“Experiments in Social Engineering” Further Along the Path of Acquisition: Ship-Based CTD Observations for Argo’s Delayed-Mode Quality Control Database. “Experiments in Social Engineering” 展望:Argo滞后质量控制的资料库需要船舶CTD观测资料 “获取船舶资料的社会工程尝试” S. Diggs: Argo AST-10 Hangzhou, China: 2009.03.22 1
A Quick Review - How did we get here? 快速回顾—我们如何及时达到此阶段
The Data Flow and CCHDO's Secure Data Website 数据流图和CCHDO的安全数据网站
What We Have Learned 我们已学习到:获取CTD数据的新策略
Project: SEAHUNT 搜索7个海洋工程: SEAHUNT
Project: SEAHUNT (II) 搜索7个海洋工程: SEAHUNT
Argo deployments with CTD casts
Float deployed from the January 2009 DIMES cruise on R/V Revelle (Thanks to the AIC/TC)
US-NODC 2008 WOD updates 6656 cruises, 301536 profiles
All Promises Kept Since AST-9 我们对我们去年AST-9 的会议报告一直保持承诺
SUMMARY 总结 What we still from AST: STEERING! 我们仍然需要你们所有人的原因是: 我们需要帮忙操控航驶这艘船 How are we doing in general? How can/should we improve this effort? Geographic / Temporal (are we in looking in the right places? (Southern Ocean))
Thanks to Lillian Sung and Zuojun Yu for the Chinese Translation 我对宋Lillian 和俞佐军(Yu Zuojun)的翻译帮忙至上最深的感谢