*We wish you a Merry Christmas (x3)


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Presentation transcript:

*We wish you a Merry Christmas (x3) We wish you a Merry Christmas G ¾ English Traditional Carol -Sixteenth Century 中文** By S.Lam 2011 *We wish you a Merry Christmas (x3) and a Happy New Year! Good tidings to you wherever you are; Good tidings for Christmas and a Happy New Year! *齊唱聖誕快樂,願天天都快樂,齊祝新春 進步,人人健康愉快.願聖誕快樂,願 聖誕快樂,祝天天都精神,人人健康愉快. **來聽聽天使在互動,傳講主基督已降臨,平安都歸於這世上,榮耀歸上帝.來看聖誕夜,是美妙傳奇,慶祝主誕生辰,和平樂章合奏.

Silent night! Bb ¾ Words & Music by Joseph Mohr / Franz Gruber 1818 * Silent night! Holy night! All is calm, All is bright, See the gentle mother and child, Holy in-fant , so tender and mild, Rest in heavenly peace. Rest in heavenly peace. *平安夜聖善夜,萬暗中光華射,照著慈母 也照著聖嬰,多少慈祥也多少天真, 靜享天賜安眠.靜享天賜安眠 **平安夜至聖夜,鐘聲亮上教堂,籍著 鐘聲化解戰禍,籍著祝福世間太平, 救世主今夜已誕生,普天下都有太平.

*普世歡騰,救主下降,大地迎接君王, 惟願眾心,預備地方,諸天萬物歌唱, 諸天萬物歌唱,諸天 諸天萬物歌唱. ** * Joy to the world D 4/4 Words & Music By George F. Handel * Isaac Watts 1719 * Joy to the world, The Lord is come, Let earth receive her king, Let every heart prepare him room, ( & heaven & nature sing x 2 ) & heaven & heaven & nature sing. *普世歡騰,救主下降,大地迎接君王, 惟願眾心,預備地方,諸天萬物歌唱, 諸天萬物歌唱,諸天 諸天萬物歌唱. **

O Come all ye faithful G 4/4 Words & Music By John Francis Wade 1761 * O Come all ye faithful, joyful and triumphant, O come, Ye O come Ye to Bethlehem, come and behold him born the king of angels, ( O come let us adore him x3 ) Christ the Lord. *齊來宗主信徒,快樂又歡欣,齊來一齊來 大家上伯利恆,來朝見聖嬰,天使王已降生, 齊來虔誠同崇拜,齊來虔誠同崇拜, 齊來虔誠同崇拜,主基督. **.

遠古遠方,聖經記明,應許星光引路耶穌已降生馬槽,靜聞馬利亞禱告.基督恩主已降生,天使報佳音唱和,平安恩惠給世人,自由快樂去宣告 Long time ago in Beth-le-hem, so the Holy Bible say : Mary's boy child Jesus Christ was born on Christmas day. * Hark! Now hear the angels sing, a new king born today, and man will live for - ever - more, because of Christmas day… 遠古遠方,聖經記明,應許星光引路耶穌已降生馬槽,靜聞馬利亞禱告.基督恩主已降生,天使報佳音唱和,平安恩惠給世人,自由快樂去宣告

Jingle Bells ! Bb ¾ Words & Music by Joseph Mohr / Franz Gruber 1818 Dashing thro'the snow. In a one-horse open sleigh. O'er the fields we go, laughing all the way; Bells on bob-tail ring. Mak-ing spir-its bright; What fun it is to ride and sing, a sleighing song tonight. ( Jingle bells! Jingle bells! Jingle all the way Oh! What fun it is to ride in the one-horse open sleigh! x2 ) ***