PubMed 圖書館&實證醫學中心 洪吉伶
認識 PubMed 收錄年限:西元1950年至今 更新頻率:週更新 出版機構:美國國家生技資訊中心(NCBI) National Center for Biotechnology Information 資料類型:醫學期刊文獻、即將出版的醫學論文、 PubMed Central 典藏的full-text 收錄主題:以生物醫學、生命科學、生化學、行為科學為主;也有收錄資訊科學、航太科學等等。
邏輯運算元(Boolean Operator) AND: asthma and child OR: asthma or child NOT: asthma not child 進階 Common Cold and (vit c or Zinc)
Construction of the final search strategy Stage Two P I C O Myalgic encephalopathy Antidepressive agent Alternative therapy/medicine Symptom relief AND AND AND Clinical scenario→ formulate a more manageable question Identify the key word and make a note of relevant synonyms Combine using appropriate Boolean concepts Refining search strategies
Construction of the final search strategy Stage One P I C O Myalgic encephalopathy OR ME Post viral fatigue syndrome Yuppie Flu Antidepressive agent Fluoxetine Prozac Alternative therapy/medicine Complementary therapy/medicine Homoeopathy Nutritional/diet therapy acupuncture Symptom relief Pain relief Balanced moods Calm sleep Increase in energy level
Truncation: * Wildcard:? Epilep* (Pubmed, Cochrane) Epilep$ (OVID) Epilepsia Epilepsies Epilepsy Epileptic Epilepticus Epileptiform Epilepoid Wildcard:? p?ediatric Paediatric pediatric Wom?n Woman Women Behavio?r behavior behaviour
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