cultures socialization stakeholders workplace spirituality external environment specific environment general environment environmental uncertainty environmental complexity