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S 父子靈三一神 The Trinity.

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1 s 父子靈三一神 The Trinity

2 1) 父的旨意和計畫 The Will and Plan of the Father 1. 得著一個團體的新人,有祂的生命,性情
1) 父的旨意和計畫 The Will and Plan of the Father 1. 得著一個團體的新人,有祂的生命,性情. 祂要與他們同住 To gain a corporate “new man” on earth who possesses the Father’s life and nature. He will dwell with them (啟示錄 Revelation 21:2,3; 詩篇 Psalms 8:4)

3 1) 父的旨意和計畫 The Will and Plan of the Father
2. 建立祂的國度,讓人作祭司事奉祂,作王 管理祂手所造的 To establish His kingdom, making men to serve Him as priests, and to have dominion over the works of His hands as a king (啟示錄 Revelation 22:3,5b; 詩篇 Psalms 8:5-8; 出埃及記 Exodus 19:6)

4 1) 父的旨意和計畫 The Will and Plan of the Father 3
1) 父的旨意和計畫 The Will and Plan of the Father 3. 使祂的名在全地被高舉 How excellent is Your name in all the earth! (詩篇 Psalms 8:9; 啟示錄 Revelation 11:15)

5 2) 子的工作和執行 The Work and the Execution of the Son 1
2) 子的工作和執行 The Work and the Execution of the Son 1. 那時,我在他那裡為工師 Then I was beside Him as a master craftsman (箴言 Proverbs 8:30,31)

6 2) 子的工作和執行 The Work and the Execution of the Son 2. 萬有都是靠他造的,
2) 子的工作和執行 The Work and the Execution of the Son 2. 萬有都是靠他造的,.. 藉著他造的,又 是為他造的 all things were created by Him,.. through Him and for Him. (歌羅西 書 Colossians 1:16)

7 2) 子的工作和執行 The Work and the Execution of the Son 3
2) 子的工作和執行 The Work and the Execution of the Son 3. 他也是教會全體之首 And He is the head of the body, the church (歌羅西書 Colossians 1:18; 希伯來書 2:8-10)

8 3) 靈的實現和完成 The Realization and Completion of the Spirit 1
3) 靈的實現和完成 The Realization and Completion of the Spirit 1. 真理的聖靈來了 when the Spirit of truth has come (約翰福音 John 14:16- 18; 23; 15:4,5) a. 主在另一形態裡來 The Lord comes in another form b. 住 Abide

9 3) 靈的實現和完成 The Realization and Completion of the Spirit 2
3) 靈的實現和完成 The Realization and Completion of the Spirit 2. 用心靈和誠實拜父 – 殿 worship the Father in spirit and truth – temple (約翰 福音 John 4:23,24)

10 3) 靈的實現和完成 The Realization and Completion of the Spirit 3
3) 靈的實現和完成 The Realization and Completion of the Spirit 3. 要引導你們進入一切的真理 he will guide you into all truth (約翰福音 John 16:13)

11 3) 靈的實現和完成 The Realization and Completion of the Spirit 4
3) 靈的實現和完成 The Realization and Completion of the Spirit 4. 從嬰孩和吃奶的口中建立能力,對付仇 敵 Out of the mouth of babes and nursing infants, You have ordained strength, and had the enemy dealt with (詩篇 Psalms 8:2)

12 3) 靈的實現和完成 The Realization and Completion of the Spirit 5
3) 靈的實現和完成 The Realization and Completion of the Spirit 5. 耶和華 ─ 我們的主啊,你的名在全 地何其美! O LORD, our Lord, How excellent is Your name in all the earth! (詩篇 Psalms 8:9; 27:1,6; 121:1,2)

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