那雙看不見的手 The invisible hands 雖不見袮 觸不到袮 Though I can’t see You I can’t touch You 但是我知 袮正在對我低語 But I know You are wispering to me
Oh Lord Jesus, Dear Lord Jesus You are always here for me 喔主耶穌 喔主耶穌 Oh Lord Jesus, Dear Lord Jesus 我深知道 袮一直就在這裡 I know deep down You are always here for me
雖不見袮 觸不到袮 Though I can’t see You I can’t touch You 但是我知 袮正在對我低語 But I know You are wispering to me
Oh Lord Jesus, Dear Lord Jesus You are always here for me 喔主耶穌 喔主耶穌 Oh Lord Jesus, Dear Lord Jesus 我深知道 袮一直就在這裡 I know deep down You are always here for me
雖不見袮 觸不到袮 Though I can’t see You I can’t touch You 但是我知 袮正在對我低語 But I know You are wispering to me
Oh Lord Jesus, Dear Lord Jesus You are always here for me 喔主耶穌 喔主耶穌 Oh Lord Jesus, Dear Lord Jesus 我深知道 袮一直就在這裡 I know deep down You are always here for me
Mending brokeness in me 是袮的手 釘痕的手 It is Your hand The nail pierced hand 重新撫慰 我那破碎的心田 Comforting me Mending brokeness in me
是袮聲音 溫柔話語 It is Your voice soft gentle word 再度填滿 我心靈中的飢渴 Fill me again My thirst deep within
Mending brokeness in me 是袮的手 釘痕的手 It is Your hand The nail pierced hand 重新撫慰 我那破碎的心田 Comforting me Mending brokeness in me
是袮聲音 溫柔話語 It is Your voice soft gentle word 再度填滿 我心靈中的飢渴 Fill me again My thirst deep within