What causes the “sparking” of a wintergreen lifesaver?
電磁學 (Electromagnetism) 電學(Electricity) 1. 電荷、電力與電場 2. 靜電的應用 3. 電位與電容器 4. 電流與電阻 5. 電路
磁學 (Magnetism) 磁場 電流與磁場 電磁感應 物質的磁性 麥斯威爾方程式 電磁波 Lasers and X-rays
8-1 電荷、電力與電場 8-1.1 電荷(electric charge) 8-1.2 庫倫定律 (Coulomb’s law ) 8-1.3 電場(electric field)與 場線(電力線)
8-1.1 電荷 摩擦充電 塑膠棒(負荷電)與毛皮(正荷電) 玻璃棒(正荷電)與絲綢(負荷電) 感應充電
摩擦充電 http://courses.science.fau.edu/~rjordan/rev_notes/movies/EFA02VD1.MOV
感應充電 http://www.physicsclassroom.com/mmedia/estatics/isop.html
The Electric Interaction
Charge is quantized The electric charge (e) is discrete (quantized) SI unit: coulomb (C), defined in term of ampere
Millikan’s Oil Drop Experiment Quarks:
Charge is conserved The radioactive decay The annihilation process (對滅)
Elementary Particles The pair production process (對生) The bubble (cloud) chamber
8-1.2 Coulomb’s Law
Ex. 1-1 一庫倫負電荷含有多少電子 Ex. 1-2 氫原子內電子與質子之間電 力與重力之比
Ex. 1-3 鐵(Fe26)原子核中,兩個相距一個原子核半徑的質子間之斥力 R = 410-15m 如此大之斥力,必須有更強的核力與之抗衡,方能維持原子核的穩定。
8-1.3 電場與場線 (electric field) (Lines of force)
電場的定義 電力: q與q0之間的電力 or q在q0所建立的電場中受到的電力
二正電荷與電雙極 q0
電場的計算 電雙極 均勻帶電圓環 均勻帶電圓盤
極限情形 If z » R,
The electric field on an oil drop A drop of R = 2.76m has 3 excess electrons, = 920kg/m3
8-2 靜電的應用 Ink-Jet Printing Soil Decontamination Electroplating Electromagnetic Predators Electric Precipitator Xerography Laser Printer
Ink-Jet Printing ink droplet直徑<1 ×10-4m 每秒可噴出150000顆速度~64km/h 印字頭移到不需印出之位置時,充電電極使墨滴充電,再由偏向版偏折進入Gutter。 彩色印表機使用三支噴頭(青藍、紫紅、黃)或四支(加黑)
An ink drop with
Soil Decontamination and Electroplating Positive contaminant and negative soil, loosen by LF sound wave
Electromagnetic Predators 510-9 V
The torpedo ray and electric eel 電鰩:整個電細胞組成的「發電器官」會形成70~80伏特的電壓,一秒鐘能連續放電100多次,人體接觸牠所釋放的電流,會感覺麻痹。非洲有一種電鰩能釋放220伏特的電,碰上牠很難活。
Electric Precipitator
影印機 鍍鍶鋁滾筒 鍶在暗處為絕緣體(insulator)在亮處為導體(conductor)-photoconductor 光導體 為鋁良導體使滾筒電帶正電之電極;使影印紙帶正電(大於滾筒)之corotron
The copying process
Laser Printer
A RAM Chip A charged capacitor means that a “one” has been stored.
心電圖和腦波圖 EKG EEG
視網膜電圖 ERG
Automatic Coffee Maker
Bimetallic Strip Flasher and 3-way Light Bulb
Electrical Grounding 0.001A : Mild tangling sensation 0.01-0.02A: Muscle spasms 0.2A: fatal (fibrillation)
敬請期待 電、磁、近代物理
9-1.3 等位面3例 E.S. for a uniform field, a point charge, and an electric dipole
I-V curves conductor semiconductor
Multiloop Circuits The Junction rule: 流入接點之電流必等於流出者 (Kirchhoff’s junction/current rule)
10-1 磁場 The electric field and the magnetic field Electromagnets and permanent magnets
11-3.1 Maxwell’s Equations
Applications of Lasers Barcode scanning, CO2 laser welding and retina surgery
2D and 3D X-ray Images