Teen Challenge Core Value 7


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Presentation transcript:

Teen Challenge Core Value 7 青年挑战核心价值观 #7 Servanthood 仆人的心 T101.12 iteenchallenge.org 11-2009

Servanthood 仆人的心 青年挑战核心价值观 #7 Teen Challenge Core Value 7 --Dedicating ourselves to the success of others 为别人的成功而献身 T101.12 iteenchallenge.org 11-2009

1. Who is a servant? 谁是仆人? Jesus Christ came as a servant. Mark 10:45; Philippians 2:7 耶稣基督以仆人的样式来到世上 马可福音 10:45 腓力比书 2:7 b. Christians are servants of Jesus. 1 Peter 2:16; John 12:26 基督徒是耶稣的仆人彼得前书 2:16 约翰福音 12:26 c. Christians are servants to each other. Galatians 5:13 基督徒是彼此的仆人 加拉太书 5:13 d. Christian leaders are servants to those under their authority. 1 Peter 5:12 基督徒领导者是那些在他的权柄以下的人的仆人 彼 得前书 5:12 T101.12 iteenchallenge.org 11-2009

Obedient to his master. Colossians 3:22 顺服自己的主人 加拉太书 3:22 Works with all his heart. Colossians 3:23 全心全意地做工 加拉太书 3:23 Meets the basic needs of those he is serving. Matthew 24:45 满足他所服侍人群的基本需求 马太福音 24:45 Wisely uses the resources the master gives him. Matthew 25:14-21 明智地使用主人分给自己的资源 马太福音 25:14-21 Serves others as if he is serving his master. Ephesians 6:7 服侍他人如同服侍他的主 以弗所书 6:7 Communicates the master’s message – regardless of the response. Luke 14:16-24 传达主的信息-不管反应如何 路加福音 14:16-24 T101.12 iteenchallenge.org 11-2009

As leaders, we must serve our staff. 作为领导者,我们必须服侍我们的员工。 Be concerned for their basic needs. 1 Peter 5:2 关心他们基本的需求。 彼得前书 5:2 Be generous, not greedy. 1 Peter 5:2 要大方,不贪心。 彼得前书 5:2 Resist the temptation to exalt ourselves. 1 Peter 5:3 抵制抬高自己这一试探。 彼得前书 5:3 Be an example. 1 Peter 5:3 成为一个榜样。 彼得前书 5:3 T101.12 iteenchallenge.org 11-2009

As staff, we must serve our leaders 作为员工,我们必须服侍自己的领导者 Be accountable/trustworthy. 要值得信任。 Be faithful/reliable. 要信实/可靠 Be obedient/respectful. 要顺从/尊敬领导 T101.12 iteenchallenge.org 11-2009

As leaders and staff we must serve our students. 作为领导者和员工,我们必须服侍学员。 When we serve students, we are serving Jesus. Matthew 25:34-40 当我们服侍学员的时候,我们在服侍耶稣 马太福音25: 34-40 We serve them with love. Galatians 5:13 我们用爱来服侍他们 加拉太书5:13 We must be kind and gentle. 2 Timothy 2:24 我们必须善良和温柔 提摩太后书 2:24 We serve by being a humble example. John 13:15 做一个谦卑的榜样 约翰福音13:15 God will reward those who serve Him. Colossians 3:24 神会报答那些服侍他的人 歌罗西书 3:24 T101.12 iteenchallenge.org 11-2009

I will serve if I can get something out of it. 如果我能从中得到什么,我才会服侍 How can I meet another person’s needs when I can’t meet my own? 我连自己的需求都满足不了,如何满足他人的 需求呢? I want to be a master, not a servant. 我想成为一个主人,而 不是仆人。 Servants are weak. I’m better than that. 仆人是软弱的。我比他们强。 Servants let people walk over them, -- not me. 仆人让别人轻易的胜过自己,不是我。 T101.12 iteenchallenge.org 11-2009

Show them Jesus was the best servant. 给他们展示耶稣是最好的 仆人。 Teach them servanthood is an attitude of humility and willingness to work. 教导他们仆人的心是一种谦卑的态度和做工的 意愿。 Serve them like Jesus would. 像耶稣服侍人那样来服侍他们。 Urge them to serve their fellow students by encouraging, listening, and praying. 通过鼓励,倾听和祷告,督促他们服侍自己的 同学。 T101.12 iteenchallenge.org 11-2009

T101.12 iteenchallenge.org 11-2009

Contact: 联系: Global Teen Challenge 全球青年挑战 gtc@globaltc Contact: 联系: Global Teen Challenge 全球青年挑战 gtc@globaltc.org Training materials for this course are available at the following address: 培训教材可以在如下网站查询: www.iTeenChallenge.org www.globaltc.org T101.12 iteenchallenge.org 11-2009