Estimated Living Expenses


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Presentation transcript:

Estimated Living Expenses 2011-2012 Campus 1Term 2 Terms 3 Terms 12 Months Berkeley $8,229 -------- $14,958 $19,458 Davis $4,669 $9,338 $14,006 $18,675 Irvine* $5,368 $10,736 $16,104 $20,733 Los Angeles $7,000 $14,000 $21,000 $26,000 Merced $6,003 --------- $12,005 $16,705 Riverside** $4,849 $9,698 $14,547 $18,000 SB $6,000 $9,000 $13,500 $18,000 Santa Cruz* $6,532 $13,064 $19,596 $23,914 San Diego $5,919 $11,839 $17,758 $22,867

How to Complete Your UC–EAP Application

UNDERGRADUATES DEADLINE REMINDER The online UCEAP application is open for 2011 - 2012 undergraduate applicants. Deadlines   Fall term 2011 (beginning August/September) online applications and accompanying paper documents are due as follows: UCLA Design / Architecture -- January 10, 2011 UCB Architecture -- February 1, 2011 All Other Majors -- February 10, 2011 January term 2011 applications are due in August 1, 2011.

How to Complete Your UC–EAP Application Preliminary Steps Determine your class level.(几年级?) Determine your level of English-language proficiency.(要ETS寄送成绩单) Select a major (specialized field of study) at UC.(不一定与复旦的专业相同) Determine if you have the prerequisite courses for your major. (biology, business / economics, engineering, and psychology) Research and select three UC campuses. ( Prepare a study plan for each selected UC campus.(at least 13 semester units or 12 quarter units)

How to Complete Your UC–EAP Application Online Application Establish a login ID and password. Select your application term. Complete the applicant information. List and rank your selected UC campuses, and provide an academic statement(a maximum of 250 words). Submit a study plan for each selected UC campus. Complete the Student Contract/Authorization section. Submit your online application(Don’t forget print after you submit it.)

How to Complete Your UC–EAP Application Paper Documents Gather your official academic records. Complete the Confirmation of Financial Resources form. Print the application checklist before you submit your paper documents.

Checklist Remember to include one photocopy of each item listed below: 1. Academic Records Official transcripts from all institutions attended after secondary school (Include translations if not in English.)

2.Photocopies of degree(s) / diploma(s), if available (Include translations if not in English.) 高中毕业文凭 3.Coursework in Progress form (Include this form if coursework in progress is not noted on your current university transcript.) 4.TOEFL / IELTS / Cambridge / IB Score: ______ Date of Exam: ___________

5.Confirmation of Financial Resources (CFR) form Amount of support U.S. $ ____________ Supporting documentation (e.g., bank letter, bank statement, sponsor’s statement)

6.Photocopy of the Personal Information Page of Your Passport (Do not send the original document.)

复旦大学牛皮纸信封 Fudan-UC EAP 2011-2012 Yang Yuliang 杨玉良

Paper Documents递交日期 2011年1月17日——1月21日(含) 工作时间 8:00—11:30 13:30—17:00 工作时间 8:00—11:30 13:30—17:00 外事处105室(学生交流科) 必须按规定时间递交材料。 2011年1月31日前必须完成online application.

出国交流阶段和恢复学籍阶段 1. 办理休学(2011年春季或秋季学期办理) 收到加州大学录取函后,本科生在教务处办理休学手续,休学申请表可以在教务处网站表格下载处下载;

2. 办理出国批件 办理休学手续的同时,办理出国批件手续。 在外事处网站下载并填写《复旦大学因公出国或赴港澳个人申请表》和团组总表(一个项目作为一个团组,团体表应正反打印,如2011年秋去UCB交流的所有同学为一个团组)。

上述表格在外事处网站下载(出生地填省份和城市,单位填学院和系别,职务栏填写本科生。必需签名和加盖公章)。 个人申请表的审批意见填写院系所意见、党总支意见和教务处意见(本科生)。教务处意见(本科生)需要办理完休学手续后才能办理。


3、交流完毕恢复学籍 本科生从教务处领取办理恢复学籍手续的表格,填写后上交 。(需要外事处老师签字同意,才能够恢复学籍)


甲方:复旦大学 法定代表人:杨玉良 住所:上海市邯郸路220号 乙方: 住所:上海市 路 弄 号 室 丙方(乙方担保人):

甲方派遣乙方以__交流学生__身份赴__美国加州大学________学校留学, 期限为___6__个月(自出国之日起计算)。

甲方违约的,乙方可以单方解除本协议,请求甲方返还其因履行本协议项下义务发生转移的财产,并请求赔偿直接经济损失。 乙方违约的,甲方可以单方解除本协议,乙方违反第五条约定的,甲方可以请求乙方支付人民币____伍千___ 圆整(___5000____元)的违约金。此外,甲方可以请求乙方赔偿其直接经济损失。 担保人身份证复印件
