Disciples Making Disciples


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Presentation transcript:

Disciples Making Disciples 良师益友:门徒培育门徒 : Disciples Making Disciples

主人说:”好!你这又良善又忠心 的仆人”(太 25:21) 良师益友 主人说:”好!你这又良善又忠心 的仆人”(太 25:21) “His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! ” (Matt 25:21)

Vision 2020+ : Be a Discipleship driven Great Commission Church 良师益友 展望2020+: 成为门徒导向的大使命教会 Vision 2020+ : Be a Discipleship driven Great Commission Church

门徒:学生、徒弟 Disciple:Pupil,Apprentice 良师益友 门徒:学生、徒弟 Disciple:Pupil,Apprentice

门徒成全之两层面: Two Aspects of Discipleship: • 知识传授:开班授课 Transferring Knowledge (Truth):Classroom, Bible Study 生命传承:良师益友 Imparting Life (Attitudes, Values):Mentoring

旧约 Old Testament : 以利亚与以利沙 Elijah & Elisha 摩西与约书亚 Moses & Joshua 良师益友 旧约 Old Testament : 以利亚与以利沙 Elijah & Elisha 摩西与约书亚 Moses & Joshua

良师益友 新约 New Testament : • 保罗与提摩太 Paul & Timothy • 巴拿巴与保罗 Barnabas & Paul • 保罗与提摩太 Paul & Timothy • 耶稣与门徒 Jesus & Disciples

“Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ.” (1 Cor 11:1) 门徒成全之精髓 Essence of Discipleship 「你们该效法我,像我效法 基督一样。 」(林前 11:1) “Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ.” (1 Cor 11:1)

最终的目的: 彰显基督样式 Final Destination: Christlikeness 良师益友 最终的目的: 彰显基督样式 Final Destination: Christlikeness

分享 Sharing

良师益友 提摩太后书2章2节: “你在许多见证人面前听见我所教训的,也要交托那忠心能教导别人的人。” 2 Timothy 2:2 NIV "And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others."

门徒之关键关系 : 良师益友 Relationships of Discipleship: Mentoring 门徒之关键关系 : 良师益友 Relationships of Discipleship: Mentoring

没有继承人的成就等于失败! Success without Succession is Failure! 良师益友 没有继承人的成就等于失败! Success without Succession is Failure!

门徒的一大重任是 生命传承 The Heart of ship is Mentoring 良师益友 门徒的一大重任是 生命传承 The Heart of ship is Mentoring

立志 Commitment 人人作门徒 Everyone a Disciple