诗篇三十二篇 Psalm 32 我的神 懇求你的恩典 遮蓋我的罪 我為我過犯深感懊悔 我要向你 承認我的罪與不義 向你俯伏下跪


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Presentation transcript:

诗篇三十二篇 Psalm 32 我的神 懇求你的恩典 遮蓋我的罪 我為我過犯深感懊悔 我要向你 承認我的罪與不義 向你俯伏下跪 我的神 懇求你的恩典 遮蓋我的罪 我為我過犯深感懊悔 我要向你 承認我的罪與不義 向你俯伏下跪 My God, I entreat your grace Cover my sins I deeply regret my sins I would like to confess to you my sin and iniquities. I fall down and kneel to you

诗篇三十二篇 Psalm 32 我要現在向你 獻上我的禱告 求你拯救我 使我不至羞愧 隱藏我 保佑我 環繞我 引導我 我要一生至死跟隨 我要現在向你 獻上我的禱告 求你拯救我 使我不至羞愧 隱藏我 保佑我 環繞我 引導我 我要一生至死跟隨 I want to offer you my prayers Please save me from being put to shame Hide me, bless and protect me. Surround me, Guide me, I will follow until death

今生跟随主耶稣 當我認識你那一刻起 我的心都交給了你 當我信仰你那一刻起 我就是你的兒女 From the moment I knew you I give my heart to you From the moment I believed in you I am your child

今生跟随主耶稣 當我徘徊在痛苦的邊緣 是你伸出你的手 當幸福來敲門的時候 我知道那是你的恩典 When I hovered on the brink of pain You reached out your hand When blessings befall me, I know that it is by your grace

今生跟随主耶稣 你的恩典充滿世界每個角落 讓人平安讓人有喜樂 今生跟隨主耶穌 你是我的主 你用寶血洗淨了我們 Your grace fills every corner of the world Giving people peace and joy Lord Jesus, I will follow you with my life You are my Lord Wash us with your precious blood

今生跟随主耶稣 生命中如果沒有神的指引 世間繁華將沖淡我心 今生跟隨主耶穌 你是我的主 願背十字架一輩子 If God’s guidance is not in my life All the world’s attractions would dilute my heart Lord Jesus, I will follow you in this life You are my Lord I am willing to carry the cross all my life

今生跟随主耶稣 當我徘徊在痛苦的邊緣 是你伸出你的手 當幸福來敲門的時候 我知道那是你的恩典 When I hovered on the brink of pain You reached out your hand When blessings befall me, I know that it is by your grace

今生跟随主耶稣 你的恩典充滿世界每個角落 讓人平安讓人有喜樂 今生跟隨主耶穌 你是我的主 你用寶血洗淨了我們 Your grace fills every corner of the world Giving people peace and joy Lord Jesus, I will follow you with my life You are my Lord Wash us with your precious blood

今生跟随主耶稣 生命中如果沒有神的指引 世間繁華將沖淡我心 今生跟隨主耶穌 你是我的主 願背十字架一輩子 If God’s guidance is not in my life All the world’s attractions would dilute my heart Lord Jesus, I will follow you in this life You are my Lord I am willing to carry the cross all my life

今生跟随主耶稣 你的恩典充滿世界每個角落 讓人平安讓人有喜樂 今生跟隨主耶穌 你是我的主 你用寶血洗淨了我們 Your grace fills every corner of the world Giving people peace and joy Lord Jesus, I will follow you with my life You are my Lord Wash us with your precious blood

今生跟随主耶稣 生命中如果沒有神的指引 世間繁華將沖淡我心 今生跟隨主耶穌 你是我的主 願背十字架一輩子 If God’s guidance is not in my life All the world’s attractions would dilute my heart Lord Jesus, I will follow you in this life You are my Lord I am willing to carry the cross all my life