進入你的同在 Into Your Presence (1 of 4)


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Presentation transcript:

進入你的同在 Into Your Presence (1 of 4) 讓我進入主你的同在 我與眾天使圍繞寶座敬拜 喔 讓我進入主你的同在 我要單單敬拜你耶穌 Let me enter into Your presence I shall see all the angels around You worship Oh let me enter into Your presence And I’ll worship, and worship You alone

進入你的同在 Into Your Presence (2 of 4) 我要敬拜 敬拜 敬拜我的主 我要跪下 跪下 在你寶座前 I will worship, worship, worship You alone I will bow down, bow down, bow down to Your throne

進入你的同在 Into Your Presence (3 of 4) 讓我進入主你的榮耀 我在你聖潔光中被你得著 喔 讓我進入主你的榮耀 我要單單為主你而活 Let me enter into Your glory I shall live in Your holy presence worship Oh let me enter into Your glory And I’ll live, and live for You alone

進入你的同在 Into Your Presence (4 of 4) 頌讚榮耀 榮耀 榮耀歸羔羊 頌讚聖潔 聖潔 聖潔的真神 I sing glory, glory, glory to the Lamb I sing holy, holy, holy is the Lord