基礎文法複習 Presented by Teacher Carrie, Cisian Junior High School , Kaohsiung, Taiwan.


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Presentation transcript:

基礎文法複習 Presented by Teacher Carrie, Cisian Junior High School , Kaohsiung, Taiwan

名詞篇1/3單字型 普通名詞:可數(有單、複) 不可數( 物質water; 抽象knowledge) 專有名詞:有沒有the使用者為尊 主詞、受詞、介詞後面都是名詞 組成:單字型 普通名詞:可數(有單、複) 不可數( 物質water; 抽象knowledge) 專有名詞:有沒有the使用者為尊 代名詞:你我他!注意有主受格

名詞篇2/3片語型: two apples; a pretty girl; each other; someone strong; the girl with long hair; to pass the test; passing the test; what to do; where to go ※ It is important to pass the test. ※ I study hard to pass the test. ※ It’s the way to pass the test.

名詞篇3/3 子句型 (1)直敘句(肯定/ 否定):句子前加that 就變成子句 → I know (that) Tom was late. Tom was late. I know it. → I know (that) Tom was late. (2)Yes-No問句: 句子前加if/ whether(是否) +S+V Does Mary like me? I don’t know it. → I don’t know if Mary likes me.

名詞篇3/3 子句型 (3)Wh-問句: 將Wh-問句改成Wh- +S+(情態助動詞) V What time is it? I wonder it. → I wonder what time it is. How can I get to the station? I wonder it. → I wonder how I can get to the station. Where did you go? I wonder it. → I wonder where you went. (功能助動詞要還原)

※間接問句型的名詞子句,在主詞相同、有用到情態助動詞的前提下,可簡化成名詞片語 I wonder whether I should go to the party (or not). → I wonder whether to go to the party (or not). I wonder what I should do. → I wonder what to do. I wonder how I could do it. → I wonder how to do it.  

【Enjoy the wisdom】 We hold these truths to be self-evident, (2-1) that all men are created equal,  (2-2) that they are endowed by their        Creator with certain unalienable Rights, (2-3) that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.

副詞篇1/4 1. 副詞表示時間、地點、目的、狀態、因果關係、讓步條件…,若刪去也不影響句子結構完整。 2. 組成: (1) 單字型:(時)today/ now; (地)here/ home; (頻率)always/ never; (狀態)fast/ happily (2) 片語型:(時)at 7:00/ in the morning; (地)over there/ on the table; (目的) to pass the test  

副詞篇2/4--- (3) 子句型 利用連接詞接一個次要子句 副詞篇2/4--- (3) 子句型 利用連接詞接一個次要子句 (A) 時間:when/ while/ before/ after/ since(自從)/ until(till)直到… I will do it when he comes. = When he comes, I will do it. (B) 條件/ 讓步:if(如果)/ as long as(只要)/ whether(無論) / although(雖然)/ no matter(無論) I will not go out if it rains tomorrow. = If it rains tomorrow, I will not go out.

副詞篇3/4--- (3) 子句型 (C) 因果:because/ so(所以)/ so… that…(如此…以致於)/ since(既然) I missed the bus because I got up late. = Because I got up late, I missed the bus. = I got up late so I missed the bus. ※ because不能和so 同時使用;although不能和but 同時使用

副詞篇4/4--- (3) 子句型 (D) 比較:as…as (與…一樣)/ than(比) He ran as fast as I (did). He ran faster than I (did). He is more handsome than I (am). ※時間子句與條件子句,要用現在式代替未來式 When he comes tomorrow, I will pick him up. If he comes tomorrow, I will pick him up. Because he will come tomorrow, I will stay longer.

Rock A-Bye Baby Rock a-bye baby, on the tree top When the wind blows, the cradle will rock. When the bough breaks, the cradle will fall. And down will come baby, cradle, and all.

易混淆的片語用法 ※(n) It is important to pass the test. = To pass the test is important. ※(adv) I study hard to pass the test. = To pass the test, I study hard. ※(adj) It’s the way to pass the test. Time to Say Goodbye

易混淆的子句用法1/2 I don’t know whether it will rain (or not). 未來式:名詞子句 I will go whether it rains (or not). = Whether it rains (or not), I will go. 現在式:副詞子句 I don’t know when(何時) he will come. I will see him when(當) he comes. = When he comes, I will see him.

易混淆的子句用法2/2 Who can say when the roads meet (adv) that love might be in your heart (n) And who can say when the day sleeps (adv) if the night keeps all your heart (n) or And who can say when the day sleeps (n) if the night keeps all your heart (adv)

Syntax of Only Time 【lyrics】 Q: Who can say _(名詞子句) _________ where the road goes (and) where the day flows ? A: Only time (can). Q: And who can say __(名詞子句) _____ if your love grows (副詞子句) as your heart chose ?

Who can say why your heart sighs (n) as your love flies (adv) Only time And who can say why your heart cries (n) as your love lies (adv)

Syntax of Only Time Who can say when the roads meet (adv) that love might be in your heart (n) And who can say when the day sleeps (adv) if the night keeps all your heart (n)

The End