我今屬於主耶穌 Now I belong to Jesus Norman J. Clayton, 1943 CCLI #


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Presentation transcript:

我今屬於主耶穌 Now I belong to Jesus Norman J. Clayton, 1943 CCLI #1133585

耶穌我救主愛我無止息 無權勢能叫我與主分離 為救贖我捨命於十架 我今永遠屬祂 342 – 我今屬於主耶穌 Now I belong to Jesus 耶穌我救主愛我無止息 Jesus my Lord will love me forever 無權勢能叫我與主分離 From Him no power of evil can sever 為救贖我捨命於十架 He gave His life to ransom my soul 我今永遠屬祂 Now I belong to Him CCLI # 1133585 1 of 6

Not for the years of time alone 342 – 我今屬於主耶穌 Now I belong to Jesus 我今屬於主耶穌 Now I belong to Jesus 主耶穌也屬我 Jesus belongs to me 並非暫時與祂結聯 Not for the years of time alone 乃是直到永遠 But for eternity CCLI # 1133585 2 of 6

從前在罪中我迷醉浮沉 耶穌降世為我帶來救恩 拯救我脫離羞恥懼怕 我今永遠屬祂 342 – 我今屬於主耶穌 Now I belong to Jesus 從前在罪中我迷醉浮沉 Once I was lost in sin’s degradation 耶穌降世為我帶來救恩 Jesus came down to bring me salvation 拯救我脫離羞恥懼怕 Lifted me up from sorrow and shame 我今永遠屬祂 Now I belong to Him CCLI # 1133585 3 of 6

Not for the years of time alone 342 – 我今屬於主耶穌 Now I belong to Jesus 我今屬於主耶穌 Now I belong to Jesus 主耶穌也屬我 Jesus belongs to me 並非暫時與祂結聯 Not for the years of time alone 乃是直到永遠 But for eternity CCLI # 1133585 4 of 6

喜樂溢我魂,因我蒙拯救 前我為罪奴,今得主自由 為救贖我,祂寶血流下 我今永遠屬祂 342 – 我今屬於主耶穌 Now I belong to Jesus 喜樂溢我魂,因我蒙拯救 Joy floods my soul for Jesus has saved me 前我為罪奴,今得主自由 Freed me from sin that long had enslaved me 為救贖我,祂寶血流下 His precious blood He gave to redeem 我今永遠屬祂 Now I belong to Him CCLI # 1133585 5 of 6

Not for the years of time alone 342 – 我今屬於主耶穌 Now I belong to Jesus 我今屬於主耶穌 Now I belong to Jesus 主耶穌也屬我 Jesus belongs to me 並非暫時與祂結聯 Not for the years of time alone 乃是直到永遠 But for eternity Norman J. Clayton 342 – 我今屬於主耶穌 Now I belong to Jesus CCLI # 1133585 CCLI # 1133585 6 of 6