植物量產工程在台灣之實現 Successful implementation of ACESYS on CEPPS in Taiwan


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Presentation transcript:

植物量產工程在台灣之實現 Successful implementation of ACESYS on CEPPS in Taiwan 生物科技在農業上之應用研討會 植物量產工程在台灣之實現 Successful implementation of ACESYS on CEPPS in Taiwan 方煒、賴建洲 台大生物產業機電工程學系暨研究所 教授、博士候選人

生物科技 生物產業 嬰幼兒期 有無窮潛力 狹義 廣義 幾乎無所不在

電腦科技,是玩假的, 生物科技,是玩真的。 電腦科技,不是玩假的, 植物量產,也是玩真的。 遠距、虛擬 成長、變化 不容錯 張系國,5/6/2001中國時報,人間副刊 大量、均勻 品質、獲利 方煒,5/18/2001 電腦科技,不是玩假的, 植物量產,也是玩真的。 不容錯 成長、變化 ㄥ

植物量產工程 應用ACESYS理念, 針對控制環境下的植物量產系統(CEPPS)進行規劃與分析, 並利用DSS協助決策者執行。

由露地栽培到設施栽培 由設施栽培到太空農業 Phytomation 由露地栽培到設施栽培 由設施栽培到太空農業 植物量產工程 ACESYS Environment Friendliness ALSS Applied Intelligence Growing Systems Phyto- remediation Operations Research Production Environment CEPPS Greenhouse 環控作物生產系統工程 Structures 溫室工程

Concept of Automation-Culture-Environment Oriented Systems Analysis (ACESYS) Components and Processes of Controlled Environment Bio-Production Systems may be categorized into three classes: Automation – machine capabilities of information processing and physical work (including perception, reasoning/learning, communication, and task planning/execution) Culture – factors and practices that can directly describe and/or modify the growth and development of biological objects (e.g. morphological and physiological conditions, as well as cultural tasks including multiplication, nutrient delivery, disease prevention, harvesting, etc.) Environment – surroundings of biological objects (including climatic, nutritional, structural, and mechanical conditions)

A Schematic ALSS Diagram Plant Growth Unit Crew Space De- humidifier Air Purifier Water Purifier Waste Processing Unit Food Processing Unit A Schematic ALSS Diagram Air (After M.M. Averner, 1989) Water Biomass

CEPPS 對象: 環控室 細胞 種苗 成株 生物 反應器 靈芝 冬蟲夏草 金線連 蝴蝶蘭 可以不受季節、病蟲害等之影響。 可以有穩定品質與產能。 可以生產無病毒植株。 可以透過提供不同stress (T, pH change, Nutrient limitation, Osmotic shock, etc)促使產生二次代謝物。 可以透過提供不同前驅基質(precursors)生產新的成分物質(new compounds)。 其他…. 環控室 溫室? 生物 反應器 組織培養室

主旨 ACESYS 在 CEPPS 的應用 – 以「蝴蝶蘭種苗立體栽培植物工廠」為例

Growth Stages of young Phalaenopsis (YP) 階段1:蝴蝶蘭小苗栽培,階段4:蝴蝶蘭大苗催花 4-6 months 4-6 months 3-5 months 5-7 months 2 months Flower forcing to 5-10 cm stalk TC plantlets Small YP @ 12 cm leaf span Medium YP @ 20 cm leaf span Large YP @ 30 cm leaf span 1 2 3 4 Stage0 2 months Full grown Flower 5 Slow growing CAM plant Stages 0 – 4 can be grown in plant factory under artificial light with multi-layers

日昇生物技術公司的成長 1 >20 Floor Area Productivity 1978--1997 360,000 ft2 8.4 acres 1 360,000 ft2 1998--2000 >20 360,000 ft2 x 5 Floor Area Productivity

Applying ACESYS on CEPPS Applications Technologies Controlled Environment Plant Production Systems Automation Moving light, Multi-layer Fan & Pad, Ebb & Flood Culture 蝴蝶蘭小苗栽培,大苗催花 其他 Environment Controlled Environment, Light quantity, quality Air T, RH, CO2, water T, DO, EC,pH, etc. Systems Engineering economic analysis, Risk analysis, other DSS Implementation

Advantages of moving light with multi-layers Initial cost on lamps reduced by half Less heat accumulate underneath Shorter lamp-to-plant distance Number of layers increased Higher space utilization Higher light intensity on plant per lamp (inverse square law) Higher average CO2 concentration inside when fans were not used Less on/off switching of lamps increase life time (Fang and Jao, 1996)

Moving light of Sunrise Biotech. Co. Ltd.

Layout of a 26 x 45 =1170 m2 production room Moving light: 3 sets/bench 1 2 M 3 4 5 6 10 26 m 11 12 13 14 15 16 20 45 m

Benches: 7 layers x 20 benches 8000 plants/ layer 1.12 million plants per story 2.24 million plants / 1170 m2 1914 plants/m2

溫室 vs. 植物工廠 under Taiwan condition Greenhouse Natural Light heating equip. req. Pad and Fan (1.2-1.5 A.C. per minutes) 1 layer of growing area Plant Factory of current design High construction cost but long lifetime, long depreciation time & less risk For certain crops only PL lamps (moving light) Pad and less fan (1 A.C.) No heating required 14 layers of growing area for 2 stories building

蝴蝶蘭小苗栽培 - 12 cm leaf span (Stage 1) Assuming both with 26 x 45 m2 at 70% space utilization Greenhouse 180 plants/m2 85 % harvested No. of Turnover/yr = 2 0.25 million plants/yr Plant Factory 220 plants/layer/m2 More than 90% harvest 7 layers, 2 stories No. of Turnover/yr = 2 4.5~4.75 million plants/yr Moving light 220/180 = 1.22 0.90~0.95/0.85= 1.05~1.12 18~19 7x2/1 = 14 More confined environment Multi-layers, stories

? 使用人工光源的缺點 High initial cost High electricity fee Looks pretty high to me High initial cost High electricity fee 14 PL lamps/set x 3 sets/layer of a bench 20 benches/story x 7 layers/bench 5880 PL lamps per story 700 NT$ (list price) per lamp & ballast 4116 k NT$ = 125 k US$ = 106 US$/m2/story 200 NT$ (discount price) -> 31 US$/m2/story

燈光相關電費 5880 PL lamps per story 36 W per lamp (include ballast) Looks pretty high to me 5880 PL lamps per story 36 W per lamp (include ballast) Power factor =0.7 (high frequency ballast) 12/12 photoperiod, lamps are ON for 24 hrs per day 3 NT$ (about 0.1 US$) per kW-hr Annual electricity fee per story =5880 x 36 * 0.7 * 24 * 365 * 3/1000 = 5.56 million NT$ * 0.7 = 168 k US$ * 0.7 = 118 k US$

Second thought on electricity cost May be not so high after all Annual electricity fee (including motors, fans) per story= 5.56 million NT$ = 168 k US$ Annual production per story= 2.25 million plants Electricity fee=2.47 NT$/plant= 0.074 US$ per plant Revenue (not include production cost) is about 10 NT$ per plant for small size YP Annual Net profit is about 4~5 NT$/plant x 4.5 million per building = 17307 NT$/m2 = 524 US$/m2

蝴蝶蘭小苗栽培 (彙總) 540 US$/m2 Annual Net Profit is 524 US$/m2 Fixed Costs: Construction cost is 128 Cost on benches and controls is 200 Cost on PL lamps is 106 x 2 stories = 212 (list price) 31 x 2 = 62 (actual price) Payback time is about 1 year 540 US$/m2

蝴蝶蘭大苗催花- 5-10 cm stalk (Stage 4) Greenhouse Heavy air conditioners were used Extra structure inside is required 1 layer of production space Plant Factory w/ A.C. Good insulation Less air conditioner required 14 times productivity per building w/ 2 stories

蝴蝶蘭大苗催花的傳統方式 大苗運至高海拔地區栽培 (cost 20-25 NT$/plant) [如果溫室為他人所有,成本會再提高] Revenue is at 20 – 30 NT$/plant PE Bench Evaporator Condenser Pad Fan

蝴蝶蘭小苗栽培與大苗催花之比較 Rel. Profitability: 1 2/3 Stage 1 Turnover 2 times/yr 220 plants/layer/m2 4.5 million plants/building/yr Raw Revenue at 10 NT$/plant Net Profit at 4~5 NT$/plant Stage 4 Turnover 6 times/yr 25 plants/layer/m2 1.5 million plants/building/yr Raw Revenue at 20 ~30 NT$/plant Net Profit at 5~10 NT$/plant Rel. Profitability: 1 2/3 Raw Revenue =sale price – purchase price Net Profit =Raw Revenue - other production cost

Why growth Stage 4 Shorter turnover period means Faster cash flow Lower risk Like to produce end product of Phalaenopsis

結論 相關軟硬體並不複雜 務實的整合相關科技是成功的因素 肥培與病蟲害管理雖未敘述,但也是成功的關鍵 室內立體植床提昇單位面積生產力達幾乎20倍 自走燈具的使用降低一半的硬體成本 總電費雖高,但以產量分攤則可接受 室內環境允許高收穫率與高品質 結構強固降低風險與拉長折舊時間 正確選擇高收益作物,不迷信高單價

日昇生技公司目前有4.5億資本額, 他們現階段的成功證實了 ACESYS 應用於廣義的生物產業 可以有光明的遠景

Application of ACESYS to Phytomation Systems (i. e Application of ACESYS to Phytomation Systems (i.e. using ACESYS to implement and describe Phytomation systems) Applications Technologies (A) Protected Cultivation (B) Green-house (C) Controlled Envir. Plant Production Systems (D) Other Plant Based Engineering Systems Automation Culture Environment Systems Implementation

知識還不是力量 知識是能量,能妥善運用知識是智慧, 有知識又有智慧,才能發揮力量。 Knowledge is Energy, Wisdom is effective use of Knowledge, Knowledge and Wisdom produce kW which is Power --- Dr. K.C. Ting, 1994 --- 知識是能量,能妥善運用知識是智慧, 有知識又有智慧,才能發揮力量。

沒有知識哪來知識經濟 知識絕不只是資訊,或是新世代傳播的方式而已; 它不僅需要有創新的內涵, 同時還延伸到創造、消化與使用這些知識的人才。 周成功,5/5/2001中國時報 讀者投書

Sys 資料爆炸的時代 C E A 是適用於生物產業的一種 妥善運用知識的方法 SWOT: Qualitative analysis Data Information Knowledge Wisdom Sys C E A 是適用於生物產業的一種 妥善運用知識的方法 SWOT: Qualitative analysis 強弱勢分析與機會、威脅評估 ACESYS: Quantitative analysis

日昇公司結合知識與創新,走出自己的路。 仍有更長的路要走 … 日昇公司結合知識與創新,走出自己的路。 仍有更長的路要走 … 積極追蹤並瞭解國際市場動態 慎選高經濟作物,基於粗收益/3Dspace/time原則 任何改變之前進行工程經濟分析與風險分析 不局限於單一作物的量產 每一作物不侷限於單一產品 追求高收穫率與高品質 全盤銷售 依訂單量產 (Produced on demand) DSS

Thank you 方煒 Dept. of Bio-Industrial mechatronics Engineering National Taiwan University 方煒 台大生物產業機電工程學系暨研究所