第三篇 規 劃 策 略 管 理 Strategic Management 9 各節重點 9.1 瞭解策略管理的定義及重要性


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Presentation transcript:

第三篇 規 劃 策 略 管 理 Strategic Management 9 各節重點 9.1 瞭解策略管理的定義及重要性 第三篇 規 劃 9 策 略 管 理 Strategic Management 各節重點 9.1 瞭解策略管理的定義及重要性 9.2 解釋管理者在六步驟的策略管理程序中的角色 9.3 探討競爭優勢及其對組織的重要性 9.4 探討當代的策略管理

策略管理 Strategic Management 9.1 策略管理 Strategic Management 何謂策略管理 What Is Strategic Management? 策略指的是組織針對企業運作的計畫,如何成功的與其他人競爭,以及如何在達成目標的前提下吸引顧客並讓客戶滿意。 Strategies is the plans for how the organization will do what it’s in business to do, how it will compete successfully, and how it will attract and satisfy its customers in order to achieve its goals. HTC Counter SUE APPLE 策略管理是決定組織長期績效的一套管理決策與行動,它涵蓋所有的基本管理功能 — 規劃、組織、領導與控制。 Strategic management is what managers do to develop the organization’s strategies. It involves all the basic management functions — planning, organizing, leading, and controlling.

商業模式 (business model) 是企業如何獲利的方式,聚焦 於兩件事:(1) 顧客是否會珍視公司所提供的產品及服務; (2) 公司所提供的產品及服務是否可以獲利。 Business model is how a company is going to make money. It focus on two things : (1) whether customers will value what the company is providing, and (2) whether the company can make any money doing that.

Why Is Strategic Management Important? 策略管理的重要性 Why Is Strategic Management Important? 1. 使用策略管理的公司,會有較好的績效。 It results in higher organizational performance. 2. 每一公司都面臨環境的動態改變,管理者藉由策略管理檢視各項相關的要素並做出對應的行動方案。 It requires that managers examine and adapt to business environment changes. 3. 組織本身是複雜及多元的,策略管理可以協助各部門一起合作達成策略目標。 It coordinates diverse organizational units, helping them focus on organizational goals. 營利組織外與非營利組織也都應用策略管理。 Both business organizations and not-for-profit organizations use strategic management.

9.2 策略管理程序 The Strategic Management Process 策略管理程序包括策略規劃、執行與評估等六個步驟。 Strategic management process — a six-step process that encompasses strategic planning, implementation, and evaluation.

#1 Amusement Park in the World Step 1: 確認組織目前的使命、目標與策略 Identifying the organization’s current mission, goals, and strategies 使命是一個組織存在的目的,並定義組織存在的理由為何。 通常會明示組織所涵蓋的產品或服務之領域 Mission: a statement of the purpose of an organization The scope of its products and services #1 Amusement Park in the World 目標是進一步計畫之基石 是可測度的績效標的 Goals: the foundation for further planning Measurable performance targets “Light The World” “Make World Happy”

Components of a Mission Statement Exhibit 9-2: 使命宣言的構成要素 Components of a Mission Statement In Disneyland Walt used new technology to bring his characters to life. He called them “Animatronics”. Together with unique storytelling and high quality of service Walt Disney created a magical environment for his guests which none of the competitors could quite duplicate.

Doing an external analysis Step 2: 外部環境分析 Doing an external analysis 分析外部環境時,應同時檢視經濟、人口統計、政治法律、社會文化、科技及全球化的趨勢及正在發生的改變。 應聚焦在辨識將面對的機會與威脅 機會是外部環境因素中的正向趨勢;威脅是負面的趨勢。 In an external analysis, managers should examine the economic, demographic, political/legal, sociocultural, technological, and global components to see the trends and changes. Focuses on identifying opportunities and threats Opportunities are positive trends in the external environment; threats are negative trends.

Step 3:內部環境分析 Doing an internal analysis 對內檢視組織內部的資源,能力和活動。 Assessing organizational resources, capabilities, and activities 組織內部資源包括財務能力、有形資產、人才、無形資產等,用於發展、製造並以此提供顧客所需產品。 Resources - the assets of the organization including financial, physical, human, intangible — organization uses to develop, manufacture, and deliver a product to its customers. 組織能力是指在執行不同功能活動時,組織所應具備的技能。 Capabilities - an organization’s skills and abilities in doing the work activities needed in its business.

優勢與劣勢 Strengths and Weaknesses 任何組織可以有效執行,或組織所擁有的特殊資源,都可稱 為優勢(strengths),而劣勢 (weaknesses) 則是組織表現較 差的活動,或組織需要但卻未擁有的資源。 Strengths - any activities the organization does well or any unique resources that it has. Weaknesses - activities the organization does not execute well or needed resources it does not possess. 組織所擁有的某些能力或資源是很卓越或獨特時,則稱之為 組織的核心能力,核心能力是組織創造價值的主要技術、能 力與資源,這些能耐決定了組織所採用的競爭武器。 Core competencies - the organization’s major value-creating capabilities that determine its competitive weapons.

綜合組織優勢、劣勢、機會與威脅分析,稱為SWOT 分析 。 Steps 2 and 3 combined are called a SWOT analysis. (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) 利用SWOT 分析,管理者可以找出組織開發的策略利基:(1) 利用組織優勢及外部機會; (2) 保護或避免外部威脅; (3) 改善公司的劣勢。 After completing the SWOT analysis, managers are ready to formulate appropriate strategies: (1) Exploit an organization’s strengths and external opportunities; (2) Buffer or protect the organization from external threats; (3) Correct critical weaknesses.

Step 4: 制定策略 Formulating strategies HTC 與Microsoft 攜手推出 Windows Phone 開發並評估策略方案 Develop and evaluate strategic alternatives. 選擇適合組織內各層級的策略,以提供相對的競爭優勢。 Select appropriate strategies for all levels in the organization that provide relative advantage over competitors. 充分運用組織之優勢,以掌握外在環境之機會 Match organizational strengths to environmental opportunities. 修正組織弱點,以因應外在威脅 Correct weaknesses and guard against threats.

Step 5: 執行策略 Implementing strategies 以合宜的組織結構和活動配合所處環境,有效地執行策 略。 Implementation - effectively fitting organizational structure and activities to the environment. Step 6: 評估結果 Evaluating results 檢視策略是否有效的執行,並做必要的調整。 How effective have strategies been? What adjustments, if any, are necessary?

競爭策略 competitive strategy 9.3 競爭策略 competitive strategy 競爭策略決定的是組織的各事業單位該如何競爭。 Competitive strategy - an organizational strategy for how an organization will compete in its business. 擁有不同事業部的組織,每個部門都擁有自身的策略,以界定其所提供的產品或服務以及顧客群。 For organizations in multiple businesses, each business will have its own competitive strategy that defines its competitive advantage, the products or services it will offer, the customers it wants to reach, and the like. 競爭優勢是讓組織得以超越同業的獨特優勢。 Competitive advantage - what sets an organization apart; its distinctive edge.

競爭優勢角色 The Role of Competitive Advantage 品質競爭優勢 Quality as a Competitive Advantage 許多企業將品管概念應用於日常營運中,藉此將競爭者拋諸 於後。當企業能夠持續改善產品或服務品質與可靠度,則競 爭優勢不易被取代。 Many organizations apply quality management concepts in an attempt to set themselves apart from competitors. If a business is able to continuously improve the quality and reliability of its products, it may have a competitive advantage that can’t be taken away.

五力模式 Five Forces Model 在任何產業中,其競爭規則都受五種力量所支配,這五種力 量也決定了產業的吸引力及獲利性,管理者可利用這五項因 素來評估一個產業的吸引力。 In any industry, five competitive forces dictate the rules of competition. Together, these five forces determine industry attractiveness and profitability.

五力模式 Five Forces Model 新進入者的威脅 Threat of New Entrants The ease or difficulty with which new competitors can enter an industry. 替代品的威脅 Threat of Substitutes The extent to which switching costs and brand loyalty affect the likelihood of customers adopting substitute products and services. 購買者的議價能力 Bargaining Power of Buyers The degree to which buyers have the market strength to hold sway over and influence competitors in an industry.

五力模式 Five Forces Model (cont.) 供應商的議價能力 Bargaining Power of Suppliers The relative number of buyers to suppliers and threats from substitutes and new entrants affect the buyer- supplier relationship. 現存競爭者的競爭強度 Current Rivalry Intensity among rivals increases when industry growth rates slow, demand falls, and product prices descend.

挑選競爭策略 Choosing a competitive Strategy 管理者一旦評估了這五力,也完成了SWOT 分析,就可以 選擇一個適當的競爭策略。 Once managers have assessed the five forces and done a SWOT analysis, they’re ready to select an appropriate competitive strategy. 根據Porter分析, 沒有任何一家公司可以滿足所有顧客之需 求,他認為管理者應自較競爭者更低成本,或與競爭者有顯 著差異兩者中,選擇可為組織帶來競爭優勢之策略。 According to Porter, no firm can be successfully by trying to be all things to all people. Porter proposed that managers select a strategy that will give the organization a competitive advantage, either from having lower costs than all other industry competitors or by being significantly different from competitors.

競爭策略之種類 Types of Competitive Strategies 成本領導策略 Cost Leadership Strategy Seeking to attain the lowest total overall costs relative to other industry competitors. 差異化策略 Differentiation Strategy Attempting to create a unique and distinctive product or service for which customers will pay a premium. 集中策略 Focus Strategy Using a cost or differentiation advantage to exploit a particular market segment as opposed to a larger market.

功能策略 (functional strategy) 是決定如何支援事業策略。 對擁有製造、行銷、人力資源、研發與財務等傳統功能部門 的組織而言,這些功能策略必須能支持競爭策略。 Functional strategy - the strategies used by an organization’s various functional departments to support the competitive strategy.

當代策略管理的議題 9.4 Current Strategic Management Issues 策略性領導力的需求 The Need for Strategic Leadership 組織的策略由公司高層發展並制定,所 謂公司高層通常是指執行長 (CEO) 與其 他高階經理人一起合作,包括營運長 (COO)、財務長 (CFO)、資訊長 (CIO), 及其他類似的職稱。 An organization’s strategies are usually developed and overseen by its top managers. An organization’s top manager is typically the CEO. This individual usually work with a top management team that includes other executive or senior managers such as COO, CFO, CIO and other individuals who may have various titles.

策略性領導力 - 指的是對未來充滿樂觀期望,並能設想可能的狀況,同時維持組織的彈性應變能力,並能與組織內的成員共同合作以啟動可行及有價值的組織改革。 Strategic leadership - the ability to anticipate, envision, maintain flexibility, think strategically, and work with others in the organization to initiate changes that will create a viable and valuable future for the organization.

有效的策略性領導力 Effective Strategic Leadership