Laba porridge 腊八粥是一种在腊八节用由多种食材熬制的粥。最早的腊八粥是红小豆来煮,后经演变,加之地方特色,逐渐丰富多彩起来。 Laba rice porridge is one kind of porridge with a variety of ingredients in.


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Presentation transcript:

Laba porridge 腊八粥是一种在腊八节用由多种食材熬制的粥。最早的腊八粥是红小豆来煮,后经演变,加之地方特色,逐渐丰富多彩起来。 Laba rice porridge is one kind of porridge with a variety of ingredients in Laba festival. The first Laba porridge is made up of the red beans. Then, it combined with local characteristics and become more and more rich after changing.

Introduction 腊八是指每年农历的十二月俗称腊月,十二月初八(腊月初八)即是腊八节;腊八节在中国有着很悠久的传统和历史,在这一天喝腊八粥、做腊八粥是全国各地老百姓最传统、也是最讲究的习俗。 Laba is the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month that is commonly known as the twelfth lunar month of December every year lunar .Laba Festival has a very long tradition and history in China. People will drink rice porridge in this day. Rice porridge is the most traditional, most luxurious custom all over the country.

Origin    腊八是中国农历腊月最重大的节日,古代称为"腊日",俗称"腊八节"。从先秦起,腊八节都是用来祭祀祖先和神灵,祈求丰收和吉祥。据说,佛教创始人释迦牟尼的成道之日也在十二月初八,因此腊八也是佛教徒的节日,称为"佛成道节"。 Laba is the most important festival of Chinese New twelfth lunar month,and it was called “La Day” in ancient times, commonly known as "Laba Festival.“From the Qin Dynasty, the Laba Festival are used to worship their ancestors and the gods, and pray for good harvest and good fortune. It is said, the day of enlightenment of Buddha who was the founder of Buddhism was the eighth day of December, so Laba is also the Buddhist festival, and is known as "Buddha into the Road Festival."

Custom 腊八这一天有吃腊八粥的习俗,腊八粥也叫"七宝五味粥"。我国喝腊八粥的的历史,已有一千多年。最早开始于宋代。每逢腊八这一天,不论是朝廷、官府、寺院还是黎民百姓家都要做腊八粥。到了清朝,喝腊八粥的风俗更是盛行。 The custom of Laba is drinking rice porridge. And rice porridge is also known as "metals and flavors porridge." The history of drinking Laba porridge in China has more than a thousand years of history. It was began in the Song Dynasty. Whether court, official, temple or common people have to do rice porridge at home in the Laba Festival. To the Qing Dynasty, the custom of drinking rice porridge is very popular.

process 腊八粥熬好之后,要先敬神祭祖。之后要赠送亲友,一定要在中午之前送出去。最后才是全家人食用。吃剩的腊八粥,保存着吃了几天还有剩下来的,却是好兆头,取其"年年有余"的意义。如果把粥送给穷苦的人吃,那更是为自己积德。 People will worship the ancestors and gods when the Laba porridge was cooked well. And then they have to gift their friends and relatives. Besides the rice porridge must be sent out before noon. Finally, the family will eat the porridge. People will save the leftover Laba porridge. It is a good sige that porridge was preserved in a few days still left to eat . It means "annual surplus" of meaning. If the porridge is given to poor people to eat, it is Jide for themselves.

Laba porridge 腊八粥的食材,因各地物产而有不同。有配合初八日,以八样东西混合煮食。其中米、胡萝卜、青菜,为不可少的三宝。 The ingredients of Laba porridge is different according to the property of different parts. It is cooked with eight mixed things to eighth day. And rice, carrots, green vegetables is essential treasures.

Laba porridge 此外,还有花生(或黄豆)、莲子、白果、豆腐或油豆腐、芋头等食材。若要再增加食材,可放四川木耳、红枣、素豆饼,不可放素火腿、香菇。 In addition, ingredients also include peanuts (or soy), lotus seeds, gingko nuts, tofu or fried tofu, taro and other ingredients. If you want to increase the ingredients ,you can be put in Sichuan fungus, red dates, plain cake, but not put ham, mushrooms.

Laba porridge 蓬来米占百分之四十,糯米占百分之二十,青菜占百分之十,胡萝卜、花生(黄豆)各占百分之五,豆腐(油豆腐)、油条占百分之五,白果、莲子、芋头三者占百分之五,另外的百分之十衡量情形,可以不要。 Penglai rice 40% Sticky rice 20% Green vegetables 10% Carrots 5% Peanuts (or soy) 5% Tofu (fried tofu), fried fritters 5% Gingko nuts, lotus seeds, taro 5% The others 10%

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