AST3: Robotic Operating Software & Data in 2012 from Dome A


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Presentation transcript:

AST3: Robotic Operating Software & Data in 2012 from Dome A Ma Bin (NAOC) Shang Zhaohui, Hu Yi, Wei Peng 2014.11.29 China-VO 2014 @ Xingchang, Zhejiang

Outline 1 Robotic Operating Software Suite 2 Overview of the data 3 Image Reduction 4 Aperture Photometry 5 Summary

1 Robotic Operating Software Suite AST3要在南极高原冰穹A无人值守地进行自动巡天,由于昆 仑站电力、通讯的限制,我们开发了一套自动控制软件: 与望远镜控制程序和CCD控制程序通讯,控制望远镜和 CCD 采集CCD数据,生成标准FITS格式图像文件 图像分发与存储 管理AST3运控系统串口、硬盘阵列等设备 完整的运行日志记录 不间断自动运行

ast3suite的设计方案 采用C/S架构,客户端只发出硬件操作请求,由单一的服 务器端程序完成实际的读写操作。 服务器端采用多线程编程模式,支持多客户端并发访问。 服务器与客户端程序之间采用TCP/IP的方式进行通讯。 脚本胶水语言串联客户端程序完成自动观测。

漠河运行测试 ast3suite所有守护进程 能开机自行启动,并提 供各自的服务。

2 Overview of the data 10K * 10K STA CCD 1”/pix SDSS-i filter 2012.03.16 - 05.07 Retrieving 1.6TB compressed data ~26,000 frames, including both test and scientific images

Obs. targets Num of fields Sky coverage (deg2) Num of frames Total exptime (hr) LMC 50 ~200 664 10.60 SMC 12 ~50 55 0.90 SN Survey 496 ~2000 3334 55.55 Num of frames Total exptime (hr) LMC-center 4753 62.00 Transit 3398 36.43 WR stars (9 fields) 3454 23.70

Image quality Issues: high tCCD high FWHM elongated FWHM: seeing, optical, tracking Dark: 1.5 ADU/s @ -45C

I(x,y) = bias(x,y) + dark(x,y)*t + F(x,y)*t*f(x,y) 3 Image Reduction I(x,y) = bias(x,y) + dark(x,y)*t + F(x,y)*t*f(x,y) Crosstalk Overscan (bias) Dark current Flat field (by Wei Peng) Engineering-grade CCD

Dark current correction high tCCD Dark(x,y,t) = D(t) + Δd(x,y,t) Δd(x,y,t): non-uniformity -> noisy Dark frame not available @ Dome A Dark current changed since lab test raw Corrected by lab dark

Deriving dark frame from obs.

Derived dark 230 pairs of images @ -41.8℃ Fainter image: 660ADU k ~ 4 Median combining -> master dark frame Lab dark Derived dark

Correction effect background ~ 620ADU, -41℃ Raw RMS ~ 56 ADU Corrected by lab dark RMS ~ 45 ADU Corrected by derived dark RMS ~ 24 ADU

Photometric precision & depth improved Images with background ~ 550 ADU: Correction results in similar background rms (photon noise)

4 Aperture Photometry Photometry: Sextractor Astrometry: Scamp Catalogs crossmatched based on RA, DEC Relative calibrations between catalogs Absolute calibrations to other surveys APASS: SDSS-i (I < 16 mag) DENIS: Gunn-I

Astrometry precision SCAMP ref. cat: PPMX (~0.04”) External RMS: 0.09”(RA), 0.13”(DEC) Internal RMS: 0.1”(all), 0.04”(bright)

Photometric precision Δmag between a0331.116 and a0331.117 Scatter of Δmag as photometric error 5-σ: 19mag, bright end: ~ 2 mmag

Calibration between catalogs Relative calibration for long monitored fields dependent on CCD position(X,Y) --detrending

RMS of LCs XY-detrending calibration Constant calibration

LCs of HD 143414

Data release Catalogs -> database (Tianjin Univ.) -> crossmatch, light curves Time cost: 30k sources: 40 sec -> 2k catalogs/day Data volume in the future SNsurvey: ~50k catalogs/yr Transit: 100k-200k sources/cat, 200k catalogs/month Released via China-VO


5 Summary A new method to derive dark frame from obs. images Astrometry precision: ~0.1” Limiting mag: i ~ 19 mag @ 60sec ->SNe (low tCCD, small FWHM) Photometric precision @ bright end: ~3 mmag (single frame) ->transit (stable tracking & pointing) The catalogs (images?) will be released via China-VO
