有孝父母有福氣 Blessed are Those Who Honor Thy Father and Thy Mother


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Presentation transcript:

有孝父母有福氣 Blessed are Those Who Honor Thy Father and Thy Mother 做人的孩子要有孝 Honor thy father and thy mother, 奉養父母到年老 Care for them as they age

嬰孩出世紅幼幼 父母照顧無時休 Back when you were a helpless, crying little bother, Remember how they cared for you, with love that’d never disengage.

今日你能這才情, 社會和人通比評 都是養育的恩情, 咱要時刻記在心 今日你能這才情, 社會和人通比評 Today, your talents, your wins, and your success, comparable to the best of the best; 都是養育的恩情, 咱要時刻記在心 But how can a tiny seed grow into this towering cypress? Remember the faithful gardeners, toiled away without rest.

聖經早就有教示, 有孝的人有福氣 孝順傳家美無比 It is so taught in the Bible, my brother, Blessed are those who honor thy father and thy mother. 孝順傳家美無比 Handed down through the generations, a family treasure like no other.

聖經早就有教示, 有孝的人有福氣 有福氣,主賜平安和歡喜 It is so taught in the Bible, my brother, Blessed are those who honor thy father and thy mother. 有福氣,主賜平安和歡喜 Blessed indeed, with peace and joy, we rejoice in the Lord all together.