主耶穌是我良友 有主勝得萬有 萬人中救主是我最好靈友 主是谷中百合花 我惟一需要祂 祂能洗淨我使我聖潔無瑕


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Presentation transcript:

主耶穌是我良友 有主勝得萬有 萬人中救主是我最好靈友 主是谷中百合花 我惟一需要祂 祂能洗淨我使我聖潔無瑕 I have found a friend in Je-sus, He’s ev-ery thing to me, He’s the fair-est of ten thou-sand to my soul; The Lil-y of the Val-ley, in Him a-lone I see, all I need to cleanse and make me ful-ly whole. 谷中百合花 The Lily of the Valley - 1 1/6

悲傷時祂來解憂 患難時祂保佑 一切憂慮全放在主肩頭 *主是晨星燦爛光華 是谷中百合花 萬人中救主最美好我愛祂 In sor-row He’s my com-fort, in trou-ble He’s my stay, He tells me ev-ery care on Him to roll: He’s the Lil-y of the Val-ley, the Bright and Morn-ing Star, He’s the fair-est of ten thou-sand to my soul. 2/6

主把我憂傷擔去 帶走一切憂愁 當我受試探時祂是我力量 我願盡心來愛祂 毀掉一切偶像 祂有能力保守我為祂而活 He all my griefs has tak-en, and all my sor-rows borne; In temp-ta-tion He’s my strong and migh-ty power; I have all for Him for-sak-en, and all my I-dols torn From my heart, and now He keeps me by His power. 谷中百合花 The Lily of the Valley - 2 3/6

那日在天見主面 享受主愛甘甜 有快樂江河長流至永年 *主是晨星燦爛光華 是谷中百合花 萬人中救主最美好我愛祂 Though all the world for-sake me, and Sa-tan tempt me sore, Through’ Je-sus I shall safe-ly reach the goal: He’s the Lil-y of the Val-ley, the Bright and Morn-ing Star, He’s the fair-est of ten thou-sand to my soul. 4/6

主永不把我捨棄 我主何等仁慈 我要忠誠信靠遵行主旨意 有火焚燒我身旁 任遭何事不慌 主賜嗎哪餧養我靈得健壯 He will nev-er, nev-er leave me, nor yet for-sake me here, While I live by faith and do His bless-ed will; A wall of fire a-bout me, I’ve noth-ing now to fear, With His man-na He my hun-gry soul shall fill. 谷中百合花 The Lily of the Valley - 3 5/6

縱然世界棄絕我 撒旦來試探我 靠著耶穌能過得勝生活 *主是晨星燦爛光華 是谷中百合花 萬人中救主最美好我愛祂 Then sweep-ing up to glo-ry to see His bless-ed face, Where riv-ers of de-light shall ev-er roll: He’s the Lil-y of the Val-ley, the Bright and Morn-ing Star, He’s the fair-est of ten thou-sand to my soul. 6/6