ABC 2014 課碼:Workshop I (10:45 AM--12 noon) 教室:200 講員: 賴敏超姐妹 授課語言: 華語


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Presentation transcript:

ABC 2014 課碼:Workshop I (10:45 AM--12 noon) 教室:200 講員: 賴敏超姐妹 授課語言: 華語 北美華人基督徒教育大會 Access Bible Convention 課碼:Workshop I (10:45 AM--12 noon) 教室:200 講員: 賴敏超姐妹 授課語言: 華語 題目: 跨越兩代文化的鴻溝 專題簡介: 幫助青少年家長在今天急劇多變的時代,暸解下一代青少年的文化,跨越兩代文化的鴻溝。 1


About me 印城華人教會 正道芝加哥分校畢業 兩個孩子

Questions 有在教会参与青少年事工的吗? 有青少年的父母嗎? 為什么選擇這個專題? 你希望從中得到什么?

Objective 依靠神的恩典和能力,跨越兩代文化 的鴻溝。

Strategies 明白青少年的文化 与青少年同奔天路                                 堅固信仰,更新生命            架起橋樑,跨越代溝


Causes 人自私和罪的本性 急劇變化的時代和青少年文化 導致代溝越來越大


5 TEEN CULTURE TRENDS OF 2013 Jeff Beckley, youth pastor at Columbus, OH: Violence and bullying are growing problems Social Media is taking over Pornography becomes biggest issue Cell Phones are becoming more dangerous Video game addiction

Media and Teenagers “Any serious attempt to understand our teenagers requires an ongoing effort to comprehend media and the role it plays in their lives.” -- Walt Mueller, p. 80

Media and Teenagers Vehicle Content Delivery System Message

Media and Teenagers It shapes teenagers’ values and attitudes It shapes teenagers’ decision and behaviors It shapes teenagers’ spirituality and beliefs

Powerful and Pervasive

耳濡目染 ,潛移默化

青少年每月平均用多少短信? 100個 546個 3339個 5010個

青少年每天平均接觸到媒體的時間是多長? 2小時 5小時 8小時 10小時

A way to communicate A tool to connect

Cyber Bullying Pornography

Addiction Destroy Family Time

Sexualized Youth Culture New Trends “Hook Up Culture”

Drinking and Drugs Underage Drinking Drug Abuse

Underage Drinking

Teenager long for understanding and help Teenager look for the truth The Gospel: God’s grace


3 “A” principles: Awaken to the challenge Aware of the changes Accept the realities Don’t be afraid! Don’t avoid!

3 “B” principles: Be prayerful—cry out for God’s help Be patient—care with God’s love Be proactive—

3 “R” principles: Respond to your parenting calling from God! Remember: You are a cross culture missionary to your children! Rely on God’s wisdom and strength!


申命記 6:6-7 慇勤教訓,隨時談論

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Monitor Mentor

Discover Discern Decide

Ultimate Goal