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OvidSP Flexible. Innovative. Precise. 协和医科大学用户培训会 Ovid China 陈乐 周达 2009年4月1日 OvidSP Flexible. Innovative. Precise. OvidSP for Medicine

Ovid – Wolters Kluwer (荷兰威科集团) 全球五大出版集团之一 营业收入: 34 亿欧元(2008) 雇员:20,000 worldwide Markets Health, Tax, Accounting, Corporate Services, Financial Services, Legal and Regulatory Operations Europe, North America and Asia Pacific 总部: Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Wolters Kluwer Health drives towards key information-based software needs of the health and scientific communities Ovid (Medical & Scholarly Research) Most used online research information solutions for medical, scientific, academic markets Customers in 142 countries Over one billion page views each year UpToDate The world’s leading point-of-care decision tool Over 320,000 clinical users in 130 countries Covers more than 7,400 topics in 13 medical specialties Clinical Solutions Documentation & coding Evidence-based clinical guidelines & order sets Integrated Clinical Decision Support Brands include: ProVation Medical Facts & Comparisons Medi-Span® Clin-eguide Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (Professional & Education Publishing) Leading content engine for medical, nursing & health practitioners & students Point-of-learning tools for medical education Nearly 275 periodicals and 1,500 text and reference books in more than 100 disciplines Pharma Solutions Information products and tools for pharmaceutical researchers, developers, and marketers Brands include: Adis Source® 3

Ovid Technologies 隶属于Wolters Kluwer Group Health Division 发展历程: 1984 - Original interface developed 1990 - First international office opened in London 1994 - Company goes public on NASDAQ 1995 - Company renamed Ovid, emphasizes the shift to online technologies 1998 - Wolters Kluwer purchases Ovid 2001 - Wolters Kluwer purchases SilverPlatter and merges it with Ovid 2007 – Ovid launches OvidSP platform 2008. 8 – Ovid launches OvidSP 2.0 2009.3 – Ovid将LWW出版业务合并

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Ovid’s customizable solutions of content, tools, and services make us the #1 choice for scholarly searching Scholarly content represents professional literature from journals, reference books, and bibliographic databases. 6 6

Medical Research - Ovid A global leader in providing online medical, scientific, and academic Ovid发展到今天,已经成为全球最受欢迎的医学信息平台 根据TNS Global Image Study 2007年的报告, Ovid在医学信息服务领域,无论在技术领先性、数据质量以及用户检索体验等等上,均为排在全球第一。 仅在北美 95%的医学图书馆 97%的教学医院 87% 的美国医院(床位在200以上) 30家最大医药企业均使用Ovid平台和医学数据库产品。 Medical Research is the primary online source for all Wolters Kluwer Health content. Headquartered in New York, NY, with offices worldwide extending its global reach across 98 countries.

OvidSP平台 原文出版平台 – LWW医学、ADIS药学全文期刊 数据集成 – 上百种数据库、1200多种期刊、近2000种在线图书 检索 & 链接技术技术 – OvidSP, Universal Search,Linksolver, Searchsolver等

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Databases@Ovid (医学数据库) Medline 1950-, Embase, Allied and Alternative Medicine Database Evidence-Based Medicine Reviews(循证医学) Clin e-guide(临床辅助数据库) Biological Abstracts, Biosis Previews(生物医学) British Nursing Index、 Maternity and Infant Care、Nursing@Ovid(护理学) Drug Information Full Text、Embase Drugs&Pharmacology、International Pharmaceutical Absracts、Efact(药物学) PsycARTICLES, Psycinfo, Embase Psychiatry(心理学) Global Health 公共卫生研究资源

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Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (LWW) 全文期刊 278种全文医学期刊 众多学科排名第一的期刊 Circulation, AIDS, Spine 144 种刊被 ISI 收录 43 种刊被 Brandon Hill 收录 超过20个学科 American Journal of Nursing (AJN), Anasthesia & Analgesia, Circulation, Critical Care Medicine, and Neurology – SLA 收录为Top 100 Titles in past 100 years.

医科院图书馆已购进Ovid资源 LWW期刊现刊全集(278种) Psychinfo 1887 – Medline Biosis Preview Allied & Complementary Medicine Database Adis R& D Insight 1986 – Clin-eguide Global Health

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Do: Open an OvidSP account. Say: To find out more about a database open its Field Guide under the I icon. A database consists of individual records and these records consist of fields, Each field contains a particular type of information, an author name, a title etc. In many of the Ovid databases, you can divide this field list into three parts, information which comes from the author – titles, abstracts, author names, information about the location of the work – journal name, volume, issue page or descriptive information which is added about the work – subject descriptions, document types, broad subject categories for example. Within an Ovid database usually all the fields are searchable and in the majority they are also browsable. So in an Ovid database you have the greatest access into the data which is possible.

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