主要问题: 未按比例作图! 宜用作图法,不要用解析法!


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Presentation transcript:

主要问题: 未按比例作图! 宜用作图法,不要用解析法!

4-4 In the revolute four-bar mechanism similar to the one in Fig 4-4 In the revolute four-bar mechanism similar to the one in Fig.4-23(b), let LAB=60mm, LBC =130mm, LDC=140mm, LAD=200mm, and BAD=135o. (1) Determine the type of the revolute four-bar mechanism. Crank-Rocker

4-4(2) If the side link AB is a driver and rotates at a constant speed, (a) find the pressure angle  and the transmission angle  of the mechanism at that position.

(b) find the angular stroke max of the link DC (b) find the angular stroke max of the link DC. (c) find the crank acute angle  between the two limiting positions. (d) calculate the time ratio k .

(e) will any dead-point occur during the whole cycle of the motion. No (e) will any dead-point occur during the whole cycle of the motion? No. (d) find the maximum pressure angle max and the minimum transmission angle min. min =min{min, min} 不能只求min !!!

(3) If the side link DC is a driver, (a) find the pressure angle ’ and the transmission angle ’ of the mechanism at that position.

(b) will any dead-point occur during the whole cycle of the motion (b) will any dead-point occur during the whole cycle of the motion? If so, when? Yes. 两位置! (c) find the maximum pressure angle max and the minimum transmission angle min.


4-5 In the offset slider-crank mechanism shown in Fig 4-5 In the offset slider-crank mechanism shown in Fig.4-5, the driver crank AB rotates at a constant speed. Let LAB=120mm, LBC=250mm, offset e=60mm, and AB=60o. Find

(1)the length of stroke H of the slider, (2) the crank acute angle  (3) the time ratio k ,

(4)  and  at that position, (5) max and min.

4-6. 在偏置曲柄滑块机构ABC中,曲柄AB为主动件。已知:LAB=25mm, 偏置量e=10mm, MAX=30 4-6. 在偏置曲柄滑块机构ABC中,曲柄AB为主动件。已知:LAB=25mm, 偏置量e=10mm, MAX=30. 求:行程 H以及极位夹角 .

4-6. 在偏置曲柄滑块机构ABC中,曲柄AB为主动件。已知:LAB=25mm, 偏置e=10mm, MAX=30 4-6. 在偏置曲柄滑块机构ABC中,曲柄AB为主动件。已知:LAB=25mm, 偏置e=10mm, MAX=30. 求:行程 H以及极位夹角 .

4-6. 在偏置曲柄滑块机构ABC中,曲柄AB为主动件。已知:LAB=25mm, 偏置e=10mm, MAX=30 4-6. 在偏置曲柄滑块机构ABC中,曲柄AB为主动件。已知:LAB=25mm, 偏置e=10mm, MAX=30. 求:行程 H以及极位夹角 .

4-6. 在偏置曲柄滑块机构ABC中,曲柄AB为主动件。已知:LAB=25mm, 偏置e=10mm, MAX=30 4-6. 在偏置曲柄滑块机构ABC中,曲柄AB为主动件。已知:LAB=25mm, 偏置e=10mm, MAX=30. 求:行程 H以及极位夹角 .

4-6. 在偏置曲柄滑块机构ABC中,曲柄AB为主动件。已知:LAB=25mm, 偏置e=10mm, MAX=30 4-6. 在偏置曲柄滑块机构ABC中,曲柄AB为主动件。已知:LAB=25mm, 偏置e=10mm, MAX=30. 求:行程 H以及极位夹角 .

4-10 图示为铰链四杆机构ABCD的连杆BC的两个位置B1C1 和 B2C2. 构件AB是主动件。第一位置的压力角 =0o

固定铰链A 必在B1B2的中垂线上。固定铰链 D必在C1C2的中垂线上。

构件AB是主动件,且第一位置的压力角 =0o, 所以 B1C1C1D

构件AB是主动件,且第一位置的压力角 =0o, 所以 B1C1C1D

构件AB是主动件,且第二位置是肘节位置,所以 A、B2、 C2三点共线

构件AB是主动件,且第二位置是肘节位置,所以 A、B2、 C2三点共线

4-14在偏置曲柄滑块机构ABC中,当曲柄AB从第1位置逆时针转动100o 到达第2位置时,滑块铰链C将从 C1 移动到C2 4-14在偏置曲柄滑块机构ABC中,当曲柄AB从第1位置逆时针转动100o 到达第2位置时,滑块铰链C将从 C1 移动到C2 . 当曲柄AB从第2位置逆时针转动100o 到达第3位置时,滑块铰链C将从 C2 移动到C3 . 求铰链B的第3个位置B3.

在第一位置,构件AB上必有一直线为竖直状态,如AE1。作E1AE2=100, E2AE3=100,得E2和E3点。故ABE为运动已知构件。


AE1C1 、AE2C2和AE3C3分别代表C点相对于AE的第一、第二和第三个位置。

作AE3C1’AE1C1, AE3C2’AE2C2,得C1’ 点和C2’点。

作AE3C1’AE1C1, 且字母旋向相同,得C1’ 点。

AE3C1’AE1C1, 但字母旋向不相同。

AE3C1’AE1C1, 但字母旋向不相同。

作C3C2’和C2’C1’的中垂线,交点就是待定活动铰链点B的第三个位置点B3。不是B1或B2 !

作B2AB3=100, B1AB2=100, 得B2和B1点。


4-17 在铰链四杆机构ABCD中, AB是主动件。机构的第1位置是死点位置。求铰链B的第2个位置B2。







作B2C2E2B1C1E1 ,得B2点。



4-18 在偏置曲柄滑块机构ABC中,C1 是滑块的左极限位置。求B1。




作AC2’E1AC2E2,且字母旋向相同,得C2 ’


作AC2’E1AC2E2,且字母旋向相同,得C2 ’




作AB2E2AB1E1 ,得B2点。




4-20 在偏置曲柄滑块机构ABC中,第1位置是滑块的左极限位置。

C是待定活动铰链. 滑块是参考构件. B是圆周点.






检验运动未知构件BC的杆长:B1C1=B2C2。 设计完毕!






若要求滑块停在第1个位置, 作B2B2’=F2F1,得B2’点。


导轨是水平的。 机构的第一个位置点AB1C1。



4-26 Design a crank-rocker mechanism similar to the one in Fig 4-26 Design a crank-rocker mechanism similar to the one in Fig.4-27 that will give a k value of 1.2 with an angular stroke of 45o for the rocker DC, from a constant input speed crank AB. The length of the rocker DC is 100mm. Check that the minimum transmission angle min is larger than 40o. =(k-1)/(k+1)*180o=(1.2-1)/(1.2+1)*180o =16.36o

任取D。 lDC=100mm, C1DC2=45

C1PC1C2, C1C2P=90 -16.36=73.64



lAB= (AC2-AC1)/2 lBC=(AC2+AC1)/2

检验 min>45, 注意: AC2D> min

4-28 In an offset slider-crank mechanism, the offset e is 20mm 4-28 In an offset slider-crank mechanism, the offset e is 20mm. The coefficient k of travel speed variation is to be 1.3. The working stroke H of the slider is to be 50mm. Design the offset slider-crank mechanism





显然,C1AC2=. 测量AC1和AC2。

a= (AC2-AC1)/2 b=(AC2+AC1)/2


4-2 Determine the type of the linkage and the type of the two side links AB and DC (crank or rocker) according to the Grashof criterion. Can the coupler BC rotate 360o with respect to the frame (Yes or No)?

4-3 In a revolute four-bar linkage ABCD, LBC=100mm, LDC =80mm, LAD=110mm. (1)Find the range of the values for the length LAB of link AB if the linkage is either (a) a crank-rocker mechanism with crank AB, or (b) a double-rocker mechanism. (2) Can the linkage be a double-crank mechanism by choosing LAB suitably? Why?

4-7 In the double-crank linkage ABCD shown in Fig 4-7 In the double-crank linkage ABCD shown in Fig.4-1(b), LAB=80mm, LBC=180mm, LDC=230mm, LAD=200mm. The driver BC rotates at a constant speed. Find the minimum transmission angle min of the linkage.

4-8 According to the data in Problem 4-3, find the range of values for the driving crank AB if the linkage is to be a crank-rocker mechanism and the minimum transmission angle min is larger than 50o. Compare the result with that in Problem 4-3(1a).

4-9 The crank-rocker mechanism shown in Fig 4-9 The crank-rocker mechanism shown in Fig.4-31 has no quick-return characteristics. Prove that the lengths of links of the linkage satisfy the following equation: (LAB)2 + (LAD)2 =(LBC)2 + (LDC)2

4-11 Design a crank-rocker mechanism ABCD to move a line EF on the coupler BC from position E1F1 to position E2F2 and then to position E3F3. xA=0. yA=0. xD=100mm. yD=0. xE1=2.18mm. yE1= -15.1mm. xE2= -3.19mm. yE2=-56.8mm. xE3=67.5mm. yE3= -32.8mm. E1F1=61.7. E2F2=73.4. E3F3=108.5. LEF=125mm. Find the required moving revolute centres B1 and C1 on the coupler.

4-12 Design a revolute four-bar linkage ABCD so that a point E on the coupler BEC will pass through the three points, E1, E2 and E3. B1、A and D have been specified. Find the first position C1 of the moving revolute center C.

作E2B2=E1B1, E3B3=E1B1, 得B2和B3点。故BE是运动已知构件。

C为待定活动铰链点。BEC运动已知,故BEC是待定活动铰链点C所联结的运动已知构件,选为参考系。D是待定活动铰链点C所联结的 运动未知构件上的运动已知点,选为圆周点。 注意: 虽然AB也是运动已知构件,但不应选AB为参考系。

DE1B1 、DE2B2和DE3B3分别代表圆周点D点相对于参考系BE的第一、第二和第三个位置。

作B1E1D2’B2E2D,B1E1D3’B3E3D,使B2E2、B3E3 与E1B1重合,得D2’点和D3’点。

作DD3’和D3’D2’的中垂线,交点就是待定活动铰链点C的第一个位置点C1。不是C2 或C3

作B2E2C2B1E1C1, B3E3C3B1E1C1 ,得C2和C3点。



4-13. In a revolute four-bar linkage ABCD, as the driver side link AB rotates from position 1 to position 2, the other side link DC rotates 24.6o counter-clockwise. As the link AB goes from position 2 to position 3, the link DC rotates 39.3o counter-clockwise. LAB= 50mm and LAD=100mm. Synthesize the linkage graphically.

在第一位置,摇杆DC上必有一直线为竖直状态,如DE1。作E1DE2=24. 6, E2DE3=39 在第一位置,摇杆DC上必有一直线为竖直状态,如DE1。作E1DE2=24.6, E2DE3=39.3,得E2和E3点。 DCE是运动已知构件。

相对于参考系DCE的相对轨迹是圆,圆心是B。 注意: 虽然AB也是运动已知构件,但不应选AB为参考系。 C为待定活动铰链点。DCE是待定活动铰链点C所联结的运动已知构件,选为参考系。B是待定活动铰链点C所联结的运动未知构件上的运动已知点,选为圆周点。圆周点B 相对于参考系DCE的相对轨迹是圆,圆心是B。 注意: 虽然AB也是运动已知构件,但不应选AB为参考系。

DE1B1 、DE2B2和DE3B3分别代表B点相对于DE的第一、第二和第三个位置。



作C1DC2=24.6, C2DC3=39.3,得C2和C3点。


Design the offset slider-crank mechanism. 4-15 In an offset slider-crank mechanism, a point F on the slider will displace from point F1 to point F2 when the crank AB rotates from position AB1 to position AB2. As the crank AB rotates from position AB2 to position AB3, the point F displaces from point F2 to point F3. Design the offset slider-crank mechanism.


在第一位置,运动已知构件滑块上必有一直线为竖直状态,如E1F1。作E2F2=E3F3= E1F1 ,得E2和E3点。



作B1B2’和B2’B3’的中垂线,交点就是待定活动铰链点C的第一个位置点C1。不是C2或C3 !

作C1C2=F1F2, C1C3=F1F3,得C2和C3点。


4-16 Moving revolute centre B is on the line CP 4-16 Moving revolute centre B is on the line CP. Design this offset slider-rocker mechanism ABC

Designed offset slider-rocker mechanism ABC. C1B1=C2B2, and AB1=AB2,

Revolute B is UMRC. Link CP is the reference link Revolute B is UMRC. Link CP is the reference link. Point A is the circumference point.

4-16 Moving revolute centre B is on the line CP 4-16 Moving revolute centre B is on the line CP. Design this offset slider-rocker mechanism ABC

AC1P1 represents position relationship between A and CP at the first instant.

AC2P2 represents position relationship between A and CP at the second instant.

Constructing A1’C2P2AC1P1, we get points A1’.

A and A1’ are two positions of A relative to reference link CP when CP is stationary at C2P2.

Constructing the middle-normal of AA1’ Constructing the middle-normal of AA1’. B2 must be located on the middle-normal.

The intersection between the mid-normal and C2P2 is the second position B2 of the UMRC B.

Constructing C1B1=C2B2, we get points B1.

Last, the length of the undetermined link AB must be checked, i. e Last, the length of the undetermined link AB must be checked, i.e., AB1=AB2.

Designed offset slider-rocker mechanism ABC. C1B1=C2B2, and AB1=AB2,

4-19 In a crank-rocker linkage ABCD, side link AB is the driver 4-19 In a crank-rocker linkage ABCD, side link AB is the driver. At the first position of the linkage, the pressure angle of the linkage is zero. Position DC2 is one of the limit positions of the rocker.

因为AB为原动件, 且机构第一位置的压力角=0, 所以B1C1C1D. 不是AB1B1C1!!!

又因为C2D为摇杆CD的一个极限位置, 所以AB2C2三点共线。 因此BC和CD均为运动已知构件。

B is UMRC. BC is reference link. A is circumference point.


因A点在C2B2延长线上, 故在C1B1延长线上截取C1A2’=C2A,得A2’点。



截取B2C2=B1C1 ,得B2点。


4-21 When the wheel of the landing mechanism in an airplane is at its lowest position, links BC and CD are collinear. Suppose the position of revolute C is unknown. Find the position of the revolute C on line DCB so that the link AB will rotate 90 counter-clockwise when the link DC rotates 101 clockwise. The known dimensions are: xA=0, yA=0, xD=103mm, yD=23.55mm, and LAB=55.85mm.

为参考系。B是待定活动铰链点C所联结的运动未知构件BC上的运动已知点,选为圆周点。 B1AB2=90, C1DC2=60。由题意知, 两连架杆AB 和DC均为运动已知构件。C为待定活动铰链点。BC为运动未知构件。DC是待定活动铰链点C所联结的运动已知构件,选 为参考系。B是待定活动铰链点C所联结的运动未知构件BC上的运动已知点,选为圆周点。

因B1点在DC1延长线上, 故在DC2延长线上截取DB1’=DB1,得B1’点。


截取DC1=DC2 ,得C1点。


4-22 In a revolute four-bar linkage ABCD, crank AB is a driver 4-22 In a revolute four-bar linkage ABCD, crank AB is a driver. The first position of the rocker is one of its two limiting positions. Find the second position C2 of the revolute C.

4-23 In a crank-rocker mechanism ABCD, crank AB is a driver 4-23 In a crank-rocker mechanism ABCD, crank AB is a driver. At the second position, the value of transmission angle reaches its minimum. Find the second position B2 of the revolute B.

4-24 In a revolute four-bar linkage ABCD, crank AB is a driver 4-24 In a revolute four-bar linkage ABCD, crank AB is a driver. The coefficient k of travel speed variation of the rocker CD is to be 1. When the crank AB is located at position AB2, the rocker CD reaches its limit position. Design this revolute four-bar linkage.

4-25 Design a crank-rocker mechanism ABCD similar to the one in Fig 4-25 Design a crank-rocker mechanism ABCD similar to the one in Fig.4-23 (a) to give 45o oscillation of the rocker DC with equal time back and forth, from a constant input speed crank AB. Let LAB =30mm and LBC =80mm.

4-27 Design a crank-rocker mechanism similar to the one in Fig 4-27 Design a crank-rocker mechanism similar to the one in Fig.4-27 that will give a k value of 1.25 with an angular stroke of 32o for the rocker DC, from a constant input speed crank AB. Let LAB =75mm and LDC =290mm. Find the lengths of links BC and AD.

4-29 Design an offset slider-crank mechanism 4-29 Design an offset slider-crank mechanism. The ratio of the length of the coupler BC to the length of the crank AB is to be 4. The coefficient k of travel speed variation is to be 1.2. The working stroke H of the slider is to be 200mm.

According to Eq.(4-10),